Goals: The responsibility of the commissioner is to serve the citizens of the town under the mayor’s directorship.
I retired a year ago, and have spent a fair portion of my life as a citizen of Emmitsburg and enjoyed the results of other elective citizens’ time and efforts. As a citizen of the town of Emmitsburg, I feel obliged to offer my services and experience in assisting
the management of the town. As commissioner, my accomplishments would be to continue to make the town a better place to live and raise a family and to make sure that all the citizens of the town are proud to live in Emmitsburg.
Priorities: Growth, facilities (water, sewer, safety and fire/ambulance protection), and Main Street traffic.
Growth: I feel that growth is necessary, but must be carefully controlled. You have to set goals and stick with them. Requests for annexation and building permits must stay within goals established and consideration given to the availability of water, sewer,
schools, traffic impact, and the effect on the general health and welfare of the citizens. It is important that the tax base be included in the mix.
Facilities: The water usage, especially with the recent town expansion and the proliferation of building permits, obviously has increased the water usage. My thought would be to continue to look for other alternative ways to increase the water supply for the town
so that we may continue to have controlled growth. For the fire/ambulance companies, I would like to make sure they are fully capable of coping with the town and the areas surrounding the town and to make sure they get all the support and funds needed to accomplish that. For
police protection, I would re-evaluate the present means of police protection from an economic and efficient standpoint.
Main Street traffic: I would take steps to have the county continue to pursue a means of alleviating the heavy truck traffic or at least come up with some alternate route.
Growth: Very cautiously!!! We must have our present facilities in good shape for any shortcomings prior to considering any future growth of any magnitude. I am for controlled growth so long as we have the facilities to cope with it and we stick to a plan.
Perception: Emmitsburg is an old, historic, beautiful small Maryland community with a prideful citizenry and I hope and pray that it stays that way. Growth, yes, but not changing the atmosphere of the town.
Management: In my opinion, the present method, having a mayor and commissioners, with a town manager, suffices for the size of our town. It seems to me to function well.