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Winter to spring activities

Linda Stultz
Certified Fitness Trainer

(5/2024) The cold weather is hopefully behind us for now. During the winter months many of us stay inside and that leads to being sedentary more than we realize. Watching television and playing videos games occupy more time than a lot of people like to admit. Some people are also still working from home and that means sitting in front of the computer for long periods of time several days a week.

Health professionals recommend getting up and walking around for a few minutes every half hour if you are sitting and working on the computer. They also suggest taking a walk through the house at each commercial if you are watching TV. Doing this simple activity can help with blood circulation, moving muscles and getting your heart rate up which are all important for your health. These are just a few things you can do while you are inside to keep moving your body.

Spring is a great time to start that walking, jogging or bike program you have been thinking about. The weather is warm and pleasant and it feels great to get outside since it is not freezing anymore. Some people like to walk or exercise in the cold weather but most are more likely to start and stick to an outside exercise routine when the weather is nice.

Spring is also a busy time, cleaning up the yard from the winter winds and clearing out the flower beds. Getting the ground ready to plant the vegetable garden is another big job. It's a good idea to go for a few walks, maybe rake the leaves left from the fall or do some type of medium exercise before you jump right into the harder, more intense work of the summer. Get your muscles and body stretched out and built up before you start those big summer jobs you thought of while sitting inside during the winter.

I don't know about you but I am so glad to get outside in the warm weather and just enjoy the sunshine. Sunshine is the best way to get Vitamin D that we all need. Just ten to fifteen minutes a day in the morning sun, before the sun gets really hot and the rays are strong can be enough to boost and maintain our vitamin D level. Of course, sunscreen in extremely important to protect our skin from harmful rays that can burn quickly.

There are several components to maintaining your health. Eating healthy and moderately, staying hydrated, thinking positively and exercise are all part of achieving our health goals. Any of the above can be challenging but if we set our mind to it we can reach our goal and we will feel better because of it. Challenging others in a group setting may be the way for some people to start, stick to and achieve the weight and health goal they are looking for. Some people may need to challenge themselves and work on the things they want to accomplish on their own. Whatever way works for you, the important thing is to compile a plan and get started on it. You may find you change course a few times until you figure out what is going to work for you. Health and fitness is not a one size fits all program, just don't give up. Keep looking for and challenging yourself until you find your routine and see the progress you are searching for.

I always tell people to Keep Moving, you will be glad you did and I firmly believe that. I'm always looking for new ways and ideas to help people find the right plan for them so if you have any ideas I would like to hear them. You can send me your ideas or give me a call at 717-334-6009. Working together is the best way I have found to help each other. Enjoy the warm weather!

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