Peter Hoke,
great-great-grandfather of Jacob Hoke, a native of
Germany, came to America at an early date, and received
a deed for his land from an Indian Chief. This grant was
afterwards confirmed by Penn's heirs. Mr. Hoke's
great-grandfather, Jacob Hoke, spent his whole life on
this land, which was situated in York County, Pa. Here
his grandparents, Jacob and Anna Mary Grons Hoke, passed
their lives.
Jacob Hoke, the third of the
name, father of Jacob Hoke, was born on his father's
farm in York County, Pa., where he spent his childhood
and early youth. He was a hatter and broom-maker, and
was also a fine mechanic in wood. After his marriage,
Mr. Hoke removed to Frederick County, Md., where lie was
engaged in milling and making brooms.
Jacob Hoke was married, in York
County, Pa. to Mary Link, of York County. Their children
are: 1, Annie, widow of John Septer, resides in
Emmitsburg, Md.; 2, Sarah (Mrs. Augustus Stieg), of
York; 3, Jacob; 4, John carpenter, resides at Mount St.
Mary's College, married Margaret Shob; 5) Elizabeth
(Mrs. Joseph Claybargh), resides near Thurmont, Md.; 6,
Amanda (Mrs. James Moran), Of Hagerstown, Md.; 7,
George, died in youth. Mr. Hoke and his wife died in
Frederick County, Md.
Jacob Hoke received the greater
part of his education in the Annandale School house. His
first teacher was John Donnelly, and be continued his
studies under Mary McDermott. Henry Annan, Charles
Eichelberger, Jerry Damuth, William Sharretts, Martha
Moore, and Michael-McFadden, leaving school a eighteen.
During the winter, his spare
time was spent in helping his father in making brooms.
In summer he assisted 'his father to repair the roads
for whose condition his father was responsible, having
been supervisor for fifteen years. When he was
twenty-three, Mr. Hoke began making brick for his
father-in-law, Benjamin Keilholtz, on the farm which he
now owns.
After he purchased the farm, he
continued business in the brickyard for several years.
In 1875, Mr. Hoke removed to Adams County, Pa., where
lie remained for nineteen year. Not long after his
removal, he was elected supervisor in Adams County. Two
years after the death of his father-in-law, in 1895, he
returned to Frederick County and purchased the farm on
which be now resides. "Mountain Farm,"
consisting of 128 acres of fine land, is one mile
southeast of Emmitsburg, and was part of "Shield's
The house was built about two
hundred years ago, by Ebenezer Shields, the first of
that name to occupy the farm. Mr. Hoke has greatly
increased the value of the land, by the use of
fertilizers and by intelligent cultivation, and has
repaired the buildings, and made various other
improvements. He and his wife had no financial
advantages. Their prosperity is the reward of industry
and hard work. Mr. Hoke is a Democrat, interested in all
that concerns the welfare of the community.
Jacob Hoke was married, May 18,
1871, to Mary Elizabeth, daughter of Benjamin and
Elizabeth Derr Keilholtz, who was born on the old Paxon
farm near Emmitsburg. The children of Jacob find Mary
Elizabeth Hoke are: 1, Mary Elizabeth Effie, (Mrs.
Phillip King), of Waynesboro,: Pa., has four children,
George, Edwin, Pauline, and Harold; 2, Flora (Mrs. Harry
Shully),, of Reading, Pa., has two children, Frederick
and Miriam; 3, Kramer J., principal of the schools of
Manchester, Va., is a graduate of Emmitsburg high-school
and of Mount St. Mary's College. 4, Alice, at home; 5,
Henry living in Illinois, married Miss Gait, and has one
child, Mary; 6, Clarence; 7 and 8, twins, Lottie and
Lillie; 9, Keilholtz.
Mr. Hoke and his wife are
members of the Reformed Church in Emmitsburg, Md.
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William's History of Frederick County
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