December 2015
"Christmas is the season for kindling the fire of hospitality
in the hall, the genial flame of charity in the heart"
Washington Irving (1783-1859)
Mid-Atlantic Weather Watch: Fair and windy (1, 2, 3, 4) with light snow, some rain in the south (5, 6); fair and very cold (7, 8, 9) with Nor’easter and heavy snow (10, 11) turning fair but rather cold (12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22).
More heavy snow in the north (23, 24, 25) returning to fair weather and very cold temperatures (26, 27, 28) and heavy snow (29, 30) fair and rather cold (31)
Full Moon: December’s Full Moon occurs on Christmas Day, Friday, December 25h. Many Native Americans referred to it as Cold Moon for obvious reasons! Many other tribes called it Beaver Moon because beavers are most active, scurrying to finish building their dams and lodges and
Ice-Forming Moon when lakes and ponds begin to ice over in most areas during the month.
Special Notes: The Hagerstown Town and Country Almanack wishes everyone the happiest of holidays! As in past years, we thank everyone for their continued support and with that support, The Almanack will surely be there to inform, inspire, and entertain for many years to come. The Almanack
makes a great gift for anyone and is a gift that keeps giving throughout the New Year. Simply go to and order a holiday copy or two today to ensure delivery before Christmas. This year, consider volunteering at a local hospital, nursing home, or community shelter. The small gift of your time
and attention to those often forgotten during the holidays will be most appreciated.
Holidays: Celebrate Christmas on Friday, December 25th. Plan festivities with family and friends but also plan to keep that joyful and giving spirit alive throughout the coming year. New Year’s Eve is Thursday, December 31st. This year, make plans to attend a First Night Celebration
and enjoy a safe, family-oriented evening of fun, food, and entertainment on the very first night of the year. Look online at to find a celebration nearest you.
The Garden: Rake up all remaining leaves and place them on a compost heap. If left on paths they become a hazard when the colder weather comes. Focus on houseplants this month. Consider starting a really nice indoor herb garden. Mulch perennials for winter. Use herbicide for winter
weed when lawns are dormant.
J. Gruber’s Thought For Today’s Living
"The thought that goes into the giving of a gift to a friend or loved one is so much more important than the value of the gift itself"
Index of Past Month's Entries