Mohandas Gandhi (1869-1948)
For the month of July, temperatures will be above average with Precipitation to be below average.
Weather watch: Fair, with increasing heat, haze, and humidity (1,2,3,4,5). Showers and storms (6,7) with warm and humid temperatures (8,9,10,11). More showers and storms (12,13) and more hot, hazy, and humid weather
(14,15,16,17,18,19,20). Rain and stormy (21,22,23) and even more hot hazy and humid days (24,25). Storms and hot (26,27) with weather turning fair and hot (28,29,30,31).
Tornado watch: Minor tornado activity is forecasted for the month of July on or about the 21st through to the 23rd.
Full moon: The native Americans first named it the thunder moon because of the thunderstorms that were most severe during this time of year. It is also known as the buck moon because of the rapid growth of antlers in young bucks
during this period. July's full moon will occur on the 21st at 6:00 am.
Special notes: Look for those ol' dog days of summer to begin on the 3rd! For those that are counting, on July 4th, 2005, we celebrate the 229th year of our grand union. This year also marks the Hagerstown Town & Country Almanack's
209th year of continuous publication (since 1787).
Holidays: Celebrate the 4th safely. If planning a cookout, check out the grill thoroughly and every aspect of its operation when you replace the propane tank. Check all hoses, couplings, gauges, and the burner jets for undue wear,
malfunction, or clogs. To avoid a fire, be sure the grill surfaces are well scrubbed and clean of any grease. If planning to be outdoors for an extended period of time, remember to take along sunscreen with a rating of spf 15 or higher and remember to apply
frequently to yourself and children especially if swimming.
The garden: Repot houseplants that have been kept outdoors if roots start to crowd their containers. If you have to divide plants, give them a chance to recover from having their roots disturbed by keeping them in the shade for at
least a week. During the dry summer months, remember to mow the lawn when it is high and mow less often. Taller grass withstands drought better because the blades shade the soil.
The Grubers' thought for today's living:
"Do not regard liberty and freedom so lightly that you forget its value and take it for granted"