Family Picnic, 2007

Incarnation UCC held its annual family picnic on September 16th at Kumps Dam on a very chilly September morning. While the grill was heating up, an informal worship service with lots of singing was led by Rev. Rice. The men provided the chicken and hot dogs and the women added every other picnic food and dessert you could imagine. No one went away hungry. Then lawn games for the children and bingo masterminded by Janet and Pat were the next order of the day. We were all thrilled to see Anna Mort drive in to join us and enjoy the activities. Everyone left full and happy.

Pastor Reg tuning up

Pastor Reg conducting the singing

There's plenty for everyone

And more if you want it

"Not so fast, Janet"

Bingo requires a lot of concentration

Everyone's a winner

Grammy Glass-"This is how you do it, Coop"