- The Economy ... - Take 2, 3 (12/19 - 29)
- Why Boys need parents (12/15)
- My wife had been on my case for weeks to get the Christmas lights up (12/12)
- Doomed to Fail (12/10)
- Sometimes you just have to be in the right place at the right time (with the right camera) (12/5)
- White tigers get new mommy!! (12/1)
- Do you know who is sitting in The Highest Position of the World? (11/28)
- Just a little bit closer ... closer ... (11/21)
- Guaranteed Fresh or your Money Back (11/19)
- Military Humor (11/17)
- Size does Matter!! Sometimes it's better to have a SMALL ONE! (11/14)
- After flipping his hydrofoil, Jesus quickly leaves the scene... (11/12)
- That moment 'just' before the pain begins... (11/10)
- The Beer Prayer (11/7)
- Redneck Bumper Sticker (11/5)
- Why I drink Pepsi (11/3)
- The 6 Phases of Work (10/27)
- Mass Migration of Stingrays (10/24)
- Obama - Palin 'Dancing with the Stars' Tryout (10/22)
- Hangover Finalist... (10/20)
- If you hate your job, then think again... (10/15)
- Sarah Palin Debate Chart (10/10)
- Halloween Is Going to Scary this Year !! (10/8)
- Being in the right place at the right time photos (10/6)
- The Treasury Department put out a new dollar bill this morning (10/3)
- Wedding Invitation ... (10/1)
- Why kittens have such a short half-life ... (9/29)
- How to Tell If Mom Likes You Best (9/26)
- WW11 Tank Recovered from Lake (9/24)
- Something really amazing happened in Downtown Spokane... (9/22)
- China from the sky - Take 1 (9/19)
- One in a million shot ...Mother Nature's way of saying 'Have a nice day!' (9/17)
- 2008 World Nuclear Submarine Racing Championships (9/15)
- Porn for Women (9/12)
- Dog Cartoons (9/10)
- Top Ten Most Amazing Pictures Taken by Hubble Space Telescope in Last 16 Years (9/8)
- Solder showing his dog the Military Dog Memorial (9/5)
- Animal Photos to Make you Smile - take 2 (8/29 - 9/3)
- If Gas Prices Continue To Rise!!! (8/27)
- Another Dream Shattered (8/22)
- Best Moocher Signs (8/20)
- NASA photos proving there is water on Mars (8/18)
- See what happens if you sleep around... (8/15)
- You have a twelve pound son... (8/13)
- So How's your day going? (8/11)
- Some interesting facts about F1 Race Cars... (8/8)
- Car cell phones (8/4)
- 2008 Best Construction Awards (8/1)
- This is what a bad day looks like (7/30)
- I have metal fillings in my teeth ... (7/28)
- "Does anyone need to use the bathroom while we are here?" (7/25)
- Pardon me... but do you have any food? (7/23)
- Engineering Questions of the Day... (7/21)
- Imagine who would have such taste and live in such opulence? (7/18)
- Cool weather pictures! (7/16)
- Ok, who hasn't know a cat like this? (7/14)
- If you ever wanted to give up, take a look at this gal! (7/11)
- I'm getting so old that ... (7/9)
- Survival - Knowing when not to pick a fight (7/7)
- Gas Cartoons (7/2)
- This accident happened 8 years ago this past March (6/27)
- My four-year old grandson is learning to read (6/25)
- Hurricane/Flooding Survival Kit (6/23)
- Obama's Swearing in ... (6/16)
- Woman swallowed whole by leopard (6/6)
- With all the data coming back from Mars... (6/4)
- Migrating Hummingbirds (5/30)
- Job Opening - $200 per Hour Tax Free! (5/28)
- Sign of the times (5/26)
- Best Nature Photo Awards by National Geographic - Take 1 , Take 2 (5/19-23)
- You want me to do what?? The look on this dog's face is priceless... (5/16)
- What a ship.... (5/12)
- My daughter says she has to smoke two joints ... (5/9)
- The new five dollar bill ... (5/7)
- This Is India .... It's Where You Call When You Have a Technical Problem with Your Computer (5/5)
- If you don't already think animals are more spiritually advanced than we humans, think again (5/2)
- The best advertisement war in recent memory (4/30)
- Maybe you haven't seen it all ... (4/25)
- Lost in translation ... (4/23)
- Why you don't want to piss off a woman!!! (4/21)
