A letter, at the end of
which I noticed our marching orders from Goose Creek,
Virginia, I gave to a gentleman who has left us for
Washington. Since then, we have left the deserted fields
of Virginia and come to a smiling, happy, thrifty land,
to Maryland. We marched to Edward's Ferry day before
yesterday and remained there until four o'clock
yesterday, when we resumed our march.
We crossed the river on
a pontoon bridge and marched through a land of exquisite
rural beauty, such farms, such fields of heavy
grain-some gathered - some ripening - at one place
already bending under the reaper's cradle; the
meandering river, the ranges of hills or mountains, it
did the eye good to look upon them and made our very
hearts happy. Of course, we suffered no want. We had an
excellent dinner at a large farm house.
We camped outside the
pleasant little village of Jefferson about dark, and
took our headquarters at a farm house. It is a large
brick one, two parlors thrown open to the Major General
and his staff. We had a good supper and breakfast and I
feel ready to start again. The rebels are said to be at
South Mountain, ten miles from here, and we are marching
that way. Before this reaches you, you will probably
have news of a battle near by. Middletown, June 27th,
We came to this place,
arriving at about 6 P.M. It is a small town of decidedly
Union sentiments; as we came through, flags were
displayed, ladies appeared at the windows waved
handkerchiefs, and everywhere we see manifestations of
pleasure at our appearance. We are stopping at the house
of a miller, the proprietor of two mills, whose name is
Miller. The rebels are said to be moving northward. Our
stay here will only be long enough to concentrate our
army and, as several corps arrived to-day, it is likely
that we will go to-morrow.
I think, if we have an
engagement here or anywhere north, our soldiers will
fight with great courage; it cannot be otherwise. The
entire population, who treat them so kindly, will
anxiously look on to shower upon them benedictions for
victory, but scorn and indignation for defeat; the soft
beams of sympathy which have smiled upon them has
already brought a new spirit into the army. You should
see them as they come from the village or a neighboring
farm house, laden with bread and milk and pies.
The whole female
population is baking, and they sell to the soldiers with
pleasure at very moderate prices. A number of the
neighbors have come in and tendered their services as
guides and scouts; it is evident that we will have one
great advantage, that of reliable in formation in
fighting in our own country. If we march to-morrow, we
will probably go to Hagerstown. Lee is said to have left
that place yesterday. We are here, right by the battle
field of South Mountain many of the shells went into the
house where we are. Mr. Miller himself, as he says, bore
a conspicuous part in that battle, acting as guide, as
also in a subsequent battle, that of Antietam.
Letter #70 -
Emmitsburg, June 29th, 1863.
While we were at dinner
yesterday, the order came to take up our tents at once
and march to Frederick; it was pretty late when we
started and we were much delayed by other troops and
trains on the road, so that we did not arrive at our
camping ground until near nine o'clock. The Town of
Middletown is situated in a valley between the South
Mountain and the Catoctin Range, we crossed the latter
to come to Frederick, and from the heights that valley
presented the most beautiful scene I have ever
We stopped last night
at a palatial mansion about a mile from Frederick. There
were two young ladies there whose conversation seemed to
delight two musical members of our staff; a very fine
piano was played by the skilful hands of some of our
officers for an hour, and then we composed ourselves to
sleep on a large covered stoop in front of the house, to
get up again at three A.M. At that hour reveille was
sounded and we jumped up. I had not long been dressed
when I was sent off to the other divisions, and when I
returned our division was started.
Breakfast was over. We
marched over twenty miles and it rained. we arrived at
Emmetsburg at 6 P.M. and, after we had located our
troops here, about a mile from the village, and attended
to other necessary business, General Schurz and some of
us rode through the village. The 1st corps was just
passing through and there was a good deal of enthusiasm
displayed. A large portion of the place is in ruins,
having been destroyed by fire; expensive buildings of
the Catholic Church, convents, etc., occupy very fine
grounds on the limits of the place; not far from here
too, at the foot of the mountains, there is Saint Mary's
College, said to be the oldest college in the
We are ordered to march
again at daylight to-morrow; that will take us into
Pennsylvania. Our whole army was collected near
Frederick last night, and it is no longer under the
command of General Hooker, but of General Meade. It can
be but a few days before we will meet the enemy,
probably this week. Who knows but the decisive battle of
this war may be fought on the 4th of July. It is 9 P.M.
Have only had one meal to-day and am very hungry and
must try and get something to eat before I lie down.
Letter #71 June 30th,
Just about the time for
reveille to sound, according to previous orders, orders
were received at the headquarters countermanding our
orders to march. We were not sorry to be allowed to
sleep a couple of hours longer. We changed our camp this
morning and came to the Sisterhood, to which I alluded
last night. It is a wealthy institution of the Sisters
of Charity, connected with Saint Joseph's Academy.
The grounds and
buildings are very extensive. We just went through the
school building under the guidance of Father Vorlando,
who has charge of the whole and is I believe the head of
the institution of the Sisters of Charity of the United
States. He is a very refined, gentlemanly and
accomplished Italian priest. One of the Sisters, an
accomplished lady, accompanied us also. This institution
is magnificent, and yet everything quite simple; we saw
everything, even the sleeping room of the school girls;
it is vacation, and at present most of the scholars
Our headquarters are on
the ground in a house of the Sisters; it is quite a
large frame house and we have the entire ground floor.
