A. W. Cissel
One of the
shows a group of
22 elderly Civil
War veterans
informally posed
during Memorial
Day observances
in May, 1916.
grey-bearded old
gentlemen wear
their medals and
badges pinned to
their frock
coats. Several
of them carry
small flags or
flower nosegays
that the group
will lay on a
monument at the
U.B. Cemetery,
an annual
tribute to their
lost comrades.
Over fifty years
earlier, these same
men had been
fresh-faced farm boys
or town clerks and
apprentices when they
answered the call to
serve. In response to
President Abraham
Lincoln's appeal for
more troops, Frederick
county offered a $100
bonus for enlistment
before Sept 1, 1862 to
meet the county's
quoat of 1,352 men.
Led by Capt. Martin
Rouzer and Lts. John
Rouzer and C.A. Damuth,
80 men from in and
around Mechanicstown
and Eyler's Valley
organized as Company
D, Sixth Regiment of
Maryland Infantry
On a late August
morning they assembled
at the southeast
corner of the main
square, known as
Freeze's Corner (then
vacant lots) where the
ladies of the town
presented them with a
handmade, silken
company flag. It would
be the only flag in
the Regiment for
several months. During
1863-1864 Company D
would see action as
part of the Virginia
Charles Damuth kept a
memoranda of the
company activities,
including engagements
at Culpepper, Second
Manassas, Brandy
Station and others as
they crossed and
recrossed the
Rappahannock and
Rapidan rivers in
Grant's pursuit of
Lee. But it is the
Battle of the
Wilderness fought on
May 5,6, 1864 that was
remembered as the
bitterest and most
tragic loss for
Company D.
The Wilderness west of
Chancellorsville, VA
was a dense maze of
forest, bramble
thickets and swamp. As
the lines surged back
and forth over two
days of fighting the
splintered trees and
undergrowth were set
on fire, fanned by a
strong wind. Unseen
and unknown wounded
and dead were trapped
by the smoke and
flames; their bodies
were never recovered.
Among these missing
were four men of
Company D, including
Sargeant Jason Damuth,
Capt Damuth's brother.
The others were George
Favorite, William
Fourney and William
McPherson. They were
just a few of the
thousands of dead,
wounded and captured
in this bloody
engagement. Though
John Rouzer
escaped the "fiery
Hell" and received his
second battlefield
promotion for
gallentry. In Sept two
more men were missing
in action after the
Battle of Winchester.
Following Cold Harbor,
Petersburg and
Appomattox, the men of
Company D were
mustered out June 20,
1865 and returned home
to Mechanicstown. In
1908 a local branch
of the G.A.R. (Grand
Army of the
organization was
formed and named the
Jason Damuth Post. It
was composed of Co. D.
vets along with local
who had served in
other Frederick County
units like Co. B of
the Seventh Regiment
and "Cole's Cavalry"
of the Potomac Home
Brigade. In 1914 the
G.A.R. placed a
monument at the United
Brethren Cemetery,
dedicated to those who
never came back and
whose burial place is
unknown. Each Memorial
Day the ever
diminishing ranks of
the Union vets honored
their dead. The
photograph, once owned
by the Elower family,
captures this
The last surviving
member of the GAR Post
was Henry Fleagle who
died November, 1937 at
age 95. His grave is
one of the 62 Union
Veterans graves in the
hill cemeteries above
Thurmont. He was the
last of Thurmont's
"Boys in Blue".