- Little Known Naval History (4/18)
- Now this is a big pig! (4/16)
- 2008 Presidential Candidates (4/14)
- Sarcasma - sarcasm relief capsules (4/9)
- I wonder if they come in different colors? (4/7)
- Only in New York ... (4/4)
- During World War II the Army Corps of Engineers... (4/2)
- Amazing technology from Japan... (3/31)
- Media Release: IKEA has announced its intention to start selling cars (3/28)
- Getting Old Sucks ... (3/26)
- Spend your income tax refund here (3/24)
- Another Australian out for a stroll... (3/21)
- Baby Dos and Don'ts (3/14)
- Latest from Peugeot (3/12)
- It's taken me ages to get the permits through... (3/7)
- Are you lonely ... then call a meeting! (3/5)
- Things only a guy would do ... (3/3)
- BBQ Grills Designed By Men For Men (2/29)
- Once again discrimination rears its ugly head (2/25)
- Irish Entrance Exam ...Can you solve this within 1 minute? (2/22)
- Pick your favorite Caption. (I love that look) (2/20)
- Parent of the Year Awards... (2/18)
- How the stimulus package really works (2/13)
- If I drive her home, can I be Vice President? (2/8)
- If a picture is worth a 1,000 words, this one speaks volumes (2/4)
- My wife always wanted a riding lawn mower (2/1)
- The temperature in Harbin reaches forty below zero... (1/30)
- You've heard of wedding cakes ... here's a divorce cake! (1/25)
- Why give it up now? (1/23)
- The Cruelest Form of Eye Tests for Old Geezers... (1/21)
- Who says beer doesn't impair judgment ... (1/16)
- Bakery Employee: "How can I help you?" (1/14)
- Sign of the times (1/11)
- I always heard the term "funny car" but now I think I've finally seen one (1/9)
- Talk about a lucky guy... (1/7)
- Always be nice to others because . . . Time will make a difference! (1/4)
- Need we say anything else ... (1/2)
- Fire Rainbow (12/21)
- Frosty gets caught picking his nose ... (12/19)
- These rocket scientists are concreting solid steel pillars to stop vehicles from parking... (12/17)
- Everybody's doing Kung Fu fightin! (12/14)
- "Hey lady, I think I found your problem!" (12/10)
- An Engineer's explanation of women (12/7)
- Be still, be very, very still ... (12/5)
- Mood buttons you can't wear to work - Take 1, Take 2 (11/30 -12/3)
- Some really strange things happen... (11/28)
- How wonderful the love of animals can be... (11/26)
- Hampshire (England) police thought it would be a good idea to advertise on the rear of a bus (11/19)
- Happy Sunset ... (11/16)
- Where's your camera when you need it? Take 1 (11/12)
- Jewish mother's wedding invitation (11/9)
- So you think you had a bad day - take 1, take 2 (11/2-7)
- Um ... do the kids get extra credit for this? (10/31)
- What every office needs ... (10/29)
- Why Pets Hate Halloween (10/26)
- Political Commentary (10/24)
- Halloween Pumpkins (10/22)
- Top Fountains of the World (10/19)
- Coffee Art ... You can't do this with a Tea Bag! (10/17)
- If this reminds you of your job ... it's time to get a new one ... (10/15)
- Is it Friday yet? (10/12)
- How do they do it? (10/8)
- Now this is what I call a sneaky duck! (10/5)
- This Chihuahua puppy literally wears its heart on its sleeve (10/3)
- So simple a caveman can do it ... (10/1)
- Why men shouldn't be allowed to by baby clothes... (9/28)
- Picture of a man with only seconds to live (9/26)
- The first woman on the moon ... (9/21)
- Everyone thinks they can play the piano... (9/17)
- Whatever obstacles you face today, I hope they can be solved this easily! (9/12)
- Jury selected for M. Vick (9/10)
- No one knows a lot about New Zealand ... (9/7)
- Headstone of Russell J. Larsen in The Logan City Cemetery, Logan, Utah. (9/5)
- A guy who lives at Lake Conroe saw a ball bouncing on the water (9/3)
- Just clean cartoons (8/31)
- Finally, error messages I understand! (8/27)
- Lest we forget ... love is not a human only quality (8/24)
- Why can't I get a job? (8/20)
- New AARP Banners (8/17)
