The 6th annual meeting of the New Forest Society was called to order at 9:30 a.m. on March 24, 2007 by
President Elizabeth Prongas.
The Minutes of the last meeting were read by Elizabeth Prongas and approved. The Treasurer's Report was
read and accepted.
The Nominating Committee was present and the elections were held. Harold Craig made a motion that the
nominations be accepted and Charles Stouter seconded the motion. The motion passed. Harold Craig made a motion that the Executive
Board of Directors be accepted. Charles Stouter seconded the motion. The Executive Board of Directors will be Harold Craig,
Michael Hillman, Charles Stouter, Janet Springer, Monika Lucey and Joan Treadway. Officers will be Elizabeth Prongas as Chair,
Marcia Watters as Vice-Chair, Jack Lynch as Communications Specialist, Patricia Holohan as Treasurer and Sue Rice as Secretary.
LOGGING: Nothing was resolved from the discussions held regarding logging. Mike Hillman will go thru the
town council in an attemp to work on passing an Ordinance to prevent current logging practices.
COMMUNITY GREENING GRANT: The New Forest Society is willing to provide as many trees as any sub-division
needs. Mike Hillman suggested that we speak directly with the Homeowners' Association of each sub-division.
TREES: 2,050 trees were ordered and a letter was sent out. It was noted that if anyone needed trees they
were to let Elizabeth Prongas know. Charles Stouter said that he needed trees. It was also noted that there had been some
difficulty in the past with the brown tubes that were used to' protect the trees and that the seedlings dried up. It was
recommended that different colors be
used. Latest information available through DNR.
SCHOLARSHIP FUND: A motion was made by Jack Lynch to make the scholarship amount $500.00. The motion was
seconded and passed.
UTICA PARK: A call from Potomac Conservancy was made to request help from the New Forest Society to plant
trees streamside and several members said they would help. Dibbles would be available for planting if someone could use them and a
tree planting machine would also be available.
SUMMER FUNDRAISER: It was suggested that we have an art exhibit by the New Market class Pearl Gems to be
held at Elizabeth Prongas' studio. Ten percent of the proceeds would be given to New Forest Society.
Mike Hillman suggested having a yard sale in the fall in Emmitsburg.
Jack Lynch suggested having a fund-raiser lunch at Brewer's Alley in Frederick.
It was decided that another meeting for the purpose of discussing projects for fundraisers be held.
DISCUSSION: Matt Gordon of Structural Systems, Thurmont held a discussion regarding the Emmitsburg
Elementary School green project. He stated there is a link on the web site regarding the materials available. He also stated that
Emmitsburg may be looking at wind power
Betsy Forrence attended the Millersville Native Plant Conference and said it was an excellent meeting
regarding green building.
The Master Gardener's Association is willing to work with New Forest Society. It was suggested that the
Green Thumb series was a great opportunity for someone from the New Forest Society to speak.
Matt Gordon stated that 10,000 trees were planted in Frederick County. Many of the trees were mowed by the
County. It was suggested that politics played a part in the mowing and that an article should be written.
Elizabeth Prongas proposed a monthly meeting of the New Forest Society to work on specific issues and
Kay Shultz said that the Catoctin Alliance meeting will be held on May 16, 2007 at 1:00 p.m. in Emmitsburg
at the Town Office Building.
BACKYARD BUFFER: 25 free trees are available for any citizen who has a stream or culvert. Distribution
will be April 21, 2007 at Gambrel.
Jen Dodson's organization has taken on rain barrel effort. 200 barrels are available to Frederick County
residents for $80.00 per barrel and attendance at a two hour conference.
VIABLE AGRICULTURE: A meeting with Common Market provided an opportunity to network with other groups to
help them. Step It Up Frederick group works with the community to reduce omissions and a meeting will be held on April 14, 2007 to
celebrate a joint commitment.
WEB SITE: Jack Lynch, Mike Hillman and Kay Schultz will work together to provide information and update
the website.
Elizabeth Prongas suggested that religious participation in environmental concerns was lacking and that
she was interested in initiating an ecology program.
It was suggested that an Action Committee be formed to work on goal strategies. Some of the goals
suggested were web site, presidency of the NFS, planting of the trees, mowing and cutting down trees, and Earth Day.