For the month of
December, Temperatures will be Average with
Precipitation to be Average as well.
Weather Watch:
Flurries or sprinkles (1) with fair and cool
weather (2,3). Colder with light rain or
snow (4,5,6), turning fair and cold (7,8).
Freezing rain or snow (9,10) returning to
fair and cold (11,12). More rain or snow
(13,14) with fair and colder temperatures
(15,16) with yet again, more snow or rain
showers (17,18,19). Fair and cold (20,21,22)
with snow or rain returning (23,24). Cool
with fair skies (25,26) with periods of snow
or rain (27,28,29). The month ends with
windy, fair but cold weather (30,31).
Tornado Watch:
No tornado activity forecasted for the month
of December.
Full Moon:
With the rapid approach of cold weather in
the Northern Hemisphere, December's Full
Moon has been called Cold Moon. Also known
as the Beaver Moon and sometimes Ice-forming
Moon because beavers are finishing up their
dams and ice is starting to form on the
water. December's Full Moon will occur on
the 26th at 10:06 AM.
Special Notes:
Remember those less fortunate this year with
a simple act of kindness. Contribute to your
favorite charity. Volunteer your time and
help make someone's holiday special in some
small way if you can't afford to contribute
with money. Remember, if sending Christmas
packages through the mail, be sure to mail
them early and notify the recipients when
the packages should arrive.
Chanukah starts on Wednesday, December 8th
and continues until the 15th. Asarah B'Tevet
is celebrated on the 22nd. Celebrate
Christmas Day with family and friends on
Saturday, December 25th but try to keep that
giving spirit alive throughout the coming
year. Have a Merry Christmas and above all,
a safe and Happy New Year!
The Garden:
Outdoors, spray evergreens, Christmas trees,
and treasured plants with anti-transpirant
spray. Save wood ashes to add to soil in
spring. Use herbicide for winter weed
control when lawns are dormant.
J. Grubers' Thought
for Today's Living: "To give of yourself is
perhaps the most precious gift of all".