- Amazing the show mother nature can put on isn't it? (8/13)
- Speaking for forks... (8/10)
- Lightning hitting the USS H. S. Truman (CVN-75) (8/8)
- Houses in Weird Places (8/3)
- Letter of the day ... (8/1)
- For the last company picnic, management decided that, due to liability issues... (7/30)
- How Normal is your Brain??? (7/27)
- Photo of Two Topless Strippers (7/25)
- Cute Cartoons ... (7/20)
- Things you don't see every day ... - Take 2 (7/13 - 16)
- Aircraft breaking the sound barrier (7/11)
- Magazine Ads of yesteryear - take 1, take 2 (7/6-9)
- The following sequence of photos courtesy of 'Sailing Anarchy' (7/2)
- Here is a soldier stationed in Iraq... (6/29)
- When Helmets Make No Sense... (6/27)
- A wish for all of the difficult people in your life (6/22)
- Ya gotta love the face on the dog! (6/20)
- Amazing Sunset (6/15)
- If this doesn't touch you there is something wrong with you... (6/13)
- Step 1. Tie balloons to car... (6/11)
- Have you ever seen a WATER bridge over a river? (6/8)
- Sometimes it just pays to be patient... (6/6)
- Better then a thousand words take 1, 2 (6/1 - 4)
- You Might be a redneck if... (5/30)
- There have been only three men known to have walked on water... (5/25)
- Here is a picture of the terrible flooding that occurred in Ireland... (5/23)
- Computer Cartoons, take 1 (5/18)
- Nappy Headed Hoe ... this is what Imus was really referring to... (5/16)
- Sometimes you need a good woman (5/7)
- Clever ads ... Take 1, 2, 3, 4,
5 (5/2, 4, 9, 11,14)
- What to wear when your wife pulls out the honey-do list! (4/27)
- It's been one of those days (4/25)
- And you thought your job was dangerous! (4/23)
- Finally, after going through a virus attack, losing a hard drive, fighting off hackers... (4/20)
- You know you're chasing a real redneck when the Bloodhound acts like this (4/18)
- And you thought they were joking about global warming? (4/13)
- Pictures Taken at Just the Right Angle (4/11)
- And to think the hens did it all themselves! (4/9)
- Easter Cartoons (4/6)
- Soccer Cat (4/4)
- US Military Prepares for Democrat cutbacks... (4/2)
- You! Have a great day! (3/30)
- The terrorists have sunk to a new low... (3/28)
- Australian Safety Shoes (3/26)
- There are two basic types of yoga... (3/23)
- Guatemala City , Guatemala - A 330-foot-deep sinkhole... (3/21)
- What is the first thing a blonde does after a bad car accident? (3/16)
- A dog's worst nightmare ... (3/14)
- Trailers are decorated to look like products they are hauling (3/12)
- Queen of the Blonds (3/9)
- Best Ads for 2006: Refrigerator magnet (3/5)
- Now this is what I call a bridge! (3/2)
- Best Ads for 2006: Best Hair-product (2/26)
- Computers take 1 ... 2, 3 (2/19-23)
- Worst road carnage ever witnessed ... (2/16)
- The Devil made me do it (2/14)
- Runner up # 2 for Man of the Year, 2nd Place, First Place (2/2, 5, 12)
- Engineers in Alabama Develop the BUI ("Bubba" User Interface) (1/29)
- After 39 years wandering in the desert, Mrs. Moses asks for directions (1/26)
- I was feeling a little nosey (1/24)
- The Iraq surge ... (1/17)
- Pictures worth a 1000 words (1/12) (take 2 - 2/19)
- Flagged Body (1/10)
- Squirrel Mom (1/8)
- Female IT Experts (1/5)
- Women drivers of the year - take 2 (1/1)
- Women drivers of the year ... (12/29)
- Why People Move South - Take 1 (12/18)
- I want to be a bear (12/11)
- Me an Sue Ellen have devorced (12/8)
- Santa is charged with sexual harassment (12/6)
- We have to cut off what???? (12/4)
- A Picture Worth 1000 Words - Take 1 "Sad Kitty" (12/1)
- Who needs a truck? (11/29)
- The Principle's Office (11/27)
- My life - broken down into segments (11/20)
- Whipped: Thee Magazine for men who don't make the decisions (11/13)
- Last day on the job ... (11/10)
- Hold These ... I have to go back for my wife (11.8)
- What Sorry Looks Like ... (11/3)
- And you thought your job was hazardous! Take 2, 3,
4, 5, 6, 7
(10/11 - 10/27)
