100 Years Ago This Month
June 1917
June 1
Seven Enlist
Today was recruiting day in Emmitsburg for Company A, of Frederick, the Company of the First Regiment, M. N. G. The recruiters made their headquarters at the Chronicle offices. Almost on the stroke of the appointed hour, the first recruit, Francis Xavier Elder, presented himself and after preliminary examinations was accepted. Closely followed him
came Joseph Felix, Joseph Adelsberger, Robert Reifsnider, Benjamin Topper, George Waggerman, and Louis Stoner.
This little squad of red-blooded patriots then left for Frederick for the more rigid examination by the company's doctor, and all passed and were qualified except Reifsnider, who, much to his regret and that of his friends, failed to measure up to the required height. These six, since their return, have been receiving congratulations for their manly
actions. Emmitsburg is proud of them and of the honor thus conferred on the district by their actions.

Back row (from left to right) - Benjamin Topper, Francis Elder, Joseph Adelsberger.
Front row - Joseph Felix, George Wagermam, Lewis Stoner.
Defense League Notice
As the date for the regular meeting of the Defense League conflicts with the date chosen for the card party to benefit the Red Cross, there will be no meeting of the Defense League this week.
Roterings Robbed
Using a long ladder and making an entrance through the second story window, thieves entered the clothing and furnishings store of C. F. Rotering Wednesday night and made away with clothing and furnished goods valued at several hundred dollars.
The heavy locks and iron bars on the doors and windows on the first floor prevented operating where most of the stock is kept, and to avoid detection while at work the robbers chose the side window shadowed by the Methodist Church. They broke the bolts, removed the sash and stepped over the lower frame into the stock room. There they sorted out only
such goods as appealed to them, being particular to take only sizes that were suitable to their own needs. Among the “swag” taken were bathrobes, suits, sweaters, stockings and neckties, leaving a host of things that might easily have been converted into cash. The store was open as usual on Thursday, and as no one had occasion to go to the stockroom
the robbery was not detected until a passerby noticed the window and the ladder resting against the wall and alerted the store clerk.
June 8
Five More Volunteers
Delighted with the success on the previous Tuesday, the recruiting squad of Company A, First Regiment, M.N.G, returned to Emmitsburg and signed up five more boys. They included Clarence Myers, Charles Sharrer, Caroll McCleaf, Earl Weikert and Frnak Bouey. Quinn Topper and William Bowling enlisted in the regular service. Simon Klosky has enlisted in
the aviation Corps.
Red Cross Benefit A Success
The Finch and Five Hundred card party given under the auspices of the Woman's Auxiliary of the National Defense League in the parlor and dining room of the New Slagle Hotel last evening proved to be a fine success, socially and financially. Attended by about 75 persons, it yielded the Association nearly $50. The rooms were very appropriately
decorated with flags and the national colors. There were large red cardboard crosses, and for favors each person was given a tiny flag. A goodly number of out-of-town guests were present. Refreshments were served, consisting of lemonade and fancy cookies.
Mrs. Jacob Eiker
Mrs. Carrie Eiker, wife of Jacob Eiker, died at her home near Fairfield Tuesday afternoon from a stroke of apoplexy. She was 37. She leaves her husband and six children, all at home, also her father, who she was caring for.
Registration Day In Emmitsburg
Tuesday was registration day for boys eligible in the selective draft. In Emmitsburg’s precinct 1, 192 whites and three colored were registered; and in precinct 2 there were 95 whites, making a total from both precincts of 286. Those who registered should carry the cards wherever they go. Under the law, any officer has the power to stop anyone whom
they think is of eligible age and demand to see his registration card. If this evidence is not available the person is liable to be arrested.
June 15
Road Workers Strike
A strike for higher wages among the men working on the state road between Emmitsburg and Taneytown took place. The strike was nipped in the bud when all the men were fired on the spot and new workers were brought in.
Henry Crouse
Henry Crouse died Wednesday evening from injuries sustained by being thrown under a land roller and drug several hundred yards. The action occured Tuesday afternoon while working on the state road between Emmitsburg and Taneytown. Crouse had only joined the crew a few hours earlier after the first crew had been fired and had no experience working the
land roller.
