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October Fairfield area news-briefs

(10/2020) SGI spill impacts stream

A spillage of non-toxic clay into Miney Branch, a tributary of Toms Creek occurred at SGI (Specialty Granules, Inc.), leading to discolored water flowing as far as Liberty Township. Matthew McClure, senior director of operations said that the incident occurred o August 29 as the result of a hose failure that was part of the system that pumps "a very common, natural, non-toxic clay used in the manufacturing process."

McClure said the failure was discovered within minutes and was immediately shut-off. "A portion of this (spilled) material was captured by erosion and sedimentation controls in SGI’s internal ponds, he stated, noting, "However, some material left the property and entered Miney Branch."

SGI contacted the state Department of Environmental Protection (PADEP) to notify them of the situation, and state personnel arrived on-site to assess the incident. SGI cleaned up the spill as per PADEP requirements.

Liberty Township Supervisor Walter Barlow stated at the board’s September meeting, "What I’m disappointed in is that the elected township officials were not informed, and we had a spill in our township… not only in our township, it passed through Carroll Valley, passed through Hamiltonban, passed through Emmitsburg, and it’s on down the road."

New police hire postponed

The Carroll Valley Borough Council declined by the Police Chief to hire a policeman at the board's September meeting. The chief has been trying to address numerous questions regarding police responses. Council Vice-president Verderaime stated he would not want to approve the hiring before the issues were fully addressed. "Once we get the additional information, we can reconsider," he said. The council agreed with Verderaime's position.

In other business, Hilman introduced newly sworn-in police officer Erik Peiffer. Peiffer's hiring was approved by the council in June and sworn-in on September 5. he begins his tenure as a borough officer with a starting annual salary of $51,345.

Park upgrade to follow tree-plantings

Hamiltonban Township will be holding a tree-planting event on October 17 to kick-off the final phase of Hamiltonban Community Park's improvements. The event, during which 30 trees will be planted, is being held by the Hamiltonban Township & Fairfield Borough Joint Parks and Recreation Commission (JPRC).

The third phase of improvements, which will be completed by spring 2022, will include the extension of the existing walking path with distance markers along the entire path, a covered restroom pavilion for the portable restrooms, a waterline extension for hand-washing at that location, a waterline extension to service the main pavilion, and a pergola extension to the main pavilion.

Additional improvements planned include a pickle ball court, a new permanent park sign at the Bullfrog Road entrance, a walking bridge over the pond spillway, paving and line painting of the parking area and driveway, and restoration of the rain-garden along Bullfrog Road.

The upgrade is to be financed through grants and donations. The total estimated project will range between $185-200,000. The JPRC is working on fund-raising in order to hit the 50-percent match needed to apply to DCNR. Those interested in donating towards this effort may send their tax deductible contributions to: Hamiltonban Community Park, P.O. Box 526, Fairfield, 17320.

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