Mr. Martin’s grandfather, John Martin, owned’ and
cultivated the farm now occupied by N. C. Stansbury. He
was a blacksmith and had his smithy on the farm. he was
married to Sophia Currens. Their children are: I,
Joseph: 2, Abiab; 3.. George; 4, Barbara (Mrs. William
Black); 5, Elizabeth (Mrs. Samuel Valentine).
It is supposed that Abiah Martin, Mr. Martin’s
father, was born at the homestead, where he spent his
childhood and youth. He learned blacksmithing with his
father at the homestead.
After he married he moved to Adams County, Pa.; later
he moved to a farm on Beaver Branch, and, for a time,
worked at the trade just over the line, in Adams County,
Pa. After his marriage, Mr. Martin purchased a farm
lying along Beaver Branch, in Emmitsburg District,
Frederick County. Md., which he cultivated until the
time of his death. Abiab Martin was married to Sophia
Currens, who lived near Taneytown, Md. Their children
are: 1, George Thomas Marshall; 2, James P., married
Margaret Bollinger, resides near Thurmont; 3. Mary (Mrs.
William Smith), deceased : 4, Harvey, resides near
Hagerstown, Md., married Annie Smith; 5, John, deceased,
married Virginia Lohr. Abiab Martin died at his
homestead in 1880, aged seventy-one; his widow died in
1889. aged sixty-nine.
George T. Martin grew up on the home farm on
Beaver Creek, and attended the public school, the
so-called "Mud College," of his native
district. The son of a farmer, he devoted his life to
the cultivation of the soil and, after his marriage,
began farming for himself o what is now the N. C.
Stansbury place. Three years later, he moved to a farm
in Emmitsburg district, the property of Mr. Whitmore,
which he cultivated until the time of his death. M
Martin was a stanch Democrat.
George Thomas Marshall Martin was married November
1863, to Mary Ellen, daughter of David and Rebecca
(Johnson) Whitmore. Their children are: 1, Coins (Mrs.
Qrayson Weltv), resides near Mount Morris, Ill., has
five children. Mary M., deceased, Howard, deceased, V.
Rebecca. Eva and Murray; 2, Adelia Bruce, (Mrs. Oliver
Eyler), of Hagerstown, Md., has five children, George
Allen, Murray B., Mary Veda Grace. Hazel Rebecca, and
Luella Catherine: 3, Howard K., married Minnie Liarhauch,
has five children, Morris, Joseph, Mary Rachel, David
H., deceased, and , deceased; 4. Nevin, on the home
farm, married Phoebe Eigenbrode; one son, George; 5,
Grace R. (Mrs. John Baumgardner), of Emmitsburg
district, has six children, Addie Ruth, Edith Grace,
Raymond Earl, Marian, George M., and John Lester; 6,
Russell, died, aged four, 7, Murray, is married to Mary
McPentz, one little son, Joseph Pentz. Mr. Martin was a member of the Reformed church in Emmitsburg. He died on
the home farm, October 14, 1884, and is buried in
Mountain View cemetery in Emmitsburg, Md.
Benjamin Whitmore, the founder of the family in
America, came, it is said from Germany, but, if the name
is spelled correctly, the family is certainly of English
descent. Mr. Whitmore was a poor man, and settled on the
farm in Frederick County, on which Mrs. G. T. M. Martin now resides. This place has been in the family
ever since Benjamin Whitmore came to America. Each
generation has improved and added to the land until it
now contains 160 acres of fertile land in excellent
condition. Abraham Whitmore succeeded his father in 18-.
He was married to Elizabeth Yerty. Some of their
children are: 1, Christian; 2, Benjamin; 3, David; 4,
Mary (Mrs. Henry Martin), moved to Geneseo, N. Y. They
visit-ed their old home making the trip in their wagon.
An amusing incident of this ride is frequently related.
They said that in their country they had no flies while
in Frederick County, the flies annoyed their horses to
such an extent that they were obliged to buy nets.
Christian Whitmore, grandfather of Mrs. Martin, spent
his life on the home farm. He was married to Elizabeth
Sheely. Their children are: 1, Abraham, died in youth;
2, Simon; 3, Joseph; 4. David; 5, Ephraim; 6, Levi; 7.
Frederick; 8, Barbara.
Mrs. Martin’s father, David Whitmore, also spent
his whole life on the home farm. He was married to
Rebecca Johnson. Their only child is Mary Ellen (Mrs. G.
T. M. Martin). David Whitmore and his wife were members
of the Reformed Church. He died at the homestead, May 3,
1889, aged 79 years. His widow died at the same place,
February, 1906, in her ninetieth year.
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William's History of Frederick County
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