January 2016
"The next twelve months offers us a world of promise;
it depends on each of us and how much we are willing
to give of ourselves to help make it a better world"
John Gruber (1768-1857)
Mid-Atlantic Weather Watch: Periods of showers, then severe storms (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10) turning fair and very warm (11, 12). Rain (13, 14) turning fair and warm again (15,16). Severe storms (17, 18) with warm and humid weather (19, 20, 21). Remnants of Gulf hurricane with heavy rain, storms (22,
23, 24). Fair and warm (25, 26) with more storms (27, 28, 29) turning fair and cooler (30).
Tornado Watch: Watch out! The Town and Country Almanack sees possible tornado activity in the Mid-Atlantic Region from January 14th to the 20th.
Full Moon: While it has often been referred to as Hunger Monn by many Native American tribes because of the scarcity of food at this time of year, it has also been called Wolf Moon because of the increased boldness of wolf packs venturing closure and closer to their camps looking for food. It will occur on Sunday, December 27th.
Special Notes: A winter auto safety tip: Always clear snow away from your car’s exhaust pipes before starting. This will prevent dangerous carbon monoxide from seeping back into the car. NEVER warm up a car in an attached or stand-alone garage, even if the door is open!
Holidays: Ring in 2016 on New Year’s Day, which falls on Friday, January 1st. On January 15th, in 1929, famed civil rights leader Martin Luther King, Jr. was born. The official day set aside for his remembrance (the third Monday of January) falls on January 22nd. Remember to take time to honor him on this day and reflect on the great
social changes he brought about in this country and the sacrifices he made pursuing unity and harmony.
The Garden: Give your balled-and-burlapped Christmas tree a permanent home in your landscape. If you're not ready or able to plant a tree now, move it outside to a sheltered location and supply water as needed. Mulch landscape beds for winter if you haven't already (and if the weather allows). Mulching prevents erosion, protects
against soil freezes and thaws, and helps retain moisture - all particularly beneficial over a dry winter. There are many different types of mulch. You can even recycle your cut Christmas tree and use the branches to cover perennials!
J. Gruber’s Thought For Today’s Living
Resolutions are only as good as the intent is to keep them
Index of Past Month's Entries