"Falling leaves on the grass in the November sun bring more
happiness than the daffodils"
Cyril Connolly (1903-1973)
Weather Watch: Showers and mild (1) with fair but colder weather (2,3,4). Snow in the north and rain in the south (5,6,7) turning fair and cool (8,9). More snow or rain (10,11) with fair skies but much colder temperatures
(12,13,14,15,16,17,18). Snow or rain again with the threat of a Nor’easter (19,20,21). Fair once again and not so cold (22,23,24,25,26) with showers and a possibility of more snow in the north (27,28,29,30).
Full Moon: November’s Full Moon rises on the 21st at 12:27PM EST. Though Native Americans often referred to it as Big Wind Moon, because of windier days this time of year, it also has been called Dying Grass Moon and Leaf-Falling Moon because frost has
killed off all of the grasses and the last of leaves have fallen from the trees.
Holidays: Veteran’s Day is observed this year on Thursday, November 11th. Say a prayer for all of our brave soldiers who have served and who are serving today. Celebrate Thanksgiving on Thursday, November 25th with family and loved ones and remember all of
the things that we should be thankful for in our daily lives. Visit www.norbest.com for holiday recipes and creative leftover ideas
The Garden: Cut off dead tree limbs before winter storms hit. Cut back faded perennials as well. Plant balled and burlapped trees and shrubs now. Plant in a hole dug at least twice as wide as the root ball. Choose from Japanese Maples, Dogwoods, Hemlocks
and Hollies. Plant Camellias…the jewels of the winter garden! Try Yuletide, Apple Blossom and Setsugekka for beautiful blooms, too. Fertilize the lawn after growth slows but while grass is still green. For a green lawn all winter, plant annual Ryegrass now. Remember
that bird feeders bring lots of color and activity to the winter garden. Most experts recommend black oil sunflowers for general feeding.
J. Grubers' Thought for Today's Living:
"A wise man will often rely less on his own judgment and pay respect to the judgment of others"