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Four Years at the Mount

Sophomore Year

My resolutions this year

Devin Owen
MSMU Class of 2026

(1/2024) At the beginning of each year, I make a list of goals, or resolutions, that I wish to accomplish in the new year…and every year I give up about two months in. Maybe it’s because I set very unrealistic goals for myself, or because I simply just cannot fit new things into my very busy schedule. Last year, the goal I left in the dust was to start going to the gym at least twice a week again, like I did when I was back home in Delaware. That ideal got left behind once I realized that I very much so did not enjoy the walk over to the ARCC in the cold—or in the nice weather—and most certainly didn’t enjoy the part where I had to actually work out. This year however, I am looking to set some more realistic ideals for myself in the new year.

My first goal for 2024 is to have a healthier diet. Over the course of 2023, I would find myself going out to eat more often than not, whether it be Chick-Fil-A, a nice sit-down restaurant, or even gas station food such as Wawa or Sheetz. While it all tasted great, it was not the best thing to put into my body. I’d be much better off eating actual meals daily; spinach salads with chicken or some form of protein, pork chops and vegetables, essentially any home-cooked meal would do. I have learned that I tend to feel better when I eat healthier: my energy is higher, my mood is better, and I do not feel sick most of the day as I do when I eat a lot of junk or fast food. So, with that in mind, I just think it would do me a lot of good to better my diet.

Another goal I have set for myself this year is to spend more time with my family. Even though I’m a college student, quality time with my family is just as important as time with my friends. In the last year I have learned that people don’t stick around forever, and losing them is really, really hard. In April 2023, my Uncle Charlie passed away and that was by far one of the hardest experiences I have had to deal with; he was one of my favorite people. If I learned anything with his passing though, it is crucial to cherish every moment you have with the people you love. Sometimes we take things like presence for granted; we overlook the time that we have and how much we spend with people might not be enough. There are many people in my family that I know I need and want to spend more time with. A good example is my mom; given that I don’t live with her, I also do not get as much time with her as I once did. I remember growing up, we would stay up super late every weekend and watch one of the (numerous) shows we picked out together, while eating a bowl of ice cream and learning to crochet. After being on my own for a bit, I miss these moments more than anything. This goal also makes me think to my grandparents: while trying to decide on a Christmas gift for both sets of my grandparents, my stepmom reminded me that many people at that age just want time with their loved ones. Nothing matters more to people than time does.

Considering that I am a college student, it might be obvious that the next resolution on my list is to stay on top of my schoolwork/grades, and to manage my time better. I noticed in this past semester of school that I was beyond stressed most days. Maybe it’s because I started working a waitressing job on top of classes and writing for this lovely paper, maybe it’s because I had more readings to do; we may never know. I think that if I manage to stay on top of my work, and get it done earlier rather than later, then I will manage to reduce some of the stress that I have managed to wrap myself in most of the year. This also ties into the time management goal, because if I manage my time properly between work, school, and free time then hopefully my stress levels will be minimal (although, nonexistent would be ideal).

While on the topic of work, my next goal is to save money! I had no idea just how expensive college was, but oh boy! Usually, I am pretty good at setting aside money for certain things, but I do have my moments where I really enjoy shopping. As my best friend like to say, "It’s okay Dev, you’re just a girl!" This typically leaves me in the mindset that it’s okay because I can just make the money back later. Even though this may be true, it doesn’t mean that spending it all on shopping is a good idea; it very well would be much better suited towards my needs instead of wants. I have a feeling though, that this might be one of my goals that gets (partially) left behind in the months of January and February.

My final, and probably most important goal of the year, is to have more experiences than material goods. My mama always reminds me and my siblings that when we die, we cannot take any of our earthly possessions with us to the afterlife. It’s a mindset that I have applied to my life in recent months; I would much rather spend my life having these amazing experiences with people I care about. Going to concerts is a perfect example of this: there is something just so ethereal about being in the moment surrounded by people who feel the same way, as we all sing along and dance to the songs being sung on stage in front of us. Family vacations are perfect too; something about being surrounded by my loved ones in a place where our worries and stress cannot reach gives me a feeling of peace. I would much rather die knowing I lived a life full of memories than surrounded by items I’ll never see again. My New Year’s resolution this year: to live in the moment and make memories with the people I care about, to take with me when I die.

Read other articles by Devin Owen