- I just want to let you know about the small accident I had with your pick up truck ... (10/9)
- The latest victim of E-Coli in Spinach (10/6)
- Not the vet again! (10/2)
- For Sale ... Early Model Motorcycle and Fast Growing Tree (9/27)
- I can make it to the fence in 2.8 seconds ... (9/22)
- Look closely at the package (9/18)
- Cat's Know the difference ... (9/15)
- Definition of Irony (9/11)
- Rainy photos ... (9/8)
- What's the point? (9/6)
- Painted ceiling in a smoking area (9/1)
- More amazing sidewalk drawings ... (8/30)
- Pack of Dogs kill Gator In Florida (8/25)
- The auto repair shop told me that it would cost $1400 to fix my car's air conditioning ... (8/23)
- A little French humor on high gas prices ... (8/18)
- Cars you don't see very often (8/16)
- Sunset at the North Pole (8/11)
- Every day I live in fear ... (8/9)
- More amazing sidewalk drawings... (8/7)
- Just to put things into proportion ... (8/4)
- Redneck Grill (7/28)
- Effect Divorce Lawyer Ad ... (7/17)
- When it's OK to spank your kid ... (7/14)
- Red Neck Wind Charms (7/12)
- Redneck Palm Pilot (7/10)
- Passing of the Royal Wind (7/5)
- Nominations for best photo of the year Take 2 (6/28, 7/21)
- When a redneck wins the lottery ... (6/26)
- Play at the Beach with no sharks or dirty water (6/23)
- And you thought you had a bad neighbor? (6/21)
- New Orleans Proposal for Rebuilding (6/16)
- Proof of Global Warming ... (6/14)
- Your House As Seen By (6/12)
- You are a South African bush pilot (6/9)
- You know its summer when the girls start to show their belly buttons ... (6/7)
- Ever wonder what happened to Mad Magazine's Alfred E. Newman? (5/22)
- Billboard signs ... (5/10)
- More realistic FEMA guidelines for rebuilding New Orleans (5/8)
- Gas Prices Take - 2, 3, 4, 5,
6, 7, 8, 9, 10,
11, 12, 13 (4/26 - 6/2)
- Smith and Son, Purveyors of Fine Petrol (4/24)
- More Amazing sidewalk drawings Take 2, 3,
4 (4/14 - 21)
- We get heaver as we get older .... (4/12)
- Politician-Voter Outhouse (4/7)
- You know your luck has run out when the end of your rainbow is an outhouse (4/5)
- A little hot water, two or three farts and I've got a Jacuzzi (4/3)
- Why dad's don't get to pick their kids tee-shirts ... (3/31)
- Friendship Prayer (3/24)
- Hunting With Dick Chaney Take 2, 3 (3/13 -23)
- They finally found Popeye's Mom! (3/10)
- Only in New York (3/6)
- How to tell a looser ... (3/3)
- How Microsoft Tech Support really works (3/1)
- Pet Customs ... What man's best friend is willing to put up with! (2/27)
- Gallows Practical Jokes (2/24)
- Hunting Texas style (2/22)
- Did you ever notice when you put the words "The" & "IRS" together it spells "THEIRS"? (2/17)
- Redneck Portable Computer (2/15)
- John Wayne learns what Bareback Mountain is all about ... (2/13)
- My mom and dad went to a movie last night ... (2/10)
- When the use of the phrase "Oh Crap" is acceptable ... Take 2 (2/3)
- Please Neuter Your Pets & Weird Friends & Relatives (2/1)
- The Pentagon's newest Stealth Plane ... (1/30)
- You know you're driving too fast when Jesus has to hang onto the Crucifix ... (1/23)
- Only in Middle School ... (1/20)
- Answers on a blond's Geometry test (1/13)
- Burger, Fries and Shake (1/11)
- Dear Diary - I finally caught my tail today (1/9)
- If looks Could Kill (1/6)
- A little hot water, a fart or two and I've got a Jacuzzi ... (1/4)
- The power of makeup ... (12/30)
- Oh Great! A Flat! (12/21)
- Santa's On the job hazard ... (12/19)
- Christmas Intruder (12/16)
- Dear Santa ... (12/14)
- Timmy discovers there really is a Santa ... and he's a jerk! (12/9)
- How to tell when you've been really bad (12/5)
- Photo of the sun setting on the surface of the Earth taken from the Space Station (11/30)
- Blind farmer trying to find his turkeys on Thanksgiving ... (11/28)
- Alligator Family Photo Album (11/23)
- Sometimes nature is cruel but there is also a beauty in that cruelty (11/21)
