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December Thurmont News-Briefs

(12/2020) Bridge dedications considered

The Town Council declined to make a decision at their November 24 meeting to approve dedicating municipal bridges in memory of local soldiers killed in combat, pending the receipt of additional information.

American Legion Post 168 member Gary Spegal appeared before the commissioners, seeking their approval to dedicate town bridges to two Catoctin High School (CHS) graduates killed in Vietnam during the 1960s.

Specifically, Spegal is seeking to dedicate the bridges in memory of United States Marine Corps Sergeant Woodrow Franklin Carbaugh, killed in action on June 5, 1968, and Marine Private First-Class Charles Robert Pittinger, killed in action on November 17, 1969. Carbaugh was a 1965 graduate of CHS. Pittinger was a 1967 graduate of CHS.

The two bridges that were considered were the Frederick Road bridge, by Community Park, and the Moser Road bridge, in the vicinity of the library. Spegal said the memorial signage would be placed at each end of the bridges.

"Even though it was not a very popular conflict, that does not detract from the bravery, heroism and valor demonstrated by those who came back - and those that paid the ultimate sacrifice in service for their country," he stated.

The commissioners stated they supported such an effort, but that they needed assurance that any individuals who were to be so recognized actually resided within the town boundaries, before committing town assets for such a role, unless it was determined to be more lenient.

Spegal was asked to return with a residency-specific proposal, at which time the board would take the requests into further consideration at a future meeting.

Town internet presentation coming

The Town Council will soon learn what information has been amassed regarding the possibility of establishing a town-owned or town and partner-owned internet service.

Commissioner Martin Burns told the board at their November 10 meeting, "I will be coming to the town in the next month or so putting a presentation together to show you all the data that we gathered … " relating to providing a community internet service.

Burns, who serves as the commissioners’ liaison to the Thurmont Internet Commission, said, "I am excited and look forward to coming with all the data and talking to you in detail about what the long-range vision is, and that is the one where maybe we do a wireless option initially, and then over time … expand it."

Burns further stated that the commission has amassed information which suggests "we are talking less than $75,000 could do the test-pilot program and pay itself off in a year … It is a heck of a lot less than I thought it was going to be."

He continued stating that once the information is presented to the commissioner, the board can make a determination if there is any interest in eventually initiating a test-pilot program.

Security cameras discussed

The commissioners were advised at their November 10 meeting that a new in-town security camera system could be forthcoming in the near future.

Chief Administrative Officer Jim Humerick stated that he and Police Chief Gregory Eyler participated in a virtual demonstration several weeks prior to the meeting, and added, "We really were impressed with the system."

Humerick stated, "We are going to have two or three free demos installed in town in the next couple of weeks, and I am not going to divulge where at this point," but that the system proposed will "provide us some additional security in our parks, additional security in town, and also additional security at our Recycling Center."

He said the system is expandable, and "it can be done inside the buildings or anywhere we want them to be," and the feed from the cameras can be viewed via an application on staff cellphones."

If it is decided to acquire the system, it would not be purchased until the next budget year work has begun. Humerick did not discuss any cost estimates that may be involved in acquiring the system.

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