The furniture is confined to tables, benches and chairs.
Father Vorlando tells me that it was once used for an
Orphan Asylum, and is not now devoted to any particular
use but kept as a refuge for the houseless. When
forty-two families of the village were made homeless by
the fire of three weeks ago, this house offered them
shelter, and a few of the families are still here. The
Sisters gave us a very good dinner to-day, which all
enjoyed heartily. It is said that the rebels are
marching upon Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, that is the
place that we intended to go to to-day; if they do march
upon It, they are coming directly towards us. It has
been raining the greater part of the day. The air is
very moist, and showers are still impending.
Letter #72 July 4th,
In three days' hard
fighting we have whipped the rebels terribly; they've
fled. We now start in pursuit I am saved from all harm,
and that is all I can tell you now.
Letter #73 Battle of
Gettysburg, Emmetsburg, Md., July 6th, 1863.
Back again in the
hospitable mansion of the Sisterhood, where I wrote my
last letter to you, except the little note of the 4th
inst. It will be a week tomorrow since I wrote to you
here before. The battle that was then impending has come
off, has come off fiercely, virulently.
It swept away many of
our men, of our bravest and best; it has told with
terrible force upon the enemy and driven the rebel
invader from northern soil. I thank God for having come
safely out from the danger that environed me. Let me
tell you, as near as I can, how it was. The order came
last Wednesday morning to march for Gettysburg at seven
A.M.: we started accordingly, our division having the
The distance by the
road is about thirteen miles; we had gotten half way
when we heard firing in front-a little to the left-it
was the same kind of firing that we have heard very
often on our marches of late, and we attributed it to a
cavalry fight. I was riding a little in advance of our
column with Captain Dilger, who commands a battery in
our division, one of the best artillery officers in the
service. An aid from General Howard coming back met us
and told us there was a high point about a mile to the
left of the road where the ring could be seen plainly.
Captain Dilger and my self concluded to go and take a
look at it. We turned to the left and had ridden but a
little ways when we noticed that all was quiet again,
and therefore went no further.
Before we got back to
the road we found several splendid cherry trees laden
with ripe cherries and stopped to eat. When we rode
back, we came to the head of the column and found that
General Schurz was ahead. The firing had re-opened and
became quite fierce; we soon learned that there was a
battle going on on the other side of Gettysburg, and we
hastened to overtake General Schurz. Just as we got to
the edge of the village, one of our staff officers met
us and told us that General Reynolds had fallen and
General Howard taken command of the wing of the army
which the latter had commanded, and General Schurz was
in command of the corps.
I rode into the town
and out on the other side, where the first corps was
engaged and joined General S. It must have been about
noon when our corps became engaged. General Reynolds had
arrived there some hours before with the 1st Corps, and
a small force of cavalry, and had immediately driven
what rebels there were out of the town and advanced to
the other side and engaged the enemy. This movement,
when no other troops were within immediate supporting
distance and when only one more corps, the 11th, was
able to come to his assistance at all, was certainly
very rash and inconsiderate. Our men were very tired
when they got there; they had marched a great distance
at a very rapid rate through deep mud and we met with
heavy showers.
They were brought into
action at once. The third division first, the first
division on its right, the second was kept in reserve.
Captain Dilger's battery was brought to the extreme
front and did splendid work, so also another of our
batteries; all of our troops behaved well and maintained
their position against superior numbers; but at last the
rebel forces came too strongly on their flanks and they
had to retreat. General Schurz had sent for a brigade of
the 2nd Division to come to his support, and as a severe
attack on our right flank became imminent sent me to
hurry it up.
I dashed through the
town to the other side, where the reserves were
stationed, as fast as my horse could carry me, and when
I came up there the brigade had not yet started. I urged
haste impetuously, and it set in motion at once. I rode
ahead and met General Schurz just in time; just in sight
of the town, on the north side, the 1st Division, in a
retreat less orderly than it should have been, was
crowding the sidewalk on both sides. I asked General
Schurz what it meant.
The 1st Division had
fallen back in confusion and all was in full retreat. I
showed him the reenforcement who were marching on
rapidly; he then turned around and lead this column a
little beyond the village and had them deploy to the
right of the road, where the rebels were advancing very
strongly. In the outskirts and on the left of the line
thus formed, were found the remnants of the 2nd brigade
of our 3rd Division, and among them thirty-two men with
the colors of the 26th Wisconsin, but without any
officer; we rode by them and they called out to me and,
with the General's permission, I sent my horse away and
took command of this gallant squad.
Two men of Company B
had saved the colors. I formed my little band in two
ranks and had them sit down in the road. It was useless,
of course, to try to resist the long rebel forces that
were then approaching, but we could delay them and thus
ensure a safe retreat to the rest of our troops. I here
were three fresh regiments on our right, and there were
one hundred to one hundred and fifty men of our brigade.
