Jesus’ baptism took place in the Jordan River, done by John the Baptizer, with water, as an expression of belief that the
Messiah would come. Jesus’ baptism includes one of only a half-dozen explicit gospel references to the Trinity. Notice that the Father and the Holy
Spirit are present when Jesus is baptized. Interestingly, the gospel reads: "John tried to prevent Jesus saying, ‘I need to be baptized by you’." But
John yielded to Jesus’ will. John’s baptism of Jesus in the Jordan River represents the first of the Luminous Mysteries, which shed light on Jesus’
mission and the mystery of our lives.
Our baptisms, probably for most of us, took place as infants, in the presence of parents and/or godparents, by water and the
Holy Spirit, by a priest or maybe a deacon, who called down the Trinity as we were blessed "in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy
Spirit." Our baptism took place physically inside a church, and sacramentally in the Catholic Church; we were welcomed into the Christian community. Our
relationship with God is not simply "God and me." Our relationship with God necessarily includes the Church which Jesus founded, and all humankind whom
Jesus came to save. Think big, think broadly with regards to our baptism. Today is Vocation Sunday. Our first vocation is our Christian vocation, and
living well our baptismal vows.
When Christian evangelicals ask us Catholics, "when were you born-again?" we respond confidently, "at baptism, we were reborn in
Christ Jesus and in the Church that Jesus founded." This first of the seven sacraments celebrates that divine life enters into each baptized Christian,
Catholic and non-Catholic. At creation, each person is gifted with the image of God; and at baptism, each person becomes gifted with the active interior
grace of God’s power. At birth, God’s image dwells within us; and at baptism, God’s life, love, power, grace move within us. This grace stirs into
action the image with which we were created. We become reborn in Christ Jesus. As St. Paul says of committed Christians, "it is no longer I who live,
but Jesus Christ lives within me."
Christians, Catholics, ponder this mystery of image and action: you have been created in the image and likeness of God, and by
the power of God you can grow in that image. You grow closer to God; you grow in holiness. Please do not sell yourself short by limiting your vision of
human life to your humanness. Rather expand your vision of life by appreciating that God’s divine life lives within you. Ponder your baptism whereby you
actively grow in reflecting God’s image, by the grace of God. The love of God within you seeks to burst forth outside you. Love has to express itself.
A few practical details about infant baptism. First, the priest baptizer needs to have a reasonable expectation that the child
will be brought up Catholic. If mom and dad come to Church every Sunday, the priest has full confidence. If mom and dad don’t go to Church, but the
grandparents do and promise to raise the child Catholic, then that satisfies most priests. If the priest has never or rarely seen the parents at church,
he may ask the parents to begin coming to church every Sunday for a few months to demonstrate their desire to raise their child in the Catholic faith.
Many times, the miracle of the birth of a child motivates parents to come back to church. Second, one of the two godparents needs to be a practicing
Catholic. All Catholic parishes require that the pastor of the godparent candidate sign a document declaring that the godparent candidate is a
practicing member of the local parish. I am always happy to sign that document. At times, I am saddened when I must refuse to sign that document for
godparent candidates because I rarely if ever see them at Sunday Mass. Third, parents, please consider giving your child a Christian name for his/her
baptismal name. It may be either the first or second name. Names help to give us identity and roots. Saints’ names provide wonderful examples of lived
Christian virtue. My name is Vincent. From when I was a child in grade school, St. Vincent de Paul served as a model for me. St. Vincent was someone I
looked up to for example and encouragement on how to live a happy and holy Christian life. One caution, parents, please be careful about naming your
child after a sports hero, or soap opera star, or a movie celebrity. Fame is fleeting. What lasting example do these people give to your child? Choose a
name which not only sounds nice, but also points to a nice person. Let your child’s baptismal name provide a lifelong model of Christian living.
Today, friends of Congressman Henry Hyde are present in the congregation. The congressman died six weeks ago, at the end of
November. He came from Illinois, and served in the House of Representatives for over thirty years. Born and raised a Catholic, his Catholic faith guided
his private and public life. Always a gentleman, he respected his Congressional colleagues regardless of their party affiliation. Renowned for fairness,
he chaired the House Judiciary Committee. Perhaps he is most famous for the Hyde Amendment which prohibited federal funding for abortions. Profoundly
pro-life, he chose to do not what was popular but what was right and moral. How appropriate that we pray for him at Mass today as we stand on the verge
of recognizing the 35th anniversary of the nefarious Roe vs. Wade decision. Before Henry Hyde died, he received the Presidential Medal of Freedom, which
is the highest honor a president can bestow on a citizen. Henry Hyde lived his baptismal promises: he promised and practiced the vows: Do you reject
Satan, and all his works, and all his empty promises? Yes. Do you believe in God the Father Almighty, Creator of heaven and earth, and his only Son
Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit, and the holy Catholic Church? Yes.
May we reflect on and repeat in word and deed our baptismal promises; being Christian is our first vocation. And rejoice because
of the divine image and divine life which moves within you. And we thank God for the wonderful example of Christ-like living given to us by the saints
and people like Congressman Henry Hyde.
Read other homilies by Father O'Malley