(6/1) Following guidance from the White House, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and state and local public health authorities, Eisenhower National Historic Site will not be hosting the onsite living history encampment or USO Dance as part of World War II Weekend, set for September 19-20. With thousands of visitors normally in attendance and over 500 volunteer
living historians, the park will transition to a digital platform due to social distancing recommendations and restrictions on gatherings by the state and local public health authorities.
Join park rangers and volunteers virtually as we remember and commemorate the 75th anniversary of the Allied victory over the Axis powers. During the weekend of September 19 and 20, as well as the week leading up to it, Eisenhower National Historic Site will be offering a variety of virtual programs on WWII, including author interviews, profiles of World War II soldiers
buried in Gettysburg National Cemetery, and living history content. Please visit the Eisenhower National Historic Site webpage (www.nps.gov/eise) for updates on the schedule of virtual programs.
Eisenhower National Historic Site preserves and interprets the home and farms of the Eisenhower family as a fitting and enduring memorial to the life, work, and times of General Dwight David Eisenhower, 34th President of the United States, and to the events of far-reaching importance that occurred on the property.
Eisenhower National Historic Site goes to Green Phase operation
Following guidance from the White House, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and state and local public health authorities, Eisenhower National Historic Site will be increasing access and services. The National Park Service (NPS) is working service-wide with federal, state, and local public health authorities to closely monitor the COVID-19 pandemic and using
a phased approach to increase access on a park-by-park basis.
Eisenhower National Historic Site, in response to the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania’s move to Phase Green for Adams County, is now implementing plans for limited temporary onsite parking to allow free access to the grounds of the Eisenhower Farm and Farm 2 (Brandon Farm), access to the Audio Tour, and access to the interpretive waysides present on the site.
The Eisenhower Home and Reception Center will continue to be closed during the Phase Green operations. Special park uses are to comply with state reopening guidance and public health guidance which include limiting gatherings to less than 250 people and maintaining social distancing. Park Rangers will provide informal interpretation services through intermittent roves, or
visits, to different areas of the site. Public restrooms, located in the lower level of the Eisenhower Bank Barn and Show Barn, will begin to reopen on weekends. A temporary restroom will be available at the east end of the temporary parking lot.
Driving directions and temporary parking lot location are located below.
The health and safety of our visitors, employees, volunteers, and partners continues to be paramount. At Gettysburg National Military Park and Eisenhower National Historic Site, our operational approach will be to examine each facility function and service provided to ensure those operations comply with current public health guidance and will be regularly monitored. We
continue to work closely with the NPS Office of Public Health using CDC guidance to ensure public and workspaces are safe and clean for visitors, employees, volunteers, and partners.
While these areas are accessible for visitors to enjoy, a return to full operations will continue to be phased and services may be limited. When recreating, the public should follow local area health orders for Pennsylvania State Phase Green, practice Leave No Trace principles, avoid crowding and avoid high-risk outdoor activities.
The CDC has offered guidance to help people recreating in parks and open spaces prevent the spread of infectious diseases. We will continue to monitor all park functions to ensure that visitors adhere to CDC guidance for mitigating risks associated with the transmission of COVID-19 and take any additional steps necessary to protect public health.
We have amazing virtual tours of Gettysburg NMP and Eisenhower NHS available on our web site for people who are still home schooling or not traveling at this time.
Details and updates on park operations will continue to be posted on our website and social media channels. Updates about NPS operations will be posted on www.nps.gov/coronavirus