Weather Watch:
Fair and rather cold (1,2,3). Snow or rain
(4,5,6) turning windy and colder (7,8,9).
More snow and rain (10,11) with flurries
continuing (12,13). Light snow or rain
(14,15,16) turning fair and cooler (17,18).
More light snow or rain and windy (19,20);
Fair and cool (21,22) with heavy rain or
snow (23,24,25,26. Rain or flurries and much
colder (27,28,29).
Tornado Watch:
There is no tornado activity foreseen for
the month.
Full Moon:
February's Full Moon Has Become Known as the
Snow Moon
Because Snow Was
Deepest in Certain Parts of the World During
this Month.
It Has Also Been
Called the Hunger Moon Because of the
Difficulty in Finding Food. February's Full
Moon Will Occur on the 19th.
Special Notes:
Take advantage of reduced prices on snow
shovels, unsold chocolate, and picture
frames. Be careful when you enjoy winter
sports. If skiing, be sure to check that
bindings are set properly for your height
and weight. When snowboarding, always wear a
helmet and wrist guards and, if sledding, be
sure to check for rocks and debris and NEVER
sled on slopes that end at a street, parking
lot, drop-off, or a body of water.
Remember that February, 2004 is a Leap Year
and to plan on twenty-nine days for the
month. Watch for "Punxsutawney Phil" to make
his prediction on the coming of spring on
Ground Hog Day, Monday, February 2nd. Do
something special for your sweetheart on
Valentine's Day, Saturday, February 14th and
be sure to honor Washington and Lincoln on
President's Day, Monday, the 16th. February
10th through the 16th is National Pancake
The Garden:
Be patient…… Spring is right around the
corner (despite the cold weather, snow, and
freezing rain!). Begin uncovering
perennials, especially if you live in areas
where Spring comes early. Don't get rid of
evergreen boughs or old blankets, though.
You may need them to protect plants for that
late-winter blizzard.
J. Grubers' Thought
for Today's Living: "There's beauty all
around us when there's love at home".