O my Luve's like a red, red rose
That's newly sprung in June
Robert Burns (1759-1796)
Weather Watch: Fair and warm (1,2,3,4), turning warmer and stormy (5,6,7). Very warm with showers (8,9,10) with humid and even warmer
weather returning (11,12,13). Sever Storms and much cooler (14,15,16,17) with much warmer temperatures once again accompanied by scattered showers (18,19,20,21). Very
warm and Storms (22,23,24,25) followed with warm and humid temperatures and a possible tropical storm (26,27,28,29,30).
Tornado Watch: The Almanac sees no tornado activity in the month of June.
Full Moon: June's Full Moon occurs on June 30th at 8:49AM. Native Americans Native Americans often referred to it as the Full Rose Moon
because roses bloom near the beginning of the month. It is also called the Strawberry Moon because the first strawberries of the season become ripe for the picking at
this time.
Special Notes: June is graduation month for many students so be sure to honor your "favorite student" with a special gift or a
memorable event.
Holidays: Flag Day is celebrated on Thursday, June 14th so be sure to fly Old Glory with pride! Don't forget to remember dear old Dad
on his special day, Father's Day, which falls on Sunday, June 17th in 2007. Do something really nice for the "old man" like breakfast in bed, an outing to his
favorite sporting event, or a special dinner out.
The Garden: Transplant when the rainy season starts. Prune flowering shrubs after their flowers begin to fade. Continue to pinch flower
up until the beginning of July. Deadhead and remove fading leaves from spring bloomers. Remove fallen fruit form below tress to prevent insect egg laying. Remember
that working in the garden when plant leaves are wet can help spread many diseases. Wait until the foliage is dry before walking through the garden. Watch for
insects; wash them or pick them off plants before they can lay eggs and multiply. Check the underside of rose leaves for rose slugs. Watch for scale infestations on
Euonymus and pachysandra. Remember to cut flowers for fresh in-door arrangements early in the morning and they will stay fresher and more vibrant longer.
J. Grubers' Thought for Today's Living:
"Gardens are for all ages: to the young, for hope of the future; the elderly for fond memories of the past, and for those in between, the
rewards of a better life, now"