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 Mr. Charles F. Rowe

Originally Published in the Emmitsburg Chronicle Feb, 24th, 1911

At an early hour on Wednesday, February 22, Mr. Charles F. Rowe passed into eternal rest. His removal from our community causes a deep sense of loss that is keenly felt in his home, in his church, and in this town whose interests and advancement in every sphere, he profoundly cherished.

Through the four score years of his life Emmitsburg was his home. He was descended from one of the first, and oldest families of this district, a son of Mr. Joseph and Susanna Rowe. Five sisters and three brothers preceded him into the future world. He, therefore, is the last member of his father's immediate family. His ties of family relationship united him to quite a large number of homes in this vicinity, and even in other states.

Many elements and characteristics combined in rendering him a strong and striking personality: He would command attention in any company. By nature he was gifted with a distinguished presence. By grace he uniformly manifested a Christian and courtly disposition. Age hardly bent his erect and splendid carriage, nor dimmed his marvelous vision. He carried the dew of his youth down into the valley in which his listening ear, heard the higher call.

Oliver Wendell Holmes once used the expression "eighty years young better than forty years old." Of no one in the list of many friends-can we apply these words so fittingly as to Charles F. Rowe.  He loved youth, and was closely identified with the scenes and, thoughts and joys and companionships' thereof. For over a quarter of a century he was the faithful and efficient superintendent of our Lutheran Sunday school, deeply interested in the promotion and progress of the school's moral and spiritual welfare. He was a worker and no shirker.

In the social life of the young, and in the awakening methods of activity and service in the individual he had deep concern: for he recognized that good habits do not form themselves, and sacrifice is the condition of excellence.

Two traits could easily be discerned in the study of this manly man. He loved his church, and he loved his own kindred.

Sixty years ago he was ready and anxious for the educational equipment that would have placed him in the Christian ministry, as I heard from his own lips. The way seemed barred, and, to use his own expression, "I graduated at the anvil instead of at college." They were manly and effective blows that fell and rang for quite a number of years.

His inquiring and ambitious mind compassed quite a wide circle of knowledge both from books and from men. He thought on deep and timely subjects. He had convictions and could command the attention of others in their expression. One term of service he was called to render in the legislature of our state, not to mention other, positions of trust and honor bestowed by the confidence and call of his fellow citizens.

He loved the Church of the Reformation. His loyalty evinces the noblest type. the call to public worship was for him the call of God. No siren voice of indifference or selfish ease could defraud his soul, or discredit his faith by leaving, his pew vacant. He honored God with work and worship. We wish that the best men might live forever. They do. They never die. They quit a certain post and place but they live.

Mr. Rowe is survived by his widowed wife and by two sons - Victor and Samuel. Mourned by these and many relatives he was laid to rest in the Lutheran Cemetery of this place.

The funeral services were held in the Lutheran Church on Friday morning at ten o'clock, Rev. Charles Reinewald, D. D., his pastor, officiating.

If you have any information on Mr. Rowe, and would like to see him
remembered in the next History of Emmitsburg, please send us any stories or antidotes about him to us at: history@emmitsburg.net

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