December 2016
"But I heard him exclaim ‘ere he drove out of sight,
‘Happy Christmas to all, and to all a good night!’"
Clement Clarke Moore (1779-1863)
Mid-Atlantic Weather Watch: Fair and windy, very cold (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6) with heavy snow in the south (7, 8, 9). Fair, windy, and cold with periods of lake-effect snow, turning very cold (10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20); Fair and windy once again with more lake-effect snow (26, 27, 28,
29, 30, 31).
Full Moon: December’s Full Moon occurs on Tuesday, December 13th. It has been referred to as Cold Moon for obvious reasons! Many other Native American tribes called it Ice-Forming Moon when many lakes and ponds begin to ice over during the month and Beaver Moon because beavers are most active, scurrying to finish building their dams
and lodges before they do.
Special Notes: Season’s Greetings from The Hagerstown Town & Country Almanack! Thanks to everyone for their continued support over the many years and pledges that your favorite almanac will be there to inform, inspire, and entertain for many more years to come. And don’t forget that The Almanack makes a great gift for anyone, friend
or family and is a gift that keeps giving throughout the New Year. Simply point your browser to and order a holiday copy or two (or three or four!) today to ensure delivery before Christmas.
Holidays: The Winter Solstice will occur on Wednesday, December 21st. Celebrate Christmas on Sunday, December 25th. Plan festivities with family and friends but also resolve to keep that joyful and giving spirit alive throughout the entire coming year. New Year’s Eve falls on Saturday, December 31st. First Night Celebrations are a
safe and family-oriented evening of fun, food, and entertainment on the very first night of the year. This year, make plans to attend one of these unique of events. Go to to find a celebration nearest you.
The Garden: Enjoy a rest! The days are too short and getting colder to push to do things outdoor. Turn your gardening attentions to those houseplants (and other plants you have moved inside for the winter). Remember that warmer indoor temperatures can quickly dry out most plants and they will need a bit more than usual. It is never
too soon to start planning for next year. Go to for a free online vegetable garden layout tool that will help you to successfully grow healthy and tasty food. If you need holiday greenery, grab your shears and head for the back yard. If you are lucky, you will have a variety of boxwoods, yew, fir, or a variety of pine trees to choose from.
If you are really lucky, you may even have a holly tree!
John Gruber’s Thought For Today’s Living:
"To give the gift of yourself is perhaps the most precious gift of all"
Index of Past Month's Entries