May 2011




Text Box: Inside This Issue
Funerals, Grads, P.2
Announcements,  P. 3
Thank you Notes,  P.3
GIGGLE Camp, VBS, P.5 
Mem’l Day Weekend, P. 6
View from Pastor’s 	Window, P. 7
Yard Sale, P. 9
Appreciation Lunch
     May 1
Harney’s Good Ole Days
     May 28
Parish Mem’l Day Service
      May 29
Pentecost– June 12

Sunday, May 29, 2011

             Mt. Joy, 10:15 am

NO service at St. Paul’s














            Details inside, p. 6


FUNERALS            We offer our prayers and compassion for these families


Catherine M. Harner was born on January 1, 1918 in Greenmount, PA to John S. and Mabel Bollinger Null, one of 7 children, and left this mortal world on Sunday, March 20, 2011. Graveside memorial service in Evergreen Cemetery was on March 25, 2011.


Lula C. Marshall was born on May 23, 1920 in Gettysburg, PA to Howard H. and Mary Gouker Flickinger, and left this mortal world on Tuesday, March 29, 2011. Funeral was at Littles’ on March 31, with burial in Mountain View Cemetery.


Jack F. Lorah was born on November 16, 1925 in Bradford to Clinton and Elizabeth McDonald Lorah, and left this mortal world on Wednesday, April 13, 2011. Funeral was at St. Paul’s on Monday, April 19, 2011, with burial in Mountain View Cemetery.



WE NEED your graduation information ASAP.                               

Call the church office (717-334-8585) with the following.

·      j0398587Name

·      Address

·      School                                  

·      Degree if college

·      Graduation date

·      Future plans

 Our listing of MJSP graduates will be printed in June’s Mason Dixon Line and we will honor them in worship on June 12!!


This Issue Sponsored by St. Paul’s Ladies’ Aid

In Honor and in Memory of

All Mothers












ANNOUNCEMENTS                                THANK YOU NOTES

Mt. Joy Spring

Clean-up  May 21.


LCW meets Wednesday, May 5, 7pm at Frankie Fields’ home.


C:\Users\Pastor Faye\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5\51EP3DZC\MP900407268[1].jpgHOSPITAL ADMISSIONS, please let Pastor Faye know by calling the church office – 717 – 334-8585. Please call again upon discharge.

Prayer Requests - call Janet Maring (717-334-6439) or Shirley Staley (717- 334-1737).  Request may be health matter or any concern, Please have address information ready, as a prayer card is sent. Please advise when to remove names. Following 3-month period without update information regarding any name, it will be removed from our list. Thanks for your cooperation in keeping our list current.

Sponsor the Mason-Dixon Line ($40) or Sunday bulletins ($10) in memory of, or in honor of, a loved one. Call 717-334-8585.

UPCOMING COOL FAMILY BENEFIT: Friendly’s, 455 Steinwehr Ave.,Gettysburg Thurs. June 9, 5 – 8,  Balloon Animals, too. Come join the fun!

We wish to thank everyone for remembering us on our 65th Wedding Anniversary with flowers, cards, notes, phone calls and visits. We had a nice time and can hardly believe it has been 65 years.  

     Wilbur and Mary Jane Waybright


Thank you to Jim and Brad Waybright for repairing the rope to the Mt. Joy church bell in time to ring out the joyous peals for Easter!


Thank you to all who participated in our Lenten services, “Watchers on the Hill.” Excellent actors and dedicated worship leaders left us with a warm glow and a connection with those who witnessed Jesus’ death.


Thank you to Pat Cross for her efficiency and creativity in coordinating the Lenten Suppers. And to all who cooked, set up and cleaned up The suppers were delicious. Just as important, sharing those meals created an invaluable bond within our parish.


Many thanks for the lovely Maundy Thursday anthem by the MJSP Parish Choir. Wow! Just what we needed to inspire us on our Lenten journeys.

Sunday, May 9

Who fed me from her gentle breast
And hushed me in her arms to rest,
And on my cheek sweet kisses prest?
My Mother.

Who ran to help me when I fell,
And would some pretty story tell,
Or kiss the place to make it well?
My mother.

                        ~Ann Taylor


Double Bracket: Prenatal care
Each year millions of babies around the world die from malnutrition that begins in the womb. The Child Survival Program provides help to expectant mothers through nutritious food supplements and assistance in obtaining prenatal medical care. 

With Child Survival Program, Expectant moms are also educated about such vital topics as: fetal development, the childbirth process, breastfeeding and infant care.



MAY 1, Noon



St. Pauls Good Shepherd Award

Mt. Joy’s Donald Maring Award

Fun and Fellowship

C:\Users\Pastor Faye\Pictures\day_logo.jpgText Box: Parents & Kids!PLEASE SAVE THESE DATES FOR SUMMER FUN!


   St. Paul’s VBS

June 27 – July 1

       6:30 – 8pm



GIGGLE Day Camp July 21 & 22 at Mt. Joy

10 a.m. – 3 p.m., ages 3 – 11



                                    HARNEY’S GOOD OLD DAYS – MAY 28

C:\Users\Pastor Faye\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5\VCP8C266\MP900401374[1].jpgYou are invited to join in Good Old Days in Harney, beginning at 4:30pm on Saturday, May 29, in Mountain View and Sunrise Cemeteries.

Following Memorial ceremonies with veteran color guard and rifle salute, we will gather at the VFW pavilion for food, fellowship, and entertainment. See you there!

