"I will honor Christmas in my heart, and try and keep it all year"
Charles Dickens (1812-1870)
Weather Watch: Rain, sleet, and snow (1,2,3,4). Fair and cool (5,6,7,8) with snow and stormy weather returning (9,10,11,12). Windy,
cold and snow flurries (13,14,15,16); Fair and cold once again (17,18,19) with still more snow or rain (20,21,22). Fair and cold (23,24,25,26) turning cloudy and
remaining cold (27,28,29). The month ends with snow or rain (30,31).
Tornado Watch: No tornado activity forecasted for the Mid-Atlantic Region in December.
Full Moon: December's full moon will occur on Sunday, the 23rd at 8:16 pm. Native Americans referred to December's full moon as the
Cold Moon (for obvious reasons!). It also has been known as the Beaver Moon and sometimes ice-forming moon because beavers are quite busy trying to complete their
dams and lodges before winter sets in and because ice starts to appear on lakes and ponds at this time of year.
Special Notes: This year, make an effort to volunteer at a local hospital, nursing home, or community shelter. The good will that you
extend to those often forgotten during the holiday season will make them (and you!) truly feel the holiday spirit!
Holidays: Celebrate Christmas on Monday, December 25th and have a wonderful and safe New Year! Get together with family and friends and
watch classic Christmas movies such as Miracle on 34th Street, A Christmas Carol (the 1951 version with Alistair Sim is the best), White Christmas, and the very
funny, The Christmas Story (written by humorist, Jean Shepard).
The Garden: If you can get to them, harvest any remaining root crops. Be careful not to step on the soil as that will compact it and
damage its structure. Rake up all leaves and place them on a compost heap. If left on paths they become a hazard when the colder weather comes. When cutting large
branches from trees, start underneath and cut about halfway through. Then cut from above and there will be no tearing. When cutting evergreen foliage from the garden
for Christmas decor, cut just above a bud. This ensures that no spurs will be left to encourage decay. Keep your hedges trimmed with a rounded top so that the snow
won't collect and break branches. If you need a new lawn mower, now is the time to look around for bargains. Start rotating your houseplants so they get equal light
on all sides.
J. Grubers' Thought for Today's Living:
"Never let day go by that you don't give more to your fellow man and your community then you receive."