"There is no season when such pleasant and sunny spots may be lighted on,
and produce so pleasant an effect on the feelings, as now in October."
Nathaniel Hawthorne (1804-1864)
Mid-Atlantic Weather Watch: Fair and cool (1, 2, 3) with storms, heavy rains in the south (4, 5, 6, 7). Fair and cool again (8, 9, 10) with showers and more storms (11, 12, 13). Fair but humid (14, 15, 16, 17, 18) with Atlantic hurricane, heavy rain in the east, and storms (19,20,21,22). Fair and mild (23, 24,25, 26, 27, 28,
29, 30) with rain (31).
Tornado Watch: The Town and Country Almanack sees tornado activity for the Mid-Atlantic Region from the 19th to the 23rd of October.
Full Moon: Hunter’s Moon is the name traditionally given to October’s Full Moon. This is because of the extra light it provided many Native Americans to continue their hunt for food into the early evening. It will occur on Thursday, October 5th. The Cree Tribe called it Yellow Leaf Moon and Moon of the Falling Leaves because of the many leaves turning
that color and that many of trees lose the last of their leaves during the month. It has also been known the Big Fest Moon because of the bountiful harvests and Fall celebrations going on at this time.
Special Notes: The 2018 edition of The Town and Country Almanack has been on the newsstands since early September and can be purchased at many local retail locations throughout the region. For a complete list of where you can buy our 222nd issue, go to www.almanack.com and click on Where To Buy Us or you can order online and have your copy shipped right
to your door. You could consider becoming a Friend of the Almanack (FOTA and get immediate access to our online digital version and, as an annual FOTA member, get access to next year’s edition as well! A great deal for a great almanac!
Holidays: Columbus Day falls on Monday, October 9th and United Nations Day is celebrated on Tuesday, the 24th. Halloween falls on Tuesday, October 31st. Plan to have youngster’s ‘T&T’ end before dusk and be sure to have older children wear reflective clothing (or costumes!) if they venture out after dark. On the home front, consider giving sensible
treats like sugar-less candies and gums or nonfood alternatives like stickers, whistles, toy animals, etc. Be sure to check all treats when the children return from their fun!
The Garden: Now is the best time to have your soil tested. Treat the soil according to the results and it will be rejuvenated, revitalized, and ready when the warm weather returns in the Spring. There is still time left to plant perennial seeds and bulbs! With a little effort at Fall planting time, you will speed the timing of that first new growth by as
much as a month. During the fall months, after soil temperature drops below 60EF., the bulbs of spring flowering Tulips, Daffodils, Hyacinths, Siberian Squill, Dwarf Irises, Anemone, and Crocus should be planted. Remember to add just a pinch of bone meal to the hole. Do not prune or fertilize any trees or
shrubs. They need to go into a resting phase to prepare for the colder months ahead. Do cut back perennial foliage and shrubs to discourage winter pests. Leave flowers with seeds for the birds.