Rev. Dr. Neil Acheampong
Covenant Family Chapel
(3/1) The year 2025 has arrived, and with the elections now behind us, a new party has taken the reins of the White House. Many citizens clung to the hope that this fresh administration would usher in the change they had long sought, bringing a sense of renewal and a break from past policies. Campaign slogans echoed through the streets, envisioning progress, unity, and a brighter future. People rallied around the belief that new leadership could address the pressing issues that have weighed heavily on the nation for years—immigration, economic disparity, healthcare reform, etc. The air was thick with optimism on both sides as individuals dreamed of a government that would listen to their concerns and prioritize the needs of the many over the interests of the few.
However, for some, this transition feels like a nightmare unfolding. The change in leadership has intensified existing divides, and the new policies have sparked anger and fear among immigrant communities and those who feel marginalized or threatened by the new direction. Misinformation spreads like wildfire, complicating conversations and breeding distrust within communities. No matter your viewpoint, one undeniable truth remains: we are navigating through turbulent times filled with uncertainty and anxiety. As citizens grapple with their fears and aspirations, the path forward remains unclear.
When uncertainty creeps in, turning to Psalm 125 can provide comfort and reassurance. This psalm is a celebration of triumph, focusing on the themes of safety and security. It serves as a reminder that, despite the chaos surrounding us, there is a steadfast refuge in God. The words of this psalm resonate deeply, offering a sense of peace that can anchor our souls in turbulent times. Psalm 125 reveals three simple yet powerful truths that can guide us through these times.
First, those who place their trust in the LORD find safety and security. This truth emphasizes the importance of faith as a foundation for our lives. When we trust in the LORD, we are not relying solely on our understanding or resources. Instead, we are placing our confidence in a higher power (God) that is unchanging and eternal. This trust in God acts as a protective shield, allowing us to navigate life's storms with a sense of calm and assurance. It reminds us that we are not alone; we have a divine protector who watches over us.
Notice the words of the Psalmist in Psalm 125:1-2 (New International Version); 1 Those who trust in the LORD are like Mount Zion, which cannot be shaken but endures forever. 2 As the mountains surround Jerusalem, so the LORD surrounds his people both now and forevermore. These verses convey two important messages: First, they illustrate our nature when we have faith in the LORD. Second, they reveal the character of the LORD towards us when we trust in Him.
We are akin to Mount Zion, steadfast and eternal. What does it mean to trust in the LORD? It means we embody the strength of Mount Zion, which remains unshaken and lasts forever. In the Bible, Mount Zion symbolizes Jerusalem, the sacred space where God resides among His people. This dwelling place signifies safety and security. With the Lord by your side, you find true safety and stability, becoming like Mount Zion—unshakable and enduring through all time.
The second truth that can serve as a guide in these uncertain times is that those who rely on the LORD possess a lasting inheritance. This statement speaks to the richness of spiritual blessings that come from a relationship with God. Unlike material possessions that can be fleeting and uncertain, the inheritance we receive through faith is eternal.
We see this principle of those who place their trust in the LORD possess a lasting inheritance in Psalm 125:3 (NIV) which states, "The scepter of the wicked will not remain over the land allotted to the righteous, for then the righteous might use their hands to do evil." This verse highlights the inheritance promised to God’s people, addressing the current dominance of the wicked and the potential for the righteous to falter. It reassures us that the inheritance of the righteous is safeguarded from both. To begin with, your inheritance is shielded from the wicked.
Revisit verse 3: "The scepter of the wicked will not remain over the land allotted to the righteous" (Psalm 125:3). The concept of land allotment reflects the biblical notion of inheritance. God promised His people the land of Canaan as their rightful inheritance. Similarly, we have a divine inheritance awaiting us in heaven, and verse 3 assures us of its safety and security. As David expressed in Psalm 16:5, "Lord, you have assigned me my portion and my cup; you have made my lot secure." This verse conveys a crucial truth about the wicked: their reign is temporary.
While we may feel anxious about the wickedness surrounding us in a world indifferent to God and His ways, verse 3 reminds us that their influence over God’s people will not endure. They cannot disrupt the inheritance that God has set aside for His followers. "The scepter of the wicked will not remain over the land allotted to the righteous" (v. 3a). Evil is fleeting, while goodness is eternal. As Charles H. Spurgeon wisely noted, "The saints abide forever, but their troubles do not." The power of the wicked will ultimately be dismantled, and they will no longer govern what God has reserved for His people. This truth encourages us to look beyond the immediate challenges we face and to focus on the enduring promises of God, which provide a sense of purpose and direction in our lives.
Thirdly, those who have faith in the Lord can look forward to a secure future. In a world filled with unpredictability, this truth offers a profound sense of hope. Faith in the LORD assures us that, regardless of the trials we encounter, there is a divine plan at work. We can trust that our future is in God’s hands and that He is guiding us toward a destiny filled with hope and fulfillment. This perspective allows us to face the unknown with courage, knowing that we are part of a greater story that is unfolding according to His will.
To wrap things up, let's revisit the fundamental truths that provide us with safety and security during uncertain times. When we place our faith in God, we find true safety and assurance. With our faith anchored in Him, our inheritance is guaranteed. Trusting in God’s son, Jesus Christ also means our future is firmly secured.
Have you committed your life to Jesus Christ?