The Motter family were
originally residents of Alsace, but during the religious
persecutions in the reign of Louis XIV., of France, they
crossed to the German side of the Rhine. The American
ancestors, of this old and respected family were George
and Anna Maria Eber Motter, who emigrated in 1751 from
the Palatinate to America, and settled in York County,
George Motter was the father of
six children, four sons and two daughters. The Motter
family is one that was identified with the history of
Pennsylvania, during the early days of its settlement,
later generations removing to Maryland.
Jacob Motter, a descendant of
George and Anna Maria Eber Motter, was the
great-grand-father of Justice John 0. Motter, and he was
a soldier in the 'Revolutionary War. Jacob Motter was
married to Anna Marie Bene. They had a son, John Motter.
John Motter, son of Jacob and
Anna Marie (Bene) Motter, and grandfather of Justice
John C. Motter, served at the defense of the city of
Baltimore in 1814, being a member of Captain Jacob
Deitrich's company, 2nd Regiment, 18th Brigade,
Pennsylvania State troops. He was the father of Jacob
Jacob Motter, son of John
Motter, and father of Justice Motter, was born in 1812,
and died in 1870. He passed the best part of his life in
Emmitsburg, Frederick County, and was one of the leading
and best known business men of that community. For many
years be conducted a tannery in Emmitsburg and met with
much success. In politics, he was an adherent of the
Republican party, but never sought public office,
preferring to devote all his energy and time to the
management of his business. In a religious way, he was I
allied with the, Methodist Episcopal Church, of which he
was a zealous member and an officer in the local church.
In the days when churches were
not as numerous as now, his home became the headquarters
for ministers. He assisted in the erection of a number
of edifices, and in other ways promoted the cause of
Methodism in his community. He was an ideal type of the
Christian gentlemanly and was held in high esteem by all
with whom he came in contact.
Mr. Motter was married to Jemima
Troxell, daughter of George and Elizabeth (Crabbs)
Troxell. Her grandfather was John Crabbs, who was a
member of
Captain Henry
Williams' Company from
Emmitsburg in the Revolutionary War. They were the
parents of four children: George T., deceased, served as
an assistant surgeon in the Union Army during the Civil
War, and afterwards practiced at Tanneytown Md., where
he stood at, the head of his profession; John Columbus
of whom presently; Anna died a short time after her
graduation from Dickinson Seminary, Williamsport, Pa.,
and Emma, who became the wife of Ezra Zimmerman, a
prominent citizen of Frederick County, still resides in
Troxell, the
great-grandfather of Mrs. Jacob Motter, was the American
ancestor of the well-known Troxell family. Immediately
upon his arrival in this country, he settled at the
Huguenot colony in White Hall Lehigh County, Pa. It was
in this locality that the old Egypt Church was built, of
which Mr. Troxell was a prominent member. He was the
father of a large family, of whom are known John, who
served as a lieutenant during the Revolutionary War, and
Peter Troxell, Jr., was married
to Magdalena Schrieber, now spelled Shriver. About the
beginning of the Revolution, he removed, with his wife,
from Pennsylvania to Frederick County in Md., and
settled in the Tom's Creek
region, near Emmitsburg. He
also was father of a large family, among his sons being
George. George Troxell, the father Mrs. Jacob Motter, was a well-known farmer and large land
owner of Frederick County, residing on Tom's Creek. He
was a prominent and consistent member of the Reformed
Church, and assisted in the erection of a house of
worship for that denomination at Mechanicstown. He was
married to Elizabeth Crabbs a native of Pennsylvania.
They became the parents of Jemina Troxell, who Jacob
John Columbus Motter, son of
Jacob and Jemima (Troxell) Motter, received his
elementary education in the select schools of
Emmitsburg, his native place. He afterwards, attended
Dickinson Seminary, Williamsport, On September 1, 1866,
he commenced the study. of the law in the office Grayson
Eichelberger, Esq., in Frederick City, who at that time
was one of the leading lawyers of Western Maryland. In
the fall of 1868, he completed his legal studies, and on
September, 21 of that year, be was admitted to the
Frederick County Bar. Mr. Motter immediately began the
practice of his profession in Frederick, and within a
short time built up large and lucrative practice.
From the very outset he met with
success, and soon became recognized as one of the
leading members of the bar. Possessing a mind admirably
adapted to the law, he had not erred in the choice of
profession. Identified with much litigation of an
important character, and in every instance noted for the
skillful manner in which he safe-guarded the interests
of his clients, he won the regard and admiration of all,
and established himself as one of the leading lawyers of
Western Maryland.
In early manhood, Mr. Motter
took an active part in politics, being a stanch adherent
of the Republican party. Four years his admittance the
Bar, he was appointed counsel to the Board of County
Commissioners of Frederic County. In 1875, he was
nominated by the Republican party for the Office of
State's Attorney of Frederick County, and was elect by a
handsome majority. In this capacity, he discharged his
duties with such ability and fidelity, that in 1879, he
was re-nominated and again elected by a greatly
increased majority.
In 1882, before the expiration
of his term as State's Attorney, he was made the
candidate of his party for Associate Judge of the Sixth
Judicial Circuit. His opponent, however, was elected by
a small margin, although Mr. Motter carried his own
county by over six hundred majority. In the fall of
1897, he was a second time the choice of his party for
the position of Associate Justice of the district. The
contest was vigorously waged, and he had strong men to
battle against, but he was elected by a large majority.
Before his elevation to the bench, Judge Motter's advice
was often sought in the local councils of his party -
with which he has been active and identified, for forty
years and be was also a prominent figure in County,
State and National conventions.
As Associate Justice, Mr. Motter
enjoys the confidence and esteem of the people of the
Sixth Circuit. A man of strong and untiring energy and
will power, he has worked his way to success by the
force of a determined character and ambitious spirit.
Since his election many important and intricate cases
have come up, and in these be has rendered his decision.
to the satisfaction of the unprejudiced and impartial.
Judicial honor could not have been conferred upon a more
worthy or capable person. He is pre-eminently fitted to
perform the duties of this high office. A man of
un-doubted integrity, independent in his beliefs and
fearless in his opinions, his elevation to this position
insured justice to all without fear or favoritism. His
broad knowledge of the law and accurate judgment of
human nature have enabled him to discharge the duties of
this position creditably to himself and satisfactorily
to others.
As a citizen of Frederick, Judge
Motter has been prominently identified with its material
interests. He is public spirited to a material degree,
and every movement that tends to the advancement of the
general interests and the development of the community
has received his hearty and active cooperation. He is in
intimately identified with the business interests of his
city and county, being president of the
railroad Company, and a director, of the Washington,
Frederick and Gettysburg Railway Company, as well as a
director of the Citizens' National Bank, and a trustee
of the Masonic and Elks, Building Associations. He is
also interested in various other leading enterprises,
both as stockholder and director
It is noteworthy that some years
ago, Motter purchased a most attractive, property on the
outskirts of Frederick, along the Frederick and
Opossumtown turnpike where he has fitted up a charming
home that is provided with every modern comfort, and
which is typical of the fullest refinement.
In 1875, Judge Motter was
married to Effie Buhrman Marken, daughter of Josiah And
Ann Buhrman Marken; her father being a successful
businessman of Frederick. Judge and Mrs. Motter are the
parents of nine children of whom seven survive: Roger,
Alan, Bessie, Lolo, Amie, Emily and Helen. A daughter
Jessie, died in her second year, and a son, George,
shortly after his attaining his majority.
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index on Emmitsburg names in
William's History of Frederick County
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