The original group consisted of James Hays, Sam
Hays, Leona Franklin, Louis Cooper, and my dad, J. E. Houck, Sr. and
many more members that slip my mind at this time. They met and decided
to purchase three large fields on the east end of town, just across Flat
Run bridge and on the southside of the Taneytown Road. Sam Hays was
appointed Manager of the project and Leona Franklin was installed as
secretary/treasurer. I don’t recall who served a the first President
of the Corporation Stock was then sold in the project.
They began by laying out lots in the first field
closest to Flat Run. They then started to sell lots as they worked to
put in the needed streets, water and sewer lines. This project took
quite a long time due to applying for the needed clearance from the
State of Maryland, Frederick County and the Town of Emmitsburg. By this
time the project was in the mid to late 1940’s and the building of
homes began on the Emmit Garden site. Over the next few years new homes
would appear but at a rather slow and even pace.
As the project moved into the early 1950’s,
the Corporation had lots laid out on fields #2 and #3. No construction
was done on these fields yet as they were leased out for farming until
the time came to begin to open them for homes. This became a problem as
the State of Maryland was doing a study on a Route 15 by-pass of
Emmitsburg. This slowed any progress on construction until the State
decided where they were to build the new road.
By this time my dad had died and I became
involved in the meetings of the Corporation and later became President
for a term. It was in the late 50’s and early 60’s that the field #l
of Emmit Gardens was sold out and we had to pressure the State to find
out where we could expect the road to be placed. They would not give the
Corporation a direct answer saying that it was still in the planning
Sam Hays as manager and I as president met to
form a plan to force the issue and Sam came up with just the right
thing. He asked that I meet him at 7am on the following Friday morning
down at field #2. We parked our cars and set up a table with our plans
on it and Sam arrived then with his large bulldozer. We laid out the
first street with pegs and ribbons and he began to construct the road
bed. Within the next few hours, we had what started to resemble a
beginning of the project.
By 10 am, just as Sam had predicted, a State of
Maryland car pulled up and told us we could not begin construction on
this site. After an active discussion with the State representative, he
pulled out the plans for the new by-pass and it ran directly through the
center of our phase 2 of Emmit Gardens.
The Corporation then went to court to sell the
laid out lots to the State at the going lot prices but lost in court and
had to sell the property at field price. This essentially put an end to
the dream of a large subdivision of Emmit Gardens, with the by-pass
splitting the property down the middle. I moved from Emmitsburg in the
early 1960’s and think of the project that could have been each time I
visit and ride by and through the "Gardens".