3, 1961.
Miss Susan Elaine McGlaughlin,
daughter of John and Ethel Miller McGlaughlin, Emmitsburg, and
James Henry Sanders son of Mr. and
Mrs. Roy Sanders, Emmitsburg, were
united in marriage on Sunday January
232 at 1:30.p. m, in Elias Lutheran
church, Emmitsburg. Rev. Philip Bower
Pastor of the couple, performed the
The altar was decorated with white
pom-poms. Mrs. Reginald Zepp, choir
director of the church sang "0 Perfect
Love," by Barnby; "The Lords Prayer"
and "The Wedding benediction" by
Lovelace. Miss Ruth Shuff was the
The bride, given in marriage by her
father, wore a formal bridal gown of
white taffeta, with fitted bodice,
long tapered sleeves and her chapel
skirt had an insert of rose alencon
lace. Her fingertip veil fell from a
crown of cultured pearls. She carried
a white Bible, a gift of the bride
groom topped with, sweetheart roses
and white carnations.
Mrs. Clarence Ancarrow, Emmitsburg
classmate of the bride was matron, of
honor. She wore a street-length dress
of red taffeta with a fitted bodice
and full skirt. The three-quarter
length sleeves ended in pleaded
ruffles. She wore matching accessories
and carried a bouquet of Mamie
Miss Martha Baumgardner, a
classmate of thee bride, and Miss
Karen Eisenhower, cousin of' the bride
were bridesmaids. They wore green
dresses identical to the matron of
honor and carried shower bouquets of
Mamie carnations.
David, Sanders, Emmitsburg, brother
of the bridegroom served as best man.
Usher were Dennis McGlaughlin, brother
of the bride and Wayne Sanders,
brother of the bridegroom, both of
For her daughter's wedding, Mrs.
McGlaughlin wore a royal blue acetate
cupioni dress with black accessories
and a corsage of red and white
carnations. Mrs. Sanders for her son's
wedding, wore a navy blue rayon crepe
dress with a corsage of red and white
Immediately following the ceremony
a reception was held in the. Lutheran
Church Parish Hall. For the wedding
trip of an announced destination, the
bride wore an orchid sheath dress with
in black accessories and the corsage
lifted from the bible. Upon their
return the. couple will reside at the
home of the bridegroom.
The bride is a graduate of
Emmitsburg High School, Class of
1959. The bridegroom is a graduate
from the same school, class of 1947
and is a member of the Emmitsburg
Junior Chamber of Commerce.