"There is no instinct like that of the heart.
Lord Byron (1788-1824)
Mid-Atlantic Regional Weather Watch: Bitter cold (1,2,3,4,5,6) with light snow falling (7,8). Fair and cold (9,10,11) with not so cold temperatures (12,13, 14). More light snow or rain (15,16,17) turning fair but much colder (18,19,20,21,22,23). Watch out for a Nor'easter, with heavy
snow (24,25,26) with windy and cold and some flurries (27,28).
Full Moon: February's full moon has become often called the snow moon due to the great amounts of snow that fall in most regions. February's full moon will occur on February 28th at 11:38am.
Special Notes: Look for "Punxsutawney Phil" to make his yearly much anticipated prediction on the coming of Spring on Tuesday, February 2nd. It is also Candelmas Day, the Christian festival of lights, a day that was traditionally marked by the present of more candles then usual at
mass services. The additional candles not only provided more light but also it was truly believed in early times that they warded off misfortune, illness, and plague in the coming year. The US Weather Bureau was established on February 9, 1870 (a mere 73 years AFTER The Hagerstown Town & Country Almanack began
forecasting weather!).
Holidays: Shrove Tuesday falls on February 16th and marks the beginning of Mardi Gras. Ash Wednesday follows on February 17th. Valentine's Day is on Sunday, February 14th. Remember to do something really special for your sweetheart. The birthdays of Lincoln (Friday, February 12th) and
Washington (Monday, February 22nd) are both remembered on President's Day, Monday, February 15th.
The Garden: Dig vegetable plots, if not completed. Use well decomposed garden compost (be sure to give the asparagus beds an extra covering of that rich compost!). Begin to set out cool season vegetable plants in late February.
If the weather will allow, prune fruit trees prior to any new growth that will start soon (this cold weather can't last forever!) Also, you can prune roses, Oriental grasses, and other deciduous shrubs. Cut branches of flowering shrubs like forsythia, pussy willow, quince, and magnolia and
bring inside for forcing. Make sure to seal all cuts well. Stay away from birches and maple for now; they often bleed sap when cut this time of year. They should be pruned in late Summer or early Fall. Begin uncovering perennials, especially if you live in areas where Spring comes early. Remember to feed the birds!
J. Grubers' Thought for Today's Living:
"Though the light may often be seen at the end of the tunnel, remember that there's still plenty of digging to do"