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Finding calm through meditation

Linda Stultz
Certified Fitness Trainer

(2/2021) Meditation comes in many types. Some people are concerned when they hear the word meditation because they have tried it and just can't seem to clear their mind. There are several forms of meditation. Just like any exercise or activity, meditating takes practice. You may think you have to completely clear all thoughts out of your mind and sit in a certain position for a determined amount of time to meditate.

That is not the case at all. Of course, you can practice the way I just described and that is great. In our busy world time is always a factor in anything we do or don't do. Many people think they do not have the time or patience to practice meditation but there are many other ways to meditate and calm your mind which will improve physical, mental and emotional health.

While traditional meditation is the most widely known, there are other ways to meditate that are beneficial to you. Starting with one minute meditations can help calm you and refresh your day. Sitting at your desk or where ever you are and taking just a minute to close your eyes and take a few slow, deep breaths can benefit. Taking time to do this once or twice each day you will eventually feel a difference.

Starting with this short time and working up may be the way for you to get started. I know it can be overwhelming to set a goal and then discover you just can't seem to do it. Starting slowly and sticking with it is much more doable and rewarding.

Another type of meditation is walking meditation. This may sound unusual and the first time I tried it I wasn't sure it was for me, but after a few times it became relaxing. Walking meditation is a practice where you do not have to clear your mind and only concentrate on your breathing. You can find a quiet place, like your back yard or even inside your house. Try to put all the things on your to do list on hold for a few minutes and just walk slowly, noticing the things around you.

Walking outside is a natural way of relaxing and you can appreciate the sounds, smells, sunlight and air. The key to this mediation practice is to walk slowly and distinctly. We rush through our days and sometimes don't even remember some of the things we did during the day.

Sometimes we are on auto pilot and at the end of the day are not sure if we completed a task that day or if we did it the day before. Having a routine is good but not if we don't remember each day's activities. Practicing walking meditation can be done on your lunch hour or even when you are walking the dog. You will be getting movement for your body while also calming your mind from the day's stress.

Mindful meditation is another way to calm our mind and body. You can sit or find whatever position is most comfortable for you and just be aware of the things around you. While you are eating dinner, be mindful of the taste, smell and kind of food you are eating. I know we have all heard of mindless eating. That can add pounds when we sit and watch TV and end up eating the whole bag of chips. Mindfulness is just the opposite. You make yourself aware of each bite you take and how it tastes and makes you feel. This may sound very unusual to you but give it a try, I think you will be glad.

I have only mentioned a few of types of meditation. If this is something you have been thinking about, do a little research and try a couple of the practices. Once you find the one that works for you and stick with it for a fair amount of time you may just discover mediation has changed your life. I will admit when I first tried to meditate it was hard and I didn't think I would ever get the hang of it or wasn't sure if I got any benefit out of it but with persistence and practice I look forward to this time to recharge and relax.

If you have any questions or any insights I would like to hear from you at 717-334-6009. Anything we can do to help each other in these stressful times will be much appreciated. Remember to keep moving even though in this article I am telling you to slow down for a change!

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