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Saying goodbye

Pastor Heath Wilson
Toms Creek United Methodist Church

(6/1) This will be the last time writing for the News-Journal. It has been a wonderful 8 years in this community and I am only leaving because I am part of an appointment system where you are moved around to different churches. I have been been blessed to live in this amazing community. Sometimes we start to get down on the area we live and we focus on all the problems and don’t see all the good and amazing things that are in our communities. Let me share just a small glimpse of what I have seen in this community.

The food banks in this area are wonderful and meeting the needs of people. They have amazing people volunteering to run them. And even more important they receive so much support from the community in the form of food donations and financial support. This community really does care about making sure people have basic necessities.

In connection with this Seton Center is a blessing to this community. It would be easy as a United Methodist pastor to say I am not going to support a Catholic ministry. Yet, they do such an amazing job of providing services and support to anyone in need. They also make sure that people that are receiving support are holding up their end and they ensure that the resources are used well. Many churches in the area financially support them so that they can be a clearing house for providing support to people in their time of need. They are a wonderful blessing to this community that helps everyone regardless of the church they attend or if they don’t attend church.

Many may not know it but the Council of Churches do a wonderful job of bringing church together and trying to shine light and hope into our community. They bridge denominational differences and theological differences in order to work to overcome issues that affect our community. They hold rallies to let people know that while we may have differences that we do not condone hate and we condemn actions that demean and harm others. They come together to tackle issues that are affecting the community when they arise. They are a blessing to the community.

We have amazing VOLUNTEER Fire/Rescue/EMS services. I know that the Vigilant Hose Company goes above and beyond just the basics. If and when they can they have provided pumps for flooding basements, they have financially supported other efforts in the community even as they try to support all the needs of the volunteer department, they will give out meals to kids when schools are shut down for COVID, etc. I would say they provide even better support than many fully tax payer funded Fire/Rescue/EMS departments and that goes for all the local Fire/Rescue/EMS services. They put in a lot of blood, sweat, and tears to help protect our communities and they do it all without complaining but with servant hearts. They are a blessing to this community.

This community comes together in times of need. I think of Thurmont Kountry Kitchen who when the COVID pandemic started and they were taking a financial hit how they decided they were going to offer free meals to school children in need. Many businesses would be tempted to cut back on giving in those circumstances but they decided to be more generous and use the time of less business to make food to help the most vulnerable. They knew it was the right thing to do and trusted in the end God would bless their faithfulness. I know the church I served saw their big heart and financially supported them as they endeavored to be like Christ to our community. Many other business owners in this community rise above and beyond when the need arises. They are a blessing to this community.

And this wonderful monthly publication is another amazing part of this community. There are lots of local papers that have closed up shop and many areas do not have any publications. What has always amazed me about this publication is that it is not just flashy but it goes deep. There is a whole "extra" section that contains articles that delve into history and ensuring that the actions of those that blessed our community in the past are not forgotten. I must admit I normally don’t have time to read it all but I know many who do and they are better for it. What a blessing to this community.

Friends, it has been an honor to be in this community while serving as Pastor at Tom’s Creek UMC. I can only hope and pray the community I am going to will be as wonderful as this amazing outpost of humanity. Yes, it is not perfect but no community is. Yet, I see people striving to make this the best community it can be. We live in a fallen world and so this side of heaven there will always be brokenness. We can gripe, complain and fixate on the brokenness or we can try to find ways to help rise above it and to work together to make it an even better place. I pray that this community does not give into the brokenness but instead continues to comes together to invest in creating greater good for all. Don’t let your hearts be discouraged but instead look to the heavens for ways God might be leading you to be part of the solutions and helping to grow love and grace. I leave you dear reader with a question to ponder:

How can you join with others that are blessing this community?

Thank you for welcoming into this community and I wish you all best.

To learn more about Tim Creek United Methodist Church visit them at, or better yet, join them for Sunday services!

Read other articles by Pastor Wilson