- "I see you in a Navy Boat ... make that gravy boat ..." (11/18)
- How to tell if there's a terrorist at the airport ... (11/9)
- When cloning goes bad ... Take 2, 3, 4,
5, 6&7 (10/19 - 11/4)
- Toll both rage ... (10/17)
- Felix suddenly realized it wasn't such a good idea to try out for the soccer team ... (10/12)
- Explain these wrecks Take 2, 3 (10/5 - 10/14)
- The Cat in the Hat on aging (9/30)
- Gas prices are finally high enough to look to alternative modes of transportation ... (9/28)
- Microsoft Word 15 (9/26)
- When digital photographers get bored Take: 8 (9/23) (Take 1->7)
- Sobriety test ... (9/21)
- When you're in deep trouble, say nothing and look like you belong! (9/16)
- President Bush demonstrates one should never let a little disaster ruin your vacation ... (9/13)
- "It was cheaper then buying gas for the lawn mower ..." (9/9)
- If we could replace gas prices with words ... (9/7)
- How to tell if you're driving too fast... (8/31)
- Stress test Take 2, 3 (8/24 - 8/29)
- Moving tips #48 (8/22)
- What will happen if we lost the war on terror ... Take 2 (8/17 - 8/19)
- Nurse, go to the internet and long into Surgery.com ... (8/12)
- Once upon a time there where three little pigs ... (8/8)
- Redneck horseshoes ... (7/25)
- See son ... This is why I save these bits... (7/22)
- Recent changes in the mass by the new German Pope (7/20)
- If you need a new BBQ grill here is a deal for you! (7/18)
- Hot tubbing' Saskatchewan style ... (7/11)
- Just in case your were thinking fondly of last winter ... (7/6)
- Spend quality time with your loved one ... (6/22)
- Please neuter your pets ... and weird friends and relatives too (6/8)
- Accurate wedding cake figures (6/3)
- Don't Drink and Drive ... (6/1)
- The greatest hunter since Elmer Fudd (5/25)
- Sign of the times, take 1 (5/23)
- Moses ... Stop fooling around (5/20)
- Peeping Tom (5/17)
- Lets see the little Turd sell insurance now (5/13)
- National Give Your Boss A Hub Day Has Been Cancelled (5/11)
- I'm not sure exactly how it works, but this is amazingly accurate (5/9)
- Mt. Rainer and clouds ... (5/6)
- This photograph shows a red Doberman kissing an exhausted fireman ... (5/4)
- You know the price of gas is getting bad ... Take: 2, 3,
4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
(4/1 - 4/22)
- Press 1 if the building was burning down ... (3/30)
- The perfect gift for the person you hate most ... (3/28)
- Women Drivers Take: 2 (3/23 - 3/25))
- Barstools to turn a head ... (3/18)
- The U.S. Marine Trained Mouse (3/16)
- Photos that make you say "Holy Cow ..." Take: 2, 3,
4, 5 (3/2 - 3/14))
- US Marine Trained Mouse (2/28)
- The Highway Safety Council has done extensive testing on a newly designed seat belt ... (2/25)
- When digital photographers get bored Take: 2, 3,
4, 5, 6, 7 (1/31 -
- See if you can spot which of the two birds is the female (128)
- Technology for county folk ... (1/24)
- Redneck hands free cell phone (1/21)
- My wife and I have now divorced and in the divorce settlement ... (1/19)
- New Hallmark greeting cards (1/12)
- Redneck grandmother (1/10)
- Last pictures ever taken by the photographer Take: 2, 3,
4 ( 12/29 - 1/7)
- All the other reindeer used to call him names ... (12/24)
- Santa and contemporary architecture (12/22)
- Reindeer job evaluation day (12/20)
- Cat owners unite! (12/17)
- Can you find the man within 3 seconds? (12/15)
- Tow trucks falling into bay (12/13)
- New York City chalk artists Take: 2, 3 (12/3 - 12/8)
- Kitten asleep in plate of food (11/24)
- Sign of the times (11/22)
- Mother showing daughter book titled "Becoming a Bitch" (11/17)
- Kitten holding milk pails "Will work for milk" (11/15)
- I just spent 250 million to be president and all I got was this t-shirt (11/12)
- Why the dog left ... (huge cat) (11/8)
- New map of the USA - Jesusland (11/5)
- Pets at Play Take: 2, 3, 4, 5 (10/13
- 11/3)
- Presidency for Dummies (10/29)
