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The American Mind

This is all about control

William Hillman

(6/2020) The response to the Coronavirus it was meant to divide this country! Governors have trashed the Constitution. We have lost the freedom to worship, free speech, freedom of assembly, the right to due process. Any rights to personal property, life, and liberty can now all be stripped away at the whim of the governors.

If these governors and their bureaucrats ignore the obvious threat to most vulnerable, leaving them exposed? They locked down healthy citizens while they fueled the spread of this virus among the weakest.

More than three-quarters of the deaths in CA, PA, NJ, and NY are from nursing homes and long-term care facilities. This was done intentionally. These governors were warned by the American Health Care Association in early March what the effect Covid-19 would have on these facilities. But the warnings were ignored. Nursing homes pleaded with the governors to keep these patients out. But their pleas fell upon deaf ears.

There is an expression in the democrat apparatus operation manual: "Never let a good crisis go to waste."

The ruse of "two weeks to flatten the curve," was never about protecting the citizens, but about control. The governors lead the way in scraping all civil rights guaranteed in The Constitution. Two weeks became two months and two months is now "we don’t know".

It’s all about control.

At an April 23 press conference, Gov. Andrew Cuomo sounded indignant when a reporter asked if anyone had objected to New York’s policy of forcing nursing homes to admit recently discharged COVID-19 patients.

"They don’t have the right to object," Cuomo answered before the reporter finished his question. "That is the rule, and that is the regulation, and they have to comply with it."

The nursing home disaster in New York "is on you, Gov. Cuomo," the New York Post's Michael Goodwin wrote in a May 5th analysis.

Cuomo's March 25 order that forced infected patients on nursing homes "allows for no exceptions and has not been changed," Goodwin noted.

The fifth paragraph of the governor's order reads: "No resident shall be denied re-admission or admission to the nursing homes solely based on a confirmed or suspected diagnosis of COVID-19. Nursing homes are prohibited from requiring a hospitalized resident who is determined medically stable to be tested for COVID-19 prior to admission or readmission."

Owners and managers told the New York Post they are not aware of any loosening of the policy by Cuomo. "They also say that hospitals still are referring infected patients to them on a near-daily basis and they are expected to take them if they have an empty bed," Goodwin noted.

In early March when these policies were first floated, The American Health Care Association and affiliates pleaded with the governors. "The health directives will put "frail and older adults who reside in nursing homes at risk" and would "result in more people going to the hospital and more deaths," the American Health Care Association and affiliates said at the time.

"To them, the March 25 order was a death sentence. Some facilities say they had no deaths or even positive patients before that date, but many of both since, including among staff members."

These Governors have outright disdain for their citizens.

In Pennsylvania, Health Secretary Rachel Levine quietly removed her 95-year-old mother from a personal care home while this policy was enforced.

In Pennsylvania, 75% of Covid-19 deaths have occurred in nursing homes and long-term care facilities. What is not clear is how many people contracted the virus in those facilities and were transported to hospital where they died. The numbers coming out of PA, NY, and NJ are inconsistent and changed daily.

The state has attempted to obscure the true impact of Covid-19 in nursing homes by "cooking the books." It is becoming clear that infection and death counts have been shifted from these facilities to the general population.

"If you accept the state data released this week about the coronavirus’ scourge of long-term-care facilities, no staff members at the Philadelphia Nursing Home in Fairmount have gotten the disease — and across the city’s 47 nursing homes, fewer than 20 staffers have tested positive." In fact, 30 staff members at the Philadelphia Nursing Home alone have tested positive for the virus." - Philadelphia Inquirer, May 21st.

Citizen’s Alliance of PA pleaded, "Governor Wolf and the Department of Health have taken a heavy-handed and inconsistent approach in closing "non-life sustaining" businesses. However, when it came to protecting a truly at-risk population, they completely dropped the ball.

Once the nursing homes gambit pushed up the numbers of infected and dying, the governors used those numbers to justify shutting down the economy and locking up citizens.

These close-down orders with their seemingly random. Wavers have pitted those who can work against those who cannot.

Governors pick and choose which business will survive and which will be forced to close. Why can one dry cleaner or pet store open, and not another?

Small retailers have been outraged that they have been forced to close while larger competitors, such as box stores, have been allowed to stay open. Many owners have complained about the lack of guidance from the state, and some have threatened to open without a waiver, fearing that they will lose their businesses if the shutdown continues.

For his part, Wolf warned owners who opened on their own accord, saying they could lose state licenses and put their insurance coverage at risk "because insurance does not cover things that happen to businesses breaking the law."

Business licensing were never about protecting customers but about government control over the individual and dictatorial power over who can work and who cannot. "Do what I say or I’ll take it all away."

The progressive apparatus has closed ranks around a single narrative on the cause and treatment of the virus. With the exception of a few "rogue" columns, all media coverage has been uniform. "We must give up our rights and go quietly or people will die." "It’s for your own safety". "People who protest and object to losing their rights are bad and unworthy of their rights." These propaganda lines are everywhere including commercials telling us that "We're all in this together" or touting "the new normal" or "in these trying times."

Recently, an article quoting Dr. Dominic Sisti, Medical Ethics Professor at University of Penn, argued that anyone objecting to the mandated lock downs should forfeit any future medical treatment.

Social media is doing its part to hold up the official narrative, encouraging citizens to turn in their neighbors who they suspect are violating the lockdown. Facebook, YouTube, Twitter quickly remove any posts that question the approved narratives concerning the virus and mandated lockdowns. Oddly enough, for years these same corporations have claimed they’re unable to track and remove child pornography.

This insanity will only stop when the citizens assert their dominance over these institutions and politicians. Otherwise – we are doomed.

Read other articles by Bill Hillman