Kay Hinkle
Adams County Master Gardener
Anyone who lives in or near Adams County has witnessed first-hand a real building boom that is taking over farmland and open space. Did you know that the earth’s population increased
at a more since 1950 than since the beginning of time? As this trend continues, it leads one to wonder how the many species of wild animals and birds native to Adams County will survive and where they will go when displaced by development.
In November, you may have read my article on nesting birds and an effort by home gardeners to provide nesting sites for native birds. Today’s article focuses on managing effects of urban sprawl and native animals displaced by development. I hope you
find it helpful in managing the changing environment and ultimately, wildlife habitat.
Some scientists estimate that one third of the nation’s animal and plant species are at risk of extinction as a result of urban sprawl. A few examples are the Florida panther, black-tailed prairie dog and Pacific salmon. None of these animals are
native to our area, making the threat of extinction to our native wildlife less concerning here at home.
However, population growth has had an effect on the migration patterns of the black bear as evidenced by several recent stories of bear sightings in South Central Pennsylvania documented in area newspapers. Ultimately, bears that move from bird
feeder to garbage can as primary food sources become a nuisance to homeowners. In rare cases the black bear may endanger residents, most often as a traffic hazard. We all benefit by keeping the black bear in remote areas of the state where foraging for bugs and berries as
nature intended keeps them safe, healthy and out of trouble in the human domain.
When it comes right down to it, as gardeners, most of us appreciate wildlife but want to protect our landscapes from wildlife damage. Some four-legged visitors are not at all appreciated. Take skunks, for example. They feed on grubs in the ground.
Those grubs turn into Japanese beetles that destroy plantings as they emerge to devour the plantings. By treating the entire lawn with milky spore, a natural bacterium introduced into the soil, one eventually eliminates those grubs, Japanese beetles become less of a problem
and the skunks go away because their food source disappears. Using milky spore is a prime example of Integrated Pest Management, a practice that reduces the use of pesticides by utilizing methods more friendly to our environment with similar results.
White-tailed deer may be the most visible of our native animals displaced by development. The need for herd reduction on National Park Service lands demonstrates just one of many challenges in managing the deer population in developed areas.
Regardless of your position on this controversial issue, the fact remains that deer have done their best to adapt to their changing environment and we may need to adapt as well.
Long term, the white-tailed deer will most certainly face the reality of a diminishing food source as open spaces turn into urban developments. Wildlife in general, beyond deer and bear, will face similar challenges. The food chain that is a natural
phenomenon will most certainly be disrupted in some fashion.
Numerous national organizations focus on managing land use in the United States in a manner that balances growth and development with a need to preserve open space. By creating reserves for wildlife management and protecting watersheds that preserve
freshwater ecosystems, these organizations promote a balanced approach to development.
Local residents concerned with urban sprawl and effects on wildlife can partner with the National Wildlife Federation to create a certified safe haven for native birds and animals on privately owned acreage. Concerned residents can contact
legislators to encourage smart growth in communities.
For home gardeners with small planting spaces, choosing particular plants that deter deer, will allow for a nice landscape in spite of roaming deer populations. It is important to note that these plants are only deer resistant, not necessarily deer
proof. A combination of aromatic plants and those that are less than tasty will deter deer from making a meal of your landscape. Using a combination of these plants in a ratio of 2-to-1 with other plants allows the home gardener to camouflage those that are neither aromatic
nor bitter.
The following are a few examples of deer-resistant plants are widely available at most area nurseries:
Asparagus Fern |
Yarrow |
Snow on the Mountain |
Lantana |
Cardinal Flower |
Joe-pye Weed |
Oriental Poppy |
Obedient Plant |
Blue Larkspur |
Goldstrum Rudebeckia |
Dusty Miller |
Globe Amarantha |
Lamb’s Ears |
Comfrey |
Foxglove |
Wisteria |
Calla Lilley |
Zinnia |
Tansy |
Lily-of-the-Valley |
Russian Sage |
Boxwood |
Dogbane |
Ox-Eye Daisy |
Juniper |
False Indigo |
Oregano |
Various Culinary Sage |
Butterfly Weed |
Mountain Pink |