The Roddy family is of Irish
descent. In 1780, Hugh Roddy, grandfather of Daniel F.
Roddy, came to America from County Kildare, Ireland, and
settled on a farm near Littlestown, Adams County, Pa.
About 1820, Mr. Roddy removed to a place near Mount St.
Mary's; Frederick County, Md., and engaged in farming.
Here he passed the remainder of his life in the
cultivation of the soil. Hugh Roddy was married to
Margret Philips. They were members of Mount St. Mary's
Roman Catholic Church. Their children are: 1, Abraham;
2, John; 3, William; 4, Daniel: 5, Catherine (Mrs. Mc-Callion);
6, Mary (Mrs. Mullen); 7, Martha (Mrs. Foreman).
Mr. Roddy's father, Abraham
Roddy, was born in 1809, on a place near Littlestown,
Pa., and received the education usually given the
children of the district. In early manhood he was
engaged in furnishing charcoal to the large iron
furnaces in Southern Pennsylvania. In 1848, Mr. Roddy
bought the home farm near Thurmont, and spent the rest
of his life in cultivating and improving it. He was a
memberof the Democratic party. Abraham Roddy was married
to Hannah, daughter of Henry Rife, a veteran of the
Revolutionary War. She was born near Littlestown in
1819. The children of Abraham and Hannah (Rife) Roddy
1, Hugh, farmer, married
Caroline Eckinrode; 2, John: 3, Martha, a sister of
charity, deceased: 4, Catherine, at home; 5, Joseph,
deceased, married Laura, daughter of Captain Martin. of
Gettysburg, Pa.; 6, Margaret (Mrs. Henry Eckenrode),
resides in Thurmont district: 7, Abraham, married Sarah
Cole, of Adams County, Pa., resides in Kansas City, Mo.;
8, Mary, at home; 9, James, deceased; 10, Daniel
Francis; 11, Anne, married Vincent Sebold,
attorney-at-law, Emmitsburg, Md.; 12, Simon, deceased;
13, Frank, married Flora, daughter of Prof. Jourdan, of
Mount St. Mary's College. Mr. Roddy was a Roman
Catholic. He died at his home near Thurmont, in 1901;
his widow died in 1902.
Daniel F. Roddy grew up on his
father's farm, near Thurmont, and was educated in the
public schools of the district. He remained at home
until 1890 when he, and his brother, Frank, went to
California, and assumed the management of the hay and
grain department of the "Sutter Land and Development
Company," an agricultural firm that farmed over 200,000
acres. Mr. Roddy remained with this firm until the death
of his father, when he returned to Frederick County, Md.
In 1894, one year after the death of his mother, he
returned to California, and resumed his position with
the Land Development Company. In 1896 Mr. Roddy left
California for his native State, where he purchased his
present home and engaged in burning lime.
His homestead, "San Marino," a
beautiful farm of 200 acres, almost all under
cultivation, is situated one mile south of Mount St.
Mary's College, one-half mile east of the pike, and
three miles from Emmitsburg.
Daniel Francis Roddy was married
in Frederick County, April 27, 1897, to Catherine,
daughter of Joseph and Rebecca (Markin) White. Mr. Roddy
and his wife are members of Mount St. Mary's Roman
Catholic Church. Mr. Roddy is a member of the Democratic
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William's History of Frederick County
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