Non-Profit Internet Source for News, Events, History, & Culture of Northern Frederick & Carroll County Md./Southern Adams County Pa.


 December 2005

"I will honor Christmas in my heart, and try and keep it all year"
                                Charles dickens (1812-1870) 

For the month of December, temperatures will be average with Precipitation to be average.

Weather watch: light snow or rain (1,2) turning fair and cold (3,4). Rain or snow but milder temperatures (5,6,7); fair and cool (8,9,10) with more rain or snow (11,12,13,14). Windy and cold (15,16,17,18) with snow or rain (19,20). Fair and cold again (21,22,23) with windy weather, light snow or Rain (24,25,26). Fair and rather cold (27,28,29,30) with snow (31).

Tornado watch: the Almanack foresees not tornado activity in the month of December

Full moon: December's full moon has often been referred to as the beaver moon and ice-forming moon when beavers finish their dams and ice starts to form on the water. It also has been called cold moon because of the arrival of cold weather to the northern hemisphere at this time. In 2005, December's full moon rises on the 15th at 11:15am.

Special notes: if sending Christmas packages through the mail or shipping, make sure to notify recipients when the can expect packages to arrive. Keep all tracking information provided by shipper (USP, UPS, Fedex, Airborne, ect) and be sure to use their tracking capability on the internet to ensure safe arrival of all gifts

Holidays: season's greetings from the Hagerstown town & country Almanack! Thanks to everyone who has continued to support us over the years. Have a very merry Christmas and a safe and prosperous new year that brings good health, a full heart, and renewed hopes. Remember those less fortunate with a simple act of kindness and contribute to your favorite local charity.

The garden: adopt a poinsettia this season! You won't find a more colorful or festive plant anywhere. Place in warm, sunny room and check soil frequently. To enjoy again for another season, stop watering and store in a cool place after the leaves have fallen off. In the spring, water and cut stems back to 6" tall. Pinch back the stems as new leaves grow creating a short, compact plant. From October until blooming starts, keep plant in dark closet for 12 hours each night. Expose to sunlight or grow lights for the other 12 and you will be rewarded with bright, beautiful poinsettia blooms!

J. grubers' thought for today's living:

"To give of yourself is perhaps the most precious gift of all".

Index of Past Month's Entries