The first mural, commissioned in 1980, adorned the town meeting room in City Hall. Conceived by city manager Neal Powell (1921–2002) and painted by artist Emily Hahn, it portrayed a lively street scene in Taneytown circa 1903. Figures in period attire—long dresses, high collars, and bonnets—conveyed the era's charm, while details like a man on horseback and a struggling musician added movement and life to the scene.
With the assistance of a local historian, Powell ensured historical accuracy, incorporating landmarks like the Buffington Building and former locations of a bank, drugstore, and post office. The artist created this mural to connect residents to their past. At its dedication on July 1, 1999, Powell highlighted its significance, calling it "a neat idea" to preserve history visually. Unfortunately, over time, the building underwent renovations that resulted in the mural's removal, with no effort being made to restore or preserve it. This loss marked a significant blow to the town's historical preservation efforts, leaving a void in our shared history that we must strive to fill.
The second mural, commissioned in 2001, revived a vintage advertisement for Zile's Ice Cream, once visible on the side of the building now serving as City Hall. Painted by artist Lewis Schlitt, the mural featured a colorful depiction of a fudge sundae and four classic ice cream cones—vanilla, chocolate, strawberry, and mint—alongside Zile's name. In 1927, Roy Strine (1886-1971) painted the original sign for Burke's Barber Shop. It remained hidden for decades until they rediscovered it in the early 1990s following the demolition of a neighboring building.
Zile's Ice Cream, founded in 1880 by Howard M. Zile (1848-1906), became a local favorite. By 1905, Zile's son Arthur (1885-1958) expanded the business to Westminster, eventually merging with Newman Ice Cream and later Borden. In Taneytown, the Central Hotel's owners, John Leister (1891-1945) and William Reindollar "W. Rein" Motter (1886-1945), commissioned the original sign to attract travelers, further embedding Zile's Ice Cream into the town's history.
The 2001 mural restoration, funded by a $6,000 grant from Maryland's Main Street Improvement Program, symbolized Taneytown's commitment to revitalizing its downtown. The unveiling ceremony in May 2002 celebrated the mural as a tribute to the town's roots. Alice Unger (1925-2020), whose grandfather Roy Strine painted the original advertisement, attended the event and reflected on the project's importance. "It's wonderful to see this piece of history brought back to life," she said, emphasizing its connection to both her family's legacy and the town's cultural heritage.
Unfortunately, the Zile's mural has since fallen into disrepair, becoming an eyesore. As the Taneytown City Council prepares to meet at the end of January 2025 to discuss Main Street's future, there is hope that the newly formed Main Street Committee might prioritize restoring this mural as part of its efforts.
These murals were more than decorative—they embodied Taneytown's pride and spirit, blending art and history to engage the community and deepen its appreciation of the past. A town official once remarked that "the murals are a testament to the pride of the citizens and the spirit of Taneytown," underscoring their significant role in preserving local heritage and fostering a sense of belonging and shared identity among us.
The 1903 street scene mural invited residents to step back in time, while the Zile's Ice Cream mural brought a touch of nostalgia to the town's streetscape. Together, they celebrated Taneytown's rich history and highlighted the role of public art in fostering community pride.
As Taneytown grows, losing one mural and the deterioration of the other highlights the challenges of maintaining connections to its past. Restoring and preserving these artworks is not just a desire, but a necessity. It would be a meaningful step toward revitalizing community pride and ensuring that Taneytown's history remains a cherished legacy for generations to come.