While we were there, the rest of the brigade left me; I
suppose it was just as well, we could perhaps do no
good, but there was a brigade of infantry still on our
right and I had no orders to fall back.
So, when several of my
men rose to follow the rest of the brigade, I told them
to stay; they did stay. The brigade on our right was a
little further out than we were and received all the
attention of the enemy. My men crouched down, but I
stood by them and saw all that was going on. We were not
fired upon and I had an excellent opportunity to look
on. There was a long line of battle approaching on each
side of the road; that on the left had nothing opposed
to it; that on the right was met with the brigade of the
2nd Division, but this brigade, of course, had to fall
back at once, and as it did so and the others of our
brigade had just left me, I saw an aid of Colonel K's,
our brigade commander, and called out to him to let me
know what my orders were. He answered to "fall
back"; we fell back a little. There was a little
white cottage where the little remnant of our brigade
went into the yard and from there fired another volley
at the advancing line of the right flank. My men went
in, fired, and then followed the rest, running into the
All this occurred
within a very short time. I saw them going; it was
useless to attempt- useless to hold them-useless to stay
there, but I was enraged; I felt furious when I saw the
1st Division all crowding the sidewalks; think of it, it
was a northern village. I had ridden up and down its
streets from one end to the other three times that day
and everywhere there were manifestations of joy;
handkerchiefs were waving everywhere, and ladies stood
in the streets offering refreshments to the soldiers as
they passed. It seemed so awful to march back through
those same streets whipped and beaten. It was the most
humiliating step I ever took. I saw my men leave me; I
saw the brigade on the right go back, but I could not at
once make up my mind to go. I stood in the middle of the
street and saw the rebels coming; they didn't then fire
at me; my first impulse was to stay there and let them
fire and hit me if they could. I had no weapon but my
saber, but I felt defiant.
We retreated to a high
hill on the south side of the village where our position
had been selected and there, under the protection of our
strong artillery force, took a defensive position. If we
don't march, I will continue this letter to-morrow. I
only had two and a half hours' sleep last night; in fact
we have not had a single night's proper rest since we
left this house.
Letter #74 Middletown,
Md., July 8th, 1863.
It was impossible to
continue my letter to you yesterday, for we started on
the march at four o' clock A.M., and marched full thirty
miles, arriving at this place after nine o'clock at
night, in a furious rain that drenched us to the skin,
but we have a nice place for headquarters here, a large
brick house of Mr. Kugel's, a true Union man. His wife
and himself and two daughters do all they can for the
soldiers. I had a nice, clean, white bed to sleep in
last night and I assure you it was a luxury. We shall
remain here to-day. The corps are just coming in. The
army is concentrated to push upon the enemy, if he shall
be found on this side of the river, but it would seem
that he has some bridges left and will probably succeed
in making his exit.
I intended, at first,
to give you a full account of the battle of Gettysburg
as I saw it, but I have not paper enough to do it upon.
I hate now to return to the dreadful scenes of strife.
The first day's fight, which I have already described,
was the one in which our corps was principally engaged.
We sent some of our forces to re-enforce the extreme
right on Thursday; I went a little way with one brigade
to show them the place where they should go. Both
Thursday and Friday afternoons, a terrible cannonade was
directed upon Cemetery Hill, where we were, and the
shell and shot fairly danced about us; one shell came
very near General Schurz.
It is strange indeed
that more casualties did not happen at that time. Many
horses were killed, mine got a big piece of shell right
through his neck. It knocked him down, but he got up
again and lives. I was not on him at the time. The
distances were so short on Cemetery Hill that it was
more convenient to serve on foot than on horseback. It
was a hard few days on the Hill. We were with little
food, had no rest, and an intense excitement all the
time; we were where we could see the fierce struggles on
our right and on our left, and how anxiously we watched
them. If they had broken our lines, all would have been
lost, and sometimes they came so very near, but our
Generals were watchful and whenever our lines were
closely pressed, wherever they were giving way, there,
just before the critical moment arrived, we would see
the serried ranks of the reserve march up and re-enforce
our lines and drive the rebels back.
They were beaten,
terribly beaten, and on Friday night retreated. On
Saturday morning nothing was seen of them nearer than
the mountains on the opposite side of the town. Their
sharp-shooters, extending to the borders of the town,
some movements took place on the part of our army, but
just what they were, I don't know. Our corps remained
until Sunday night, when we started on a horribly muddy
road, marched till twelve o'clock at night, when we
found ourselves five or six miles from Cemetery Hill;
that was a beautiful cemetery when we entered it, but it
has been terribly disfigured. The lieutenant colonel and
major were both wounded.
The former had a leg
amputated, the latter's wound is slight. Captain Lackner
was also wounded in the leg, but not seriously; he will
go home and recover in a short time. The 26th has only
about two hundred and thirty men fit for duty just now.
A number, I believe, have been taken prisoners. I hope
we will have another battle this side of the river; we
can concentrate a large force and, if their retreat is
cut off, we can give the rebels a blow which will go far
to end the war. We received news of the fall of
Vicksburg last night, butt am afraid to believe it, lest
we will be disappointed again.