The exact date of the
origin of the German
Churches in Frederick
County is lost. Some
have placed it as
early as 1732, but
there is no evidence.
The earliest proved
date is 1742 at which
time "The Monocacy
Church" (Lutheran and
Reformed) was in
existence, and by 1745
had a church building
two miles from
Graceham and about one
mile from Michael
Reissner's plantation.
David Candler of
Conewago (Littlestown)
was the pastor of the
Lutheran congregation,
but the Reformed did
not, as yet, have a
In 1746, a group from
both congregations
withdrew to found a
Moravian congregation
at the house of Jacob
Weller. This
eventually became the
Graceham Moravian
The French and Indian
War, with the terrible
massacres which
followed Braddock's
defeat, led to a mass
evacuation of the
mountain farms all
along the Blue Ridge
Mountains. Those who
stayed behind
fortified Graceham
Church as a place of
refuge — much to the
horror of the peaceful
Moravians. By the time
the people re-turned
to their farms in the
1760's a need for new
schools and churches
was very evident.
Peter Apple, who had
become one of the
large landholders in
the neighborhood, on
March 19, 1760, gave a
deed for one acre of
land to Matthias
Ambrose, Jacob
Matthews and Jacob
Ambrose as trustees
for a school house. It
is more than probable
that church services
were held in this
school house by
visiting ministers of
both denominations,
and that, as was
customary in all
country congregations
of the day, sermons
were read by the
schoolmaster from time
to time.
It is generally
conceded that the log
church on the same lot
as the school, was
built in 1765, and on
December 26, 1768, the
trustees of the school
gave a Deed of Trust
for the lawful use of
the church to Martin
Dustmain and Henry
Firor, trustees of the
Lutheran and Reformed
As there were very few
ministers of either
denomination in this
part of Maryland, at
this date, it was
obvious that the
church could only be
served now and then by
ministers who had to
come from a distance
over the mountain
roads. For the
Reformed Congregation,
the Rev. Jacob Weymer
of Conococheague was
instructed in 1770 to
preach occasionally,
and there is evidence
that the Rev. Ludwig
Henop of Frederick,
also took a kindly
interest in the little
congregation. Of the
Lutheran congregation
the Rev. Philip
Matthews, a son of
Conrad Matthews, and
grandson of Peter
Apple, is frequently
said to have been
"probably" the first
minister. The Philip
Mattes, who appears in
the minutes of the
Lutheran ministerium
of Pennsylvania, did
not apply for
ordination until 1807,
but there may have
been an earlier
minister, or he may
have served as a lay
leader. In 1793 there
appears a new and
handwriting in the
Lutheran records of
the church, which
continues until 1804,
so that the Lutherans
obviously had a
regular minister at
this date.
After the death of
Rev. Weymer in 1790,
his successor at
Jonathan Rahauser,
assumed the
responsibility for the
mountain churches. His
brother Friedrich
Rahauser was at the
time studying with him
for the ministry, and
was doubtless sent out
to supply the small
congregation. After
his ordination, he was
named pastor of the
Emmitsburg charge
where he served from
1795 until 1817. From
this date until 1858,
the Reformed
Congregation at
Apple's Church was
continually a part of
this charge. The first
minister specifically
assigned to the care
of the Lutheran
congregation was
Johannes Rothrauff, of
Greencastle, who from
1805 until 1809,
included Apple's
Church among his
On September 7, 1813,
Rules and Regulations
for the two
congregations were
drawn up, and signed
by the pastors and
officers, and were
recorded in the
Frederick County deed
book. In the same
year, added land was
purchased for the
churchyard, and
extensive repairs on
the old log building
were undertaken. This
included making pews,
installing glazed
windows and the
interesting item of
"flooring the
In 1822 the church
records included an
item of twenty cents
(20c) for the purchase
of a bowl. This small
pottery bowl,
undoubtedly made at
Lynn's Pottery, was
used by the church for
a long time as a
baptismal bowl, and is
now a part of the
collection of the
Historical Society of
the Reformed Church.
In 1823, a gallery was
put in, but this was
not enough to care for
the needs of the
growing congregation.
In 1826, it was
finally decided to
build a new church,
which is the present
stone building. The
cornerstone was laid
on April 13, 1826, and
the construction of
the church was begun
under the auspices of
the Rev. J. G. Grubb.
It was a one room
structure and had a
high pulpit, gallery
and two tiers of
windows. A gun rack
was placed in one
corner for stacking of
guns. Many of the
members traveled great
distances through the
mountains to attend
services, and the guns
were carried for
protection against
marauding Indians and
the wild beasts.
The detailed
settlement of accounts
for this project was
made at a joint
congregational meeting
on January 9, 1828, by
the joint managers of
the operation, John
Harbaugh and George
Houver, Sr.
This report, recorded
in the account book of
the church is
extremely interesting.
It not only shows
detailed costs of
building materials,
but also gives
evidence of the extent
to which a small
community like this
was still
Although the name of
William Cruger, the
contractor, does not
appear on the church
records, the family
was definitely of the
neighborhood. Joseph
Kuhn, the mason, was a
member of the Reformed
congregation. Daniel
Rouzer, David Willhide,
George Houver,
Frederick Troxell, and
others were paid for
labor and materials.
It would seem that the
stone was quarried and
the lumber cut in the
locality, and the
Millers, Herbachs and
Damuths did the
hauling. All iron work
was done by Jacob
Weller, the
blacksmith, including
altering some of the
ironwork from the old
church. Daniel Firor
furnished scantling,
Frederick and Adam
Eyler, shingles, and
Henry Poorman, larhs.
