Who Knew Vanilla Extract Came From an Orchid?

Connie Holland
Adams County Master Gardener

(11/28)The scent of vanilla extract is my absolute favorite. I even have vanilla scented cologne. Who would not want to smell of this wonderful fragrance? Cooks and bakers know that this familiar and essential ingredient, vanilla extract, comes from a vanilla bean. But, did you know that the vanilla bean actually is the seedpod of an orchid? It is the orchid known as Vanilla planifolia. The word "vanilla" actually is a Spanish word meaning "long pod", referring to its seedpod. Vanilla is the only orchid used in the food and cosmetic industry.

The first reference to vanilla dates back to 1552 when it was documented in a manuscript as being used to flavor a cacao beverage we know today as a chocolate drink. Also during that time it was used in perfume and body lotions. Widely cultivated today, vanilla orchids are offered at orchid society shows and sales, through orchid magazines and on-line.

The vanilla orchid is monopodial in that it grows via long vine-like shoots having flat, long succulent leaves. Like many orchids, it is an epiphyte, meaning that it lives on a tree without drawing any nutrients from the tree. Commercial vanilla plantations need to have trees planted for the orchids to climb. The vine climbs up the tree in a zigzag fashion along the vine. Each blooming section can bear one to two dozen creamy blooms. As many as several hundred flowers can appear on a mature orchid plant.

In its native habitat, a mature vanilla orchid can grow to 300 feet or greater. At home, a vine can be kept to a manageable 20 feet in a greenhouse. The vanilla orchid grows best in bright filtered shade with high humidity. Ideal temperatures are between 60-70 degrees F at night, and 80-95 degrees F daytime.

Each orchid flower is open only for one day. If pollination does not occur, the flower is dropped. The flowers are self-fertile but need bee and hummingbird pollinators to perform this task. Hand pollination is the most reliable method for commercially grown vanilla and for home orchid growers. The flowers are quite large with white, greenish yellow or cream colors. Most flowers have a sweet scent.

The vanilla seedpod is called a "vanilla bean" although it is not a true bean. Typically the seedpod is 4-8 inches in length. After flowering and pollination, it ripens gradually over 8 to 9 months, eventually turning black and giving off a wonderful strong aroma. Each pod contains thousands of very tiny seeds. Both the pods and seeds are used to create vanilla flavoring. A vanilla seedpod is dehiscent, meaning that it naturally splits apart along either side. Home cooks are very familiar with this attribute since it easily enables the scraping out of the tiny seeds used in recipes.

Chemically, pure vanilla extract is an extremely complicated ethanol extraction of several hundred naturally occurring different fragrant compounds. Imitation vanilla extract is an ethanol mixture of usually one synthetic chemical known as vanillin acetate (processed from wood waste or by chemical synthesis). Some cooks prefer the more complex flavors of pure vanilla extract to that of less expensive imitation vanilla. Others claim there is little difference in this often-debated subject.

The long orchid maturity and intensive labor required for commercial production add to the expense of pure vanilla extract making it the second most expensive spice after saffron. For the home vanilla orchid grower, it is necessary to provide the orchid vine with sturdy support. Fertilize the vanilla orchid every two weeks during the spring and summer with an orchid fertilizer. Mist it regularly and make every effort to keep an 80% humidity level. It takes approximately 3 to 5 years from starting an orchid cutting to obtaining a bloom. Hand-pollinate the flowers in the morning with a fine brush. If pollination is successful, the orchid will produce green bean-like pods from October through March. Good quality pods should be at least 6 inches long. Pods are ready for harvest in 8 to 9 months!

The vanilla pod curing process is labor-intensive, and involves both sweating and drying the pods. Every day for 6 weeks, one must wrap the beans at night to facilitate moisture condensation on the pods. During the day, place the beans on trays in the sun, or under a heat lamp indoors. Following this sweating process, dry the now brown and shriveled pods in a dark, dry place for an additional 3 months. Cured beans can be stored in an airtight container indefinitely or can be mixed with ethanol (drinking quality or 190 proof) and allowed to sit several weeks to develop vanilla extract. Given all that is required to prepare vanilla extract, now you understand why pure vanilla extract is the second most expensive spice!

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