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The American Mind

Traditional American conservatism

William Hillman

(9/2018) The classification of political hate groups as either right wing or left wing has become a political hot potato.

Here is a quick refresher.

The American right is used as a synonym for American Conservatism. And what are American conservatives conserving? Traditional liberalism, liberty, as defined by Edmond Burke and debated by John Adams, Thomas Jefferson and James Madison, John Jay and the rest of the Federalists.

The American Left is the offspring of the French Revolution. Their current political ideology is taken from the pages of Saul Alinsky, Howard Zinn and to a lesser extent these days, Marx. They are heavily funded by progressive radicals like George Soros.

The political term "Progressive" describes a movement away from Republican and Democratic forms of government based on a constitution and the rule of law, to a government of intellectuals whose power is unchecked. Progressivism is the "nice", "digestible", word for Totalitarianism.

The Left wants power over others. It knows what is best for you.

The Right wants Liberty and the ability of people to live their own lives.

The Democratic Party is the party of identity politics.

The Republican Party, (actually I don’t know what the Republican party is anymore).

The media and the left have successfully worked the narrative that hate groups like the KKK, neo Nazis, and the neo confederates are right wing groups. Nothing could be further from the truth. The KKK and white supremacists are the siblings to groups like the Black Panthers, Nation of Islam, and Antifa. The KKK was rebirthed by Woodrow Wilson and the Progressives of the 1920’s for the purpose of voter intimidation in the south. Antifa is the left’s current voter intimidation strong arm.

Bill Clinton actually admits that joining the KKK was part of what Democrats did to get elected. While hooded Democrats reigned terror on the South, Republicans were the ones fighting against slavery, segregation, and lynching policies.


The Neo-Nazis are the American Socialist Workers Party. They are racists and Socialists who want to destroy the Constitution. There is no ideological connection between this group and those of us whose most valuable book is the Federalist papers.

The neo-confederates are – well – confederates and by definition are not in favor of preserving the constitution, bill of rights or the Union. They are defiantly not conservative.

What is called the Alt-right is neither conservative nor "right". From doing a little Google search, this group is anti-Semitic, white socialists who have no affinity for the Republic.

All these groups belong in the same philosophical room as the democratic socialists, the Black Panthers, Nation of Islam, Antifa, SJP, SDS, and The New Underground.

From the 1920’s through 1950’s, the progressives and communists tried to fuel class warfare in the US. It had worked in Italy, Germany, Russia, China and was on the move in other European countries. But Americans do not have strong class ties, there is far too much class mobility. Saul Alinsky understood the failings of igniting class struggle but saw the possibilities of fueling race struggles. It was a brilliant plan since America was in the middle of a struggle to purge itself of the evil institutional racism of segregation and discrimination.

In the 1960’s and 1970’s a fight for control of the democratic party came to a head. The democratic party bet its future on creating and controlling a permanent Black underclass. The progressives’ plan was to create a permanent underclass of voters who were financially dependent on the welfare state, with the democrat party being the champions of that state.

One important thing to remember about Progressives and the left is, violence and intimidation have always been their tools of choice. This was the case in the 20’s with the KKK, the 50’s with voter intimidation and segregation laws, and the 60’ and 70’s with groups like SDS, The Underground, and Black Panthers, etc. Today, the Progressives have Antifa, which uses violence and beats people who disagree with them. The Progressives protect professors calling for the extermination of white middle class America but use weapons to assault anyone who does not follow their party line.

Freedom of Speech does not exist on the left. Violence and intimidation do.

White hate group membership had been on a steady decline since the seventies. It wasn’t until Saul Alinsky’s master plan of dividing the country by race was put into action that membership leveled off. All of middle America was tied to these hate groups, and middle America was classified as obsolete and unworthy. Remember the steady stream of comments like, "clutching guns and bibles?

In parts of the south there was removal of confederate symbols done solely to ignite racial confrontation and start violence. (A personal note here I don’t get the obsession with the confederacy and it is my personal experience that people outside of the south, who fly the confederate flag are, more times than not, racists.) All this came to a political head when Hillary called Middle America "Deplorable".

This is textbook radicalization. You destroy people’s history, belief system, and their grounding. You demoralize and guilt them with a media and messaging that they are worthless and bad. You impoverish them by signing trade deals that transfer their jobs to foreign countries.

All this, mixed with the radicalization and racial tension enflamed by media using police violence against blacks. George Soros spent millions of dollars on the Black Lives Matter movement, paying protesters and funding riots. I cannot find evidence of any money from Soros, spent on trying to solve the problems in these communities ravaged by violence. Again, to Progressives, the African Americans are nothing but tools for their own power.

Freedom of expression and speech are two of the core values of the Conservative right. In fact, freedom of speech and personal liberty are exactly what Conservatives are conserving. There was once a popular saying in this country, "I might not agree with what you say, but I’ll defend your right to say it." Children today are taught in schools that allowing someone to express non-politically correct ideas is the same as expressing those ideas yourself.

The actions of these violent, anti-liberty groups like the KKK, Neo-Nazis, neo-confederates, Antifa, etc. need to be laid at the feet of the progressive movement that gave them birth.

Read other articles by Bill Hillman