Town Manager's
December 2005
Prepared by David
- Staff installed
Christmas decorations
- Staff repaired a
number of street lights
- Staff plowed snow
and treated streets
- Staff has
installed snow flags on fire hydrants
- Staff is having
difficulties operating the water treatment plant,
those difficulties are related to the treatment of
the lake water and the limited detention time the
chemicals have to act
- Pursuant to a
citizen comment at a recent Town meeting staff has
reviewed the matter and the backflow preventer in
Commissioner Elder's Car Wash was inspected in
August 2005 and is in compliance
- Water production and consumption. We
produced and purchased an average of 318,183 gpd.
We consumed an average of 308,267 gpd.
- The difference is "Backwash Water"
...(3.1). We purchased 1,067,310
gals. of water from MSM this month.
- 59.0% of this water came from wells
- 10.8 of this water came from Mt. St. Mary's
- 30.2% of this water came from Rainbow Lake
We had no raw sewerage spills in the Month of
We received about
2.1 inches of precipitation this month
Wastewater Treatment:
- We treat an average of
581,000 gpd (consumed 308,267 gpd) which means that
47% of the wastewater treated this month was
"wild water"
- We exceeded
the plant's design capacity on 5 days in the
month of December
- 12/15-966,000
gals., 12/16-1,368,000 gals.
- 12/17-807,000
gals., 12/25-880,000 gals., 12/26-859,000 gals.
pickup days will remain Monday & Thursday for the
month of January
Staff has been
preparing equipment for the Spring
Staff has been
making regular vandalism checks
Meetings Attended:
- 12/08 MML
Legislative Meeting
- 12/20 Emmitsburg
Planning Commission related to a proposed
- 12/28 With State
staff related to a CDBG grant to repair the Town's
14" sewer force main
List of prior
months' Town Manager's reports |