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Complementary Corner

2020 – the Year of the Rat

Renee Lehman

(1/2020) The Chinese New Year (also called the Lunar New Year or Chinese Spring Festival), one of the traditional Chinese festivals, is the grandest and the most important festival for Chinese people. It originated during the Shang Dynasty (about 17th - 11th century BC), and it is an important time for families to get together, similar to Christmas Day for westerners. It is also a time to hope for the return of spring, to welcome prosperity, wealth, and longevity, and a time to remove any negative qi (pronounced "chee") from the past. There is even a tradition prior to the New Year for every family to thoroughly clean the house to sweep away any ill-fortune in hopes of making way for good incoming luck.

Chinese calendar history: The Chinese calendar was originated by the Yellow Emperor Huang Ti, and has been in use for centuries. The Chinese calendar is called a lunar calendar but is really a calendar based on the moon and the sun. The Gregorian calendar, which the world uses today (originated 430 years ago) is a solar calendar. (The Chinese Lunar New Year always begins on the second new moon after the winter solstice, in case you were wondering why it’s on a different date every year.)

The twelve animals of the Chinese calendar: The Chinese calendar is made of five, twelve-year cycles. Each of the twelve years of the Chinese calendar is appointed one of the following 12 animal’s names (in this order): rat, ox, tiger, rabbit, dragon (the only mythological animal), snake, horse, goat/sheep, monkey, fowl/rooster, dog, and pig. The animal that rules the year of your birth is said to exercise a major influence over your life, and that year in general. Much of the information used for this article is taken from The Handbook of Chinese Horoscopes by Theodora and Laura Lau, 2007. The sign of the Rat is the first sign of the Chinese zodiac, and the animal related to this coming New Year. The charm and innovative personality of the Rat is legendary. January 25 through February 11, 2021 is the Year of the Rat.

Here is a fun tale (written by Lau & Lau) about how the Rat might have become the first animal sign of the Chinese zodiac:

Lord Buddha gave out the summons for all animals to come to him before he departed the Earth. He entrusted the Rat with the mission to get the word around. It is possible that the Rooster was also chosen to announce the same message. The Rooster worked days while the Rat worked during the night.

One can imagine the Rat rushing about with the good news. However, being the resourceful and practical animal that it is, the Rat decided to save energy by asking for a ride from other animals (since it was tired from running about declaring the message from Lord Buddha).

The Rat tried to get a free ride from the Horse, but the temperamental Horse would have none of it. The Rat then approached the sturdy and kind-hearted Ox who was happy to carry the little Rat on its back. Furthermore, the dutiful Ox was early for the appointment and therefore the first animal to arrive on the scene. But, when the Lord Buddha said he was going to honor the Ox by naming it the first sign of the zodiac, the Rat jumped down from the Ox’s back and claimed that privilege. The Ox did not oppose the Rat as it felt the Rat had done more than its fair share by bringing the news to all of the animals. So the Buddha justly conferred the esteemed first place and leadership of the zodiac to the crafty Rat.

The Rat

I am the self-proclaimed acquisitor.
I am a link yet I function as a complete unit.
I aim at encompassing heights and strike my target, sure and steady.
Life is one joyous journey for me.
Each search must end with a new quest.
I am progress, exploration and insight.
I am the womb of activity.
I Am The Rat.
(Lau & Lau, 2007)

Rat Personality: If you were born in one of the following years, your sign is the Rat (February 5, 1924 – January 24, 1925; January 24, 1936 - February 10, 1937; February 10, 1948 – January 28, 1949; January 28, 1960 - February 14, 1961; February 15, 1972 – February 2, 1973; February 2, 1984 - February 19, 1985; February 19, 1996 – February 6, 1997; and February 7, 2008 – January 25, 2009). A person born in the year of the Rat is noted for their charm and quick wit. They work hard to achieve their goals, acquire possessions, and are likely to be perfectionists. They are basically thrifty with money and very resourceful. Their ambitions are big, and they are usually very successful.

As opportunistic as they can be, Rats are also very kind, friendly and sociable, and adapt well to any environment. They have wonderful imaginations and are always willing to try something new with their quick minds and agile hands. Rats are known to be excellent writers – s/he makes it a point to know practically everything about everyone in town. The Rat loves to investigate.

The Rat can be easily angered and loves to gossip. The Rat can criticize, compare, carp and bargain – endlessly and usually over unimportant issues. Maybe the Rat does this just for the fun of it (debates stimulate the Rat). The Rat often buys things not really needed just because it’s a good deal. It’s the Rat’s inborn accumulative urge – they don’t call people "pack rats" for nothing.

Famous People born in the Year of the Rat: Antonio Banderas, Spanish Actor; Julianne Moore, American Actress; Truman Capote, American Writer; William Shakespeare, British Playwright; Richard Nixon & Jimmy Carter, American Presidents; Pope John Paul I, Cameron Diaz, merican Actress; Pablo Casals, Spanish Cellist and Conductor; Yves Saint Laurent, French Designer; Wolfgang Mozart, Austrian Composer; Kathy Bates, American Actress; Charles, Prince of Wales; Leo Tolstoy, Russian Writer; Peggy Fleming, American Figure Skater; Rizzo the rat from The Muppets; Remy from the movie Ratatouille

General Predictions for the Year of the Rat: The Year of the Rat will be a year in which the flexible, open-minded and resourceful will thrive! Take inspiration from the Rat’s positive, alert nature and his/her ability to remain calm in the face of challenges.

Quotes to Live by in the Year of the Rat:

"Success is not about your resources. It's about how resourceful you are with what you have" - Tony Robbins

"Frugality is the daughter of common sense, the sister of moderation and the mother of freedom." - Samuel Smiles

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