Planner's Report
June 2005
Parking and Codes Enforcement - 394 Total
- Overtime Parking - 388
- Restricted Parking- 4
- Parking on Sidewalk - 2
Parking Revenues - $ 2913.15 Total
- Meter Money - $ 1285.15
Flagging Tags - $ 40.00
- Parking Citations -$ 1580.00
Other Codes Enforcement Activity
- Funerals Directed - 1
- Abandoned Vehicles & Movable
Property - 4
- Grass and Weeds- 1
Permits - 24 total (see permit chart below)
- Fences - 2
- Shed/ garage/Carport - 7
- Signs - 1
Decks/Porch - 7
Renovations - 1
- Repairs - 1
- Additions - 0
- Change of
Use/Ownership/Business - 1
- Driveway - 1
- New Home - 0
- Other - 1 roof repair
- Swimming Pools - 2
Community Pool Activity
- Total Revenues $ 9797.10
Incident Reports - 20
- Water Department - 7
- Streets - 5
- Zoning - 1
- Other - 3
Staff Activities
- During June the staff issued
four codes violation letters. During June, the
staff met weekly with American Pool Management
resulting in new management practices at the
Community Pool. New policies are now in place
for admissions, clean up, and daily accounting
- On June 30, 2005 American
Pool Management conducted a pressure test on the
baby pool at Community Pool revealing a leak at
the main drain and erosion of plaster on the
pool’s floor. The staff expects to have repair
estimates in hand during the week of July 5.
- The staff has ordered five
seven and one half foot olefin table umbrellas
for the community pool. Upon their arrival,
existing picnic tables at the pool will be
retrofitted with these umbrellas providing much
needed shade .
The staff along
with Mayor Hoover has scheduled and advertised
four summer pool parties at the Community Pool.
Each party will feature a disc jockey, moon
bounce, and discounted food and beverages - all,
at a reduced cost. Sponsored by the town of
Emmitsburg and donations from area businesses
the parties are scheduled for:
July 8 - Family Party
July 22 - Teen Party
August 12 - Rugrat Party (children under 12
accompanied by an adult)
August 26 - Family Party
- On June 3 and June 21, the
staff met with representatives of Bollinger
Construction and Fox and Associates to review a
preliminary site plan for a 15,000 square foot
facility on Creamery Road.
- On June 7 and June 21, the
staff attended the bi-monthly progress meetings
with Maryland Department of Environment
officials and W.F. Delauter and Son on the
Little Run Sewer Project.
- On June 8, the staff along
with Town Manager Haller, and Fox and Associates
met with Maryland Department of Environment
officials to present new design plans for the
Creamery Road Force Main Replacement Project.
- On June 11 and June 21, the
staff met with representatives of Proffitt and
Associates Architects to review final site plan
submissions for the planned expansion of the
Vigilant Hose Company. Final site plan approval
was granted on June 25 by the Emmitsburg
Planning Commission, subject to certain
- On June 22, the staff met
with representatives of Fox and Associates to
review final site plan submissions for Tamarac
Inc., a 30,000 square foot facility on Creamery
Way. Final site plan approval was granted by the
Emmitsburg Planning Commission on June 25.
- On June 28 the staff met with
representatives of GLM Engineering to review
final improvement plans for the Emmitsburg
Ambulance Company’s new facility on Creamery
Road. On June 30, staff met with representative
of Harris Smariga Inc. to discuss a proposed
residential development.
Permit No. |
Site Address |
Development |
Zoning |
Type |
Dimensions |
Fee |
Appvl. |
Comments |
4093 |
47 DePaul Street |
N/A |
R1 |
Construction Trailer |
n/a |
$35.00 |
6-01-05 MHL |
4094 |
2055 Pembrook Ct. |
Pembrook |
R1 |
Deck |
20'x17' and 10'octagon |
$41.00 |
6-3-05 MHL |
4095 |
7 Robindale Dr. |
Silo Hill |
R2 |
Shed |
10' x 14' |
$35.00 |
6-6-05 MHL |
4096 |
21 Zanella Dr. |
Northgate |
R2 |
Fence |
373.69 lin ft 6' high |
$39.00 |
6-06-05 MHL |
4097 |
302 N. Seton Avenue |
N/A |
R1 |
Shed |
10' x 14' |
$37.00 |
6-07-05 MHL |
4098 |
500 E. Main Street |
N/A |
VZ |
Front Porch Repair |
$37.00 |
6-15-05 MHL |
4099 |
1408 Ramblewood Dr. |
Brookfield |
R1 |
Deck |
18 x 23 |
$51.00 |
6-9-05 MHL |
4100 |
4095 Carrick Ct |
Pembrook |
R1 |
Patio (pavers) |
14' x 20' |
$35.00 |
6-10-05 MHL |
4101 |
7 Welty Avenue |
N/A |
R3 |
Roof Repairs |
N/A |
$35.00 |
6-10-05MHL |
4102 |
226 W. Main Street |
N/A |
VZ |
One-car, unattached garage |
11' x 24' |
$150.00 (BOA) |
Pending BOA appvl |
BOA meeting scheduled Thurs
7-7-05 |
4103 |
4135 CarrickCourt |
Pembrook |
R1 |
Deck |
14'x 18'w/ 10'octagon |
$55.00 |
6-27-05 MHL |
4104 |
205 DePaulStreet |
N/A |
R1 |
Parking Pad |
25' x 33' |
$35.00 |
6-13-05 MHL |
4105 |
1303 Huntley Circle |
Brookfield |
R1 |
Shed |
10'x10' |
$35.00 |
6-15-05 MHL |
4106 |
814 W. Main Street |
N/A |
VZ |
Pool-above ground |
18' diameter4' depth |
$35.00 |
6-16-05 MHL |
4107 |
41 Federal Avenue |
N/A |
R1 |
Pool-above ground |
30' x 15'
52"depth |
$35.00 |
6-22-05 MHL |
4108 |
10414 Welty Road |
N/A |
VZ |
Signs - 4 |
4' x 8' |
Fee Waived |
6-15-05 MHL |
4109 |
2065 Pembrook Ct |
Pembrook |
R1 |
Shed |
8' x 10' |
$35.00 |
6-17-05 MHL |
4110 |
5 Seton Place |
N/a |
VZ |
Shed |
8' x 8' |
$35.00 |
6-22-05 MHL |
4111 |
300 S. Seton Avenue |
n/a |
OS |
Adding floor drain pipe |
n/a |
Fee Waived |
6-20-05 MHL |
4112 |
902 Frailey Road |
n/a |
R1 |
Rear Porch Repair |
12' x 20' |
$37.00 |
6-22-05 MHL |
4113 |
812 W. Main Street |
n/a |
VZ |
Home Occupation |
n/a |
$35.00 |
6-22-05 MHL |
4114 |
1311 Huntley Cir. |
Brookfield |
R1 |
Shed |
8'x8' |
$35.00 |
6-23-05 MHL |
4115 |
6 University Dr. |
Northgate |
R2 |
Fence - Privacy |
205 lin ft
6' height |
$35.00 |
6-23-05MHL |
4116 |
4025 Carrick Court |
Pembrook |
R1 |
Deck |
10' x 22' |
$53.00 |
6-29-05 MHL |
List of prior
months Town Planner's reports