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Computer Q&A

Windows 10 Support Ends in 2025

Aysë Stenabaugh
Jesters Computers

(7/2024) It’s hard to believe that Windows 10 will be 10 years old next July. Microsoft has announced that 22H2 will be the final version of Windows 10. Microsoft will continue to provide critical security updates monthly to devices that have the latest (22H2) version until the scheduled end-of-life date of October 14th, 2025. Once this date is reached critical updates will cease leaving devices connected to the internet vulnerable to potential threats.

What can you do when Windows 10 support ends?

Once support for Windows 10 ends, users can choose to upgrade to a supported OS such as Windows 11, and switch platforms to Mac OS, Linux, or Chrome OS. Alternatively, users can opt into enrolling their up-to-date Windows 10 devices into the extended service update program which includes security and critical updates only. In the past, the extended service update program also known as ESU was a paid program that was geared towards organizations. With the Windows 10 ESU program individuals can take advantage of the extended support updates by paying an annual fee. There is no word from Microsoft on what they will charge but historically they have offered ESU plans at a tiered rate starting at $50 for the first year and reaching $200 for the third and final support year. With these plans reaching such high prices by the second and third years for most users it probably makes more sense to invest in upgrading or replacing devices to support Windows 11 before the software’s end of life is reached in October 2025.

Is your PC compatible with Windows 11?

Not all devices that are compatible with Windows 10 will support Windows 11’s hardware and security requirements. If your device is compatible with Windows 11, you will be asked to upgrade your computer to the new OS during Windows updates. If you are not being prompted to upgrade or if you would like to find out if your device is supported and what is needed to meet system requirements for Windows 11 you can download Microsoft’s PC Health Check application by visiting from a web browser on a Windows device. Most computers over 3-4 years old will likely not support the operating system without hardware upgrades as well as software updates. To have your computer checked by a professional for Windows 11 compatibility visit Jester’s Computers located in Fairfield for a free estimate.

How long will Windows 11 be supported?

Windows 11 was released in October of 2021 and is currently on its third version 23H2. The typical life cycle of most software is 10 years of mainstream support. Looking back at prior Windows operating systems, Windows XP had 3 service packs and was in support for a total of 12 years, Windows 7 was supported for 10 years and now Windows 10 will follow suit. While there is no definitive date of when Windows 11 support will end, if users continue to keep their devices up to date they can expect that support will continue through 2031.

Should I be concerned about Windows 11?

Many end-users have expressed concerns about upgrading to Windows 11 especially surrounding security and privacy. The reason why Windows 11 is not supported on older hardware is because older hardware does not support the strict security requirements deemed necessary by Microsoft to run Windows 11 on devices. It is true that the preferred settings of Windows 11 are configured to collect what users might consider to be an uncomfortable amount of unnecessary data. This paired with what many consider to be invasive Microsoft ads and AI integrated features has many hesitant to upgrade or use the latest Microsoft Windows operating system. The good news is that many of the settings that are configured during setup to share user data and collect optional diagnostic data can be disabled if you know how to find them and verify that those settings are no longer functioning.

If you have been the victim of a scam, Jesters Computers can help; whether you require a cleanup of your device, advice or one-on-one support. Contact Jester’s Computers located in Fairfield by calling 717-642-6611, emailing or by visiting us on the web at

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