David Willhide made a
settee for five
dollars (pews were not
mentioned in this
re-port so it is
assumed that those
made for the old
church were used).
Indeed, except for a
few small items
purchased from A. and
C. Quinn of Frederick,
and Lewis Motter and
Son of Emmitsburg,
practically all of the
work was done by
members of both
congregations, which
may account for the
fact that the total
cost, $1,306.20, was
so small, even for
that day and age; and
also for the cheerful
readiness with which
the joint membership
subscribed, at that
settlement meeting,
all that was lacking
in the amounts already
subscribed at the
cornerstone laying and
the consecration. It
is of interest to note
here that the old
church was sold for
In 1857, the Lutheran
congregation announced
their intention of
withdrawing from
Apple's Church and
building their own
church in
Mechanicstown, which
they did the following
year. The Reformed
congregation in 1858
adopted a Constitution
as an independent
organization, and at
the same time applied
to Maryland Classis to
be associated with a
smaller charge, so
that they might be
assured of more
services from the
pastor. Accordingly,
in 1859, a new charge
was organized, known
as the Mechanicstown
Charge, consisting of
Valley, Apples and
Creagerstown churches.
Their share in the old
Emmitsburg parsonage
was sold, and a new
parsonage was
purchased in
Mechanicstown. The
first minister of this
new charge was Henry
Irving Comfort.

Apple's Church
About 1823 |
Apple's Church was now
one of the strongest
churches in the area,
and had some of the
ablest preachers of
the time. The sermons
were preached solely
in German until 1830,
then alternated for a
few years between
German and English,
then all English was
In May 1870, a great
centennial celebration
was held at the
church. However, in
1879, the congregation
as a whole, decided,
like the Lutherans, to
abandon the old
church, and to move
into Mechanicstown
where they built
Trinity Church. In
1880, a few services
were still held, for
the families who lived
near the church, but
after that, for five
years, the church was
abandoned entirely.
This was a great grief
to families who had
grown up in the
congregation, and in
1885, they approached
the Rev. A. B. Stoner,
with the request that,
if they would clean
and repair the old
building, he should
hold a few services
there during the
summer with the hope
of reviving the old
congregation. This was
so successful that in
August of 1885, a
petition was signed by
35 members pledging
$80.00 a year toward
the minister's salary,
if the services in the
old church were
resumed. At the first
communion service,
held the following
day, the entire
congregation of
Trinity Church was
Since then the little
old stone church has
never been abandoned.
In 1912, the building
was remodeled. The
walls were lowered,
the gallery,
wine-glass pulpit, and
top tier of windows
were taken out. This
improved the outward
appearance of the
church, and the
comfort and efficiency
of the interior.
celebrations were held
in 1920, 1926, and in
1951. At the 1926
celebration, a fund
for the care of the
cemetery was raised.
In preparation for the
1951 services, the
members of the church
imitated their
ancestors of 1826, and
gave of their services
and skills, and the
products of their
farms and woodlands to
repair and redecorate
the church.
At the annual
congregational meeting
in 1964, after much
discussion, a building
committee was selected
to begin plans for a
new educational
building. The Building
Committee was composed
of Richard Troxell,
Marian Troxell, George
Fleagle, and Edna
Tressler. To encourage
the congregation, the
Women's Guild
announced it already
had established a
building fund. With a
large church school
attendance and the
membership still
growing, work on the
educational building
was begun on July 1,
1964. This little
congregation is quite
proud of the fact that
like their ancestors,
practically all of the
work was done by the
members of the church
and Sunday School. In
March of 1965 the new
facilities were
complete and in use.
The cost of the
educational building
was approximately
$2,500 and here again
the congregation
showed their love for
this little stone
church by paying off
the loan just one year
from the date the
building was
On June 26, 1966 the
new educational
building was dedicated
with special services.
Rev. Francis Pirazinni
was the guest speaker
and music was provided
by choirs from Mount
Tabor and Trinity
churches. A large
crowd was in
attendance and
following the service
refreshments were
served on the lawn of
the church. The
dedication committee
was composed of Mabel
Troxell, Chairman,
Donald Stitely,
Barbara Weddle Freeze,
Donald Weddle, Roger
Troxell, Betty Lee
Rickerd and Rev.
Richard Ruof.
The names of the early
members of this little
stone church have not
been obtained, but
looking into
succeeding generations
one can find the names
of those who were
among the most
prominent and
enterprising Christian
men and women in the
vicinity. This
canonically bespeaks
the character and
devotion of their
forefathers who now
rest in peace in the
cemetery beside the
church they worked so
diligently to obtain
and loved so well.
Nevertheless, Apple's
Church still remains a
historical landmark,
one of the many
attractions of
Thurmont, Maryland.
Listed below are the
ministers who have
served Apple's Church
from 1770 to the
Congregation |
Congregation |
Jacob Weyner
William Runkle
David Bossier
Elias Heiner
Samuel R.
Andrew P.
George W.
E. E. Higbee
Henry Irving
Nicholas E.
Henry Wissler
Church Closed
Handwriting of
two distinct
appear before
David F.
N. M. F. Haas
Johannes G.
Grubb 1819
L. W. Harkey
Reuben Weiser
John J.
John Richards
George W.
William Hunt
withdrew in
Ministers after
of Reformed
Congregation |
Abraham B.
George A.
Guy P. Bready
John W.
J. B. Shontz
Peter E.
Edward D.
William H.
Groff 1947
Edouard H.
Samuel A.
Richard A.
Ruof 1962-1967
Halteman 1968
Chapter Index
| Chapter 3:
The Catoctin Iron Works