Mr. Motter was the son of Mr.
Lewis Motter and was born February
6th, 1815, in the house in which he
died. He succeeded to the business
of Mr. Lewis Motter and from 1837 to
1885 conducted the tannery business
purchased by his father from
Mr. Christian Flautt in
1798. The deceased was successful in
business and became a prominent
citizen of the state, being elected
to the Legislature in 1853.
On March 24, 1840 he married Miss
Alice Rudisel, of Taneytown. Eight
children were born to Mr. and Mrs.
Motter four of whom survive him.
Mrs. Motter died on February 14,
Shortly after he took up the
tanning business he became
identified with the Gettysburg
National Bank as a director and
remained such for about fifty-three
years. In politics Mr. Motter was a
Democrat. His first vote for a
president was cast for W. H.
Harrison, the Whig candidate who was
elected in 1840. When he closed out
the tanning business in 1885 he
devoted his time to farming,
managing his various properties and
other business affairs. For years he
was a director in the
Emmitsburg Water Company.
He was very successful in business
and was one of Emmitsburg's
wealthiest citizens. Up to the time
of his death he was the oldest
living alumnus of Mount St. Mary's
Mr. Motter was a life long member
of the Reformed Church and up to
within a few years ago was in
regular attendance at religious
service, and perhaps there was no
man of his age in the whole
denomination who was as regular a
communicant. His interest in the
church dates back to the days of his
childhood. He served as a member of
of its governing bodies and evinced
much interest in its affairs.
As the last representative of the
older generation of the Motter
family, in their day leading
citizens of this part of the state,
it may be timely to mention the fact
that Mr. Motter was the younger
brother of Mr. Joshua Motter, who up
to the time of his death in 1875 was
the leading merchant in this
district, and of Mr. Samuel Motter,
the founder of the
Chronicle, both gentlemen
so closely identified with the
interests of this community that to
mention them is to call to mind
almost every advance made in
Emmitsburg and vicinity during their
Mr. Motter is survived by two
sons, Rev. I. M. Motter, of
Frederick, and Mr. L. E. Motter, of
Kansas City, who for the last two
years had been with his father at
Emmitsburg; and by two daughters,
Mrs. A. A. Hack and Mrs. G. B.
Resser, both at home.
The funeral service will be held
at the house on Saturday at 12
o'clock noon. The interment will be
made in the Lutheran Cemetery.
Mr. Motter was such a familiar
figure in Emmitsburg and so much
associated with the entire district
that it was only natural that any
one who knew any thing about the
locality at all, even though he had
not visited it, knew about Mr.
Motter. The old gentleman was a very
interesting conversationalist and
was gifted with an unusually clear
memory which made his talks most
interesting, especially when he
dwelt on reminiscences. He was fond
of speaking of the early days of
Emmitsburg and was always referred
to when there was any doubt about
things that happened in the long
ago. For this and other things that
endeared him to this community he
will be greatly missed.