House Destroyed By Fire
Fire of unknown origin on Saturday night completely destroyed a tenant’s house near Creagerstown. The loss is estimated at about $1,700. The house was a two-story, constructed of stone. In the morning nothing but the walls were standing. Every piece of wood is burned. How the blaze originated is not known, as the tenant stated that when he left for
Frederick early in the evening, the place was unoccupied and there was no fire in the stove. It was shortly after 10 o’clock when the blaze was discovered and an alarm sounded. The tenants were only able to save the clothing they wore on their backs.
June 22
People Of Emmitsburg Rise To The Occasion
The big and very successful patriotic meeting held in the Square Wednesday night leaves no doubt as to the interest of the people of Emmitsburg in the efforts of the government to make good on the sale of liberty bonds. More than 500 people listened intently to the practical presentation of Liberty Bonds. The enthusiastic crowd that listened to the
speakers, each of who was time and time again interrupted by rounds of applause.
Through the courtesy of Mr. Elder, the commodious porch of the Hotel Spangler was placed at the disposal of the committee. Before the introductions of the speakers and between and after each speech, the Emmit Coronet Band played patriotic songs. The porch of the hotel was appropriately decorated and on either side of the speakers, Lewis Stoner and
Frank Elder, in khaki uniforms, held the stars and stripes. These boys are presently recruits from the District, which Emmitsburg is justly proud.
Cooking, Canning, And Drying
On Thursday, July 5, there will be a free demonstration of a very practical, helpful talk on food conservation at the school auditorium by a government expert. Everyone is invited, men as well as women.
As food conservation is one of the most important factors in the war and as the government has worked out special plans for canning and drying fruit and preparing vegetables for proper preservation, it will be to the advantage of all housekeepers in Emmitsburg and the surrounding districts to hear this lecture and witness the demonstration.
June 29
Boozer’s Protest Probation Elements Of Food Bill
Members of the Former Former Boozers Association turned out on force Thursday night on the Square protesting current wording in the National Food Bill now before the Senate, prohibiting the use of all grains for the production of fermented liquors and beer. The speakers lucidly pointed out that just last month the Government had instituted a tax on
alcohol consumption to help fund the war effort. The speakers pointed to the thoroughly inebriated crowd and congratulated them doing their upmost to raise as much tax revenue as possible. Nearly drowned out by boos and chants of “down with suffragettes,” the speakers warned that if the Food Law prohibiting the production of alcohol products was
passed, the German’s would soon be marching down Main Street. Upon conclusion of the speeches, the Boozers retreated into the Hotel Slagel’s Saloon and went to work generating tax revenue for the war effort.
Thurmont Suffers Fire Loss
Fire of mysterious origins wrecked the property on the corner of Church and West Main Street in Thurmont. A store, barbershop, and bowling alleys and poolroom, all tenants in the building, suffered heavy losses by the fire. The fire is the third on the property within a year and there have been a number of reports spread as to the origin, but no
confirmation can be secured.
Wisotzkey Brothers, a confectioner, occupied the corner store in the building. They succeeded in saving most of their goods. It is estimated their loss will be between $500 and $600. The barbershop and bowling alleys were conducted by Quinn Florence. He suffered a total loss. The poolroom was run by Morris Albaugh. His loss too, was practically a
total one. William Henshaw, who has a tiny shop, and William Hahn, meat store, also tenants in the building, have practically no loss.
The fire was discovered about two o'clock Tuesday morning, the blaze being detected in the rear of the barbershop, near the bowling alleys. A general alarm was given and a great crowd of people was attracted to the scene and rendered assistance. The fire was not brought under control until around 5:30.
Town To Cede Control Of Roads To State
An ordinance, granting to the State of Maryland the public easement of Frederick, Gettysburg and East and West Main Streets, has been approved by the Commissioners of Emmitsburg. The ordinance was necessary to formally relinquish to the State the roads as part of the state’s effort to construct highways. Henceforth, the State of Maryland will be
responsible for the maintenance of these roads.
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