Donations of cakes are needed for the Cake Walk, as well as cookies, candies, and baked goods.

Proceeds go to maintenance of Mountain View and Sunrise                                      Cemeteries.




 Retired Military Chaplain James Young

will bring the message


The service at Mt. Joy will begin at 10:15a.m., when children of both Mt. Joy and St. Paul’s will join in the strewing of flowers in the cemetery.  The Sons of Union Veterans will lead the memorial ritual in the cemetery, concluding with a rifle salute by the 61st Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry, Company A.

Guest speaker during the 10:30 a.m. worship service will be Dr. James H. Young, who served for nearly 27 years as a United States Army chaplain. He was licensed in Gospel ministry in 1951, and ordained in 1956. In civilian life, he served several pastorates, and taught in various colleges and graduate schools. As a psychologist, Dr. Young has served in state and private psychiatric hospitals, and private Christian outpatient clinics.

Dr. Young is the father of four married children, step-father of two ministers, grandfather of 19, and has one great-grandchild. His wife, an LPN psychiatric nurse, has served as a missionary to Native Americans in SD. His interests include a yellow lab, physical exercise, and gardening.

He holds four doctorates: theology, clinical psychology, ministry, and political science, in addition to six master’s degrees in diverse fields.

View From the Pastor’s Window


What a glorious Easter Sunday!  As we gathered for the Dawn Service, nature so glorified God. The panorama of layered hills presented an awesome spectacle…. The sun rose in its brilliance to reveal the hills ‘haloed’ in a veil of glistening mist. Then the shared Easter breakfast and the worship in our sanctuaries as hallelujahs resounded…!


Makes us wish we could have Easter every day. The good news is that we can! Following are some to tips to encourage small resurrections in our daily lives.


Nurture yourself — eat right, exercise, get plenty of rest — and you are helping God resurrect your body. Remember to keep the Sabbath – relax and rest.


• When you practice reverence for life, you can't help but notice all the little resurrections going on all around you, the continual process of creation on Earth.


Your little acts of kindness tenderize the world, add to the fund of good will, and set the table for resurrection.


Listen to others, the universe, and your inner voice, and you'll be privy to resurrections when they happen.


Love God, love your neighbor, and love your new life as marks of the resurrection.


When you stay open to all people and situations, you affirm your belief that all things can be made new.


Every peace treaty that you sign with someone who is your enemy or opponent is a sign of resurrection.


Sometimes you feel refreshed by the simplest things — laughter, games, play. This, too, is resurrection.


"So, friends, every day do something that won't compute. Love the Lord. Love the world. . . . Be joyful though you have considered all the facts. . . . Practice resurrection."

Enjoy Easter for the rest of the year, and the rest of your lives!


See you in church,

Pastor Faye


From Wendell Berry's poem Manifesto: The Mad Farmer Liberation Front: Adapted from Spirituality/Practice

How Friendly Are We?

How do we greet visitors, members, and prospective members is of utmost importance to our call to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Are we hospitable? 

Here is a list that goes from the least to the best and most effective at making folks feel welcome around our place.

·      C:\Users\Pastor Faye\Pictures\ATT0000228.jpgGlance of eyes                                               

·      Eyeball smile

·      Smile or head-nod

·      Smile, head-nod, almost audible ‘hello’

·      ‘Hello’ and head-nod

·      ‘Hello’ and hand-shake

·      ‘Real McCoy’- hand-shake and sharing                     of names

·      Introduction and inquiry

That's what I consider true generosity. You give your all, and yet you always feel as if it costs you nothing.—Simone de Beauvoir
            Introduction, inquiry and invitation!!!


40 Days of Prayer before Synod Assembly                                  

Read Psalm 118:1-2, 14-24

40 Days of PrayerChrist the Victor, we praise your

strength and love that claimed us

from sin and death.  Through You

we shall not die but live.  Kyrie Eleison! 

As we prepare for synod assembly, keep us mindful of the immeasurable gift You have given us.  Lead our discussions and decisions to reflect our Easter joy that every day is made by You; let us rejoice and be glad in all You have done.  Amen.       

... The Rev. Sandra Carlson Alexis, Dean, Baltimore North Conference


Carroll LutheranSchool

5th Annual Yard/Book Sale & Flea Market
Saturday, May 14, 2011, 8am - 2pm
Held Indoors (
school gym) - RAIN or SHINE!

Stop in and Shop!

In past years we have had the gymnasium packed with flea market vendors and yard sale families.  The Board tables are always full of items donated by our supportive churches and friends, and the Teachers Book Corner is crammed with donated books.


Rent a Space or Sell Your Items!
Anyone is welcome to purchase a space in the sale and sell their own things; donation for a space is just $25. Tables may be available if you need to rent one for additional $10.
Have Saleable Items to Donate?

Spring cleaning time is here.  If you have good saleable merchandise that you would like to donate to the sale, please contact us at the e-mail address or phone number below. Donations should be given to us no later than May 9th.  Contact us for details regarding donations.

Lunch is Served
Food will be sold on-site to help energize you as you work your way through the bargains!
Want to Help?
Saleable donations of all kinds are accepted as this event draws near. Tell some friends and come shop. Help with setup and take down is always appreciated.

Contact Dennis Kniss for more information -- or call 410-848-1050 (School). You may also telephone 443-605-4963 or 717-359-7681 and leave a message.



Wasn’t Easter Glorious?






Live a Resurrection Lifestyle and

Have Easter everyday.

Read Pastor’s Column on Page 7.