"One day with life and heart is more than time enough to find a world"
James Russell Lowell (1819-1891)
Weather watch: warm and humid (1,2); fair but not so warm (3,4,5,6). Fair and mild continues (7,8,9) turning cloudy and a bit cooler
(10,11,12,13,14). Scattered showers and cool (15,1,17,18) with showers and storms (19,20,21). Windy and cool with scattered showers again (22,23,24). More fair
weather with very cool temperatures (25,26,27,28) turning cloudy and not so cold (29,30,31).
Tornado Watch: No tornado activity is forecasted this month.
Full moon: the full moon in October will occur on October 25h at 11:52pm and is the hunter's moon for 2007. It has also been known as
yellow leaf moon because of all of the leaves turning colors at this time of year. The Cree Indian tribe called it the moon of falling leaves because so many trees
lose the last of their leaves in October.
Special Notes: Many Fall Festivals are planned throughout the Mid-Atlantic Region. Be sure to check your local newspaper for
information about the ones nearest you. Many have contests for the best scarecrow or the scariest pumpkin. This is a great opportunity to spend quality time with your
children and help develop their imaginations and express their creativity (and your own, too!).
Holidays: Columbus is honored on Columbus Day on Monday, October 8th. United Nations Day falls on Wednesday, the 24th, and Halloween is
on Wednesday, October 31st. Don't be "tricked" into taking safety for granted so "treat" yourself and the young ones to safe and early-evening activities that will
end by dusk. Be sure to have older children wear reflective clothing (or costumes!) after dark. Be sure to check all treats when the children return.
The Garden: Now is the best time to have your soil tested. Treat the soil according to the results and it will be rejuvenated,
revitalized, and ready when the warm weather returns in the Spring. Cut back perennial foliage and shrubs to discourage winter pests. Leave flowers with seeds for the
birds. Shredded or mulched leaves, along with lawn clippings and dead plant stalks from the vegetable garden, make a fine addition to the compost heap.
J. Grubers' Thought for Today's Living:
"Life is a long journey and every step of the way must be accounted for"