- When not to hyphenate your name ... (10/8)
- Map showing Florida moved to north west to escape hurricanes (10/4)
- Seals on deck of a submarine (9/29)
- Map showing path of hurricanes across Florida counties vs who they voted for (9/24)
- Why women live longer then men ... (welder under truck) (9/22)
- Horse jumping into crowd (9/6)
- German Shepard licking kitten (8/16)
- Now this plumber knows how to get your attention ... (8/11)
- "My New Mechanic ..." Cat under car while its under repair (7/26)
- Things you don't see very often Take: 2, 3 (7/16 - 7/21)
- "Brave Cat" Cat walking in front of row of police dogs (6/30)
- Why lizards never bungee jump (6/25)
- Cartoon of pilot receiving warning that software is not registered (6/4)
- Label for jar of Gerber's Picante baby food (6/2)
- Man watching NASCAR race with back shaved with number of favorite car (5/14)
- "How real me water-ski ..." Jet pulling water skier (5/12)
- "Life in America" Take: 2, 3, 4, 5 (4/26 - 5/10)
- North Dakota Beer Cooler (4/23)
- Florida's voter toolkit (4/12)
- Senators Kerry & Kennedy as Oliver and Hardy (4/5)
- Photo of kids looking up bag players kilt (3/31)
- "Irish Cat ..." Photo of cat asleep with beer bottle (3/29)
- Photo of Bush & Pope - Pope holding his head (3/24)
- Why its important to learn to read English (2/25)
- Why men shouldn't baby-sit Take: 2 ( 2/16 - 2/20)
- Microsoft word for blonds (2/18)
- "Only in American ..." Escalator in front of gym (2/9)
- "I think there is a spy among us" Three cats and a dog (2/6)
- Understanding women Take: 2, 3 (1/30 - 2/4)
- Why people live in Florida ... (1/28)
- Honey ... I lost my job today ... take: 2, 3,
4, 5, 6 (1/9 - 1/26)
- NASA Photo reveals signs of life on Mars (McDonald sign on surface of Mars) (1/19)
- Finally, a Sheriff's office that is not afraid of telling the truth. (1/7)
- Cartoon of people eating frog legs and frogs in wheel chairs (1/5)
- Cat wearing a lime to look like a football helmet (1/1)
- "Tough love" Kid on hood of car going 99mph (12/29)
- Snowman being held up by a rabbit with a hair dryer (12/19)
- All-in-one holiday card (12/17)
- Best Weather Pictures of 2003 Take: 2, 3,
4 (12/8 - 12/15)
- Turkey's Don't Mooooooo! (11/24)
- Office signs Take: 2 (11/17- 11/19)
- Did they mean to do that? Take: 2, 3 (11/10 - 11/14)
- Kids pouring water off a roof onto group assembled for group photo (11/3)
- Sign on beach that warns sign has sharp edges ... and nothing more ... (10/24)
- And you thought you had lousy job ... Take: 2, 3 (10/15 - 10/22)
- Bum begging for money for 'alcohol research' (10/13)
- Photo of running bull taken by photographer about to be run over (10/8)
- Why Men Are Scared of Marriage ... (10/3)
- Man of the Year awards: 1st Place, 2nd place, 3rd place (9/26 - 10/1)
- An honest Bomb Technician (9/24)
- Never give up! (9/22)
- Just Doin' My Job (9/17)
- Fortune cookie fortune that say you just ate cat ... (9/12)
- Who Said Canadians Don't Have a Sense of Humor? (9/8)
- This years top cute pet pictures ... Take: 2,
3, 4,
5, 6 (8/22 - 9/5)
- Optical Illusions Take: 2, 3,
4 (8/13 - 8/20)
- Insurance Claim Hall of Fame Take: 2, 3,
4 (8/1 - 8/8)
- The Ramifications of Military Cutbacks (7/23)
- Goldfish farting in tank ... (7/16)
- Blond in desert crawling in direction of 'sale' sign vice 'water' sign (7/14)
- "Didn't you get my e-mail?" (7/11)
- Where Kids belong ... (6/13)
- I remember doing this in college ... (5/30)
- 'Blond' license plate on upside-down (5/26)
- That darn cat ... (5/12)
- "A Good Reason to Buy the Warranty" Puppy peeing on a key board (4/16)
- Using the wrong hand while repeating the Pledge of Allegiance (3/21)
- Fighter plane with commercial ads on it (3/7)
- Why Men Shouldn't Baby Sit Take: 2 (2/28 - 3/1)
- Redneck Millionaire... (2/10)
- Cat shaved like a lion (1/31)
- The US Navy initiates its new catch and release program ... (1/15)