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Injury, aging and exercise

Linda Stultz
Certified Fitness Trainer

(6/2017) I have written about the importance of an active lifestyle in almost every article because it is so essential to a long, healthy way of life. Sitting is the fastest way to lose energy, flexibility, strength and a sharp mind. Leading a sedentary lifestyle is easy to do but it is one of the habits that will take away your ability to live the life you enjoy. We all have to make adjustments in our workload and activity level when a change in our lifestyle occurs.

I recently fractured my ankle and am not able to put any weight on it for six weeks. This injury has taught me how hard it is to follow my own advice that I have been giving to my clients. I have been trying to exercise my upper body with strength training and exercising my legs as much as possible. It is challenging to find ways to use your muscles when you can not walk or put weight on your leg.

I realize sometimes health problems affect how much we can do and may slow us down faster than we anticipated. Even if you find yourself facing something you did not intend, try to find a way to keep motivated and do whatever you can to get some exercise. Moving will usually help you feel better and get back on your feet a little faster, even if you can only start slowly.

Getting an injury or getting older cannot be slowed down but feeling older definitely can. Regular exercise like walking, swimming, dancing and golfing will keep your muscles and bones in good shape. Going to the gym or meeting friends for an outing will keep you active in both body and mind. Seniors who participate in organized activities like going to the senior centers, playing cards, bowling or anything that gets you out of the house and involved with others seem to have more energy and feel younger.

Everything I have been writing is not just geared toward seniors. Everybody, no matter what age needs to exercise and lead an active lifestyle in order to keep their health thriving. Children, teens, adults and seniors will all benefit from keeping busy and moving. The sooner you start moving the longer you will be able to live the active life you enjoy and be able to keep going with ease as you age. I can't wait until I can go for a walk or ride the recumbent bike. My energy, muscles and mood all need a boost right now.

Any questions or ideas please contact me at 717-334-6009. Remember, Keep Moving, You’ll be Glad You Did.

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