Vincent Sebold comes from that
class of German Ancestors whose energy and industry d so
much to make Frederick County one of the first
agricultural sections of the United State
His grandfather, Peter Sebold,
emigrate from the Rhine Country in Germany to
Pennsylvania, 1822, and, after spending sever; years at
Reading, came to Maryland and settle near Taneytown,
when that section was still part of Frederick County.
After living here few years, on a small farm, he moved
to a place near Emmitsburg, in the valley of Toms Creek
where he spent nearly all of his remaining years.
As long as he was able to take
an active part in life, he was characterized by his
thrift an industry, and, while plain and substantial, he
filled the office of a good citizen, by taking his part
in the material developments of his own section and the
advancement of his County.
He was married first to Miss
Deitrick. The had four children, one of whom was Samuel
the father of Vincent Sebold. His first wife died early
in life, and he married again. His second wife, who also
died young, bore him five children. Late in life, he
married a third time, and when he died, at the age of
ninety two years, his third wife survived him. She is
now also dead. Some of his children die, in youth, while
others went to Pennsylvania and Western Maryland.
Samuel Sebold, son of Peter
Sebold, remained with his father until he was thirty
years of age, when he married Miss Ann Miller, wit
resided near Bruceville, Md., and settled near
Sabillasville, in this County, where Vincent Sebold was
born. Moving from Sabillasville to Mechanicstown
District near Mt. St. Mary's, in 1860, Samuel Sebold
began farming on a small farm which he had purchased
from Abraham Sheets, but after some years, he moved from
there to Wilkesbarre, Pa., which was then becoming
important for its rapid development of the coal
interests in that section. After residing there for some
years, he moved to Latrobe, in Western Pennsylvania,
where he lived until the death of his father, in 1880,
when he returned to the Sebold homestead, in the Valley
of Toms Creek, near Emmitsburg.
Both the grandfather and the
father of Vincent Sebold were of the Roman Catholic
faith; they were also regular and consistent Democrats,
and, while they took no very active part in politics,
they were greatly respected and highly esteemed as
substantial and useful citizens. Plain and honest in
their lives and dealings, they laid no claim to anything
that they did not possess, nor to that to which they
were not entitled.
Entering St. Vincent's College,
near Latrobe, Pa., as a commercial student, Vincent
Sebold completed the course in two years, but desiring
to continue the study of the Classics, the following
year he went to Mount St. Mary's College, near
Emmitsburg, where he remained for several years. In 1881
he began to read law in the office of the Hon. Frederick
J. Nelson, at Frederick, Md., and after two years'
study, passed an excellent examination and was admitted
to practice at the Frederick Bar. After completing his
law course at Frederick, Mr. Sebold was married to Miss
Annie I. Roddy, who resided near Thurmont, Md., and have
these daughters: Louise, Vincemtia and Maysie. After his
marriage he went to Richmond, Va., where he began the
practice of law, but, owing to the death of his mother
soon after, on account of his father, who was advanced
in years, he abandoned the Richmond field, and returned
to Frederick County.
About this time a change took
place in the political affairs of Frederick County. The
entire Democratic ticket was elected, and the office of
deputy Collector of the County was offered to him which
offer he accepted and served for two years in this
office. When his term of office expired, he was again
offered the Collectorship but declined, preferring to
return to the practice of his profession, and was
appointed counsel to the Board of County Commissioners
of Frederick County. While he was counsel for the
Commissioners, the celebrated Dr. Wagner tried to
collect his $2,000,000 judgments against Frederick
County, by suit in the United States District Court,
which was effectually defeated and soon after, from the
developments of this trial, the career of this famous
litigant came to a close by a criminal prosecution and
Mr. Sebold's practice grew
rapidly and extended not only to other counties in
Maryland, and to the Court of Appeals, but also to
portions of Pennsylvania and to the Federal Courts, his
clientele including many of the principal corporations
of Frederick County.
While his practice is large and
requires close attention, he still finds time to look
after and help to develop some of the most important
industries and institutions of this county, and of
Southern Pennsylvania.
When in 1897, after an heroic
struggle for many years, the
Emmitsburg Railroad went into the hands of
receivers, Mr. Sebold formed a syndicate, chiefly of
local capital, which purchased the road and formed a new
company. He took charge of the property, developed it,
and under his management it has become one of the best
and most substantial short roads in the country. He is
still general manager and treasurer of the road.
In 1900, Mr. Sebold with Samuel
M. Birely, and some citizens of Gettysburg, Pa.,
organized the Citizens' Bank of Gettysburg, a State
bank. which has since been changed to the Citizens'
Trust Company, now one of the strongest financial
institutions of Southern Pennsylvania. About the same
time, with a few business, men of Thurmont, Md., he
organized the Thurmont National Bank which is considered
one of the most substantial banking institutions of the
county. Not having the time to serve on the boards of
both corporations, he resigned his position in the
Gettysburg Bank, but is still director and counsel of
the Thurmont National Bank.
With Mr. W. A. Himes, Mr. Sebold
went into the purchase and reorganization of the East
Berlin railroad, a steam road operating from East Berlin
to Berlin Junction, in Adams County, Pa., and after Mr.
Himes' death, succeeded him as President and General
Manager of the road, which position he still holds. Mr.
Sebold is also president of the Emmitsburg Manufacturing
Company, and of other corporations organized for the
purpose of developing local industries.
Although active and energetic in
business enterprises, and busy with a large law
practice, Mr. Sebold takes a keen interest and often an
active part in county and State polities. Among the
recognized Democratic leaders of the County, for many
years he has served on the County and State Committees,
and as a delegate from his County to Congressional,
Judicial and State conventions. While he is liberal in
his opinions, Mr. Sebold never fails to loyally support
the principles of his party and its standard bearers,
although associated in many ways with large number of
his Republican friends in numerous business relations.
Return to
index on Emmitsburg names in
William